Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-01-07 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome - Wednesday 7th January 2009 - Post 709 - Ciao Bella!

Ciao, darlings! It’s Emma here, back with another instalment from the eternal city - Rome! My oh my, this place is truly a feast for the senses, from the history whispering around every corner, the glorious food, and the fabulous fashion! It's no wonder the Roman Empire lasted so long; there's just something about this city that makes you want to linger.

This week, as always, I've been busy exploring the city, taking in the sights, sounds, and, of course, the amazing street style! The Romans are certainly not shy when it comes to expressing their sartorial flair, and let me tell you, there's an absolute plethora of fantastic outfits, many of which give even the most flamboyant street-style snaps in Paris a run for their money.

But let's be honest, I can't talk about Rome without talking about the Colosseum! Yes, darling, the very same gladiator-filled amphitheater that holds such a huge place in our history! I spent a long afternoon lost in awe at the sheer size and magnificence of this iconic landmark. I tried to imagine what it was like to have thousands of spectators crammed into the arena, roaring with excitement at the battles unfolding below. It was an incredible experience!

Speaking of experiences, a bit of a highlight of my week was my trip to the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, the grand opera house of the city. This magnificent building oozes history and glamour, and seeing a performance there was pure magic. I can't tell you just how much it filled my soul with joy, and to be honest, even the fact it's not as pink as I'd hoped is easily forgiven.

Another fantastic part of my time here in Rome has been all the beautiful walks I've been taking! From the charming cobblestone streets of the Trastevere neighborhood to the vibrant energy of the Campo de' Fiori, I've found hidden gems and delightful street performances at every turn. And yes, there are so many stunning cafes in every corner you could imagine! One afternoon, while sipping a divine cappuccino on the Spanish Steps (I mean, really, who can resist?), I saw the most extraordinary display of street art that would give Banksy a run for his money! It was a whirlwind of colors, a kaleidoscope of emotion and artistry that had everyone who passed by captivated, myself included.

And let's not forget the food! I've been gorging myself on some of the most incredible cuisine imaginable. From the perfectly crisp pizza topped with fresh mozzarella and pesto to the succulent spaghetti alla carbonara, each bite has been a journey of flavor! Don’t even get me started on the gelato – oh my, the endless flavors and the creamy’s heaven in a cone.

I also took a detour to the Roman Forum – which let me tell you, looks even more impressive now that they have taken those awful wooden barriers down that the previous council put up around it. It is quite frankly a crime what they did to one of the most significant historical sites in Europe, which is, however, now a thing of the past.

I love shopping for ballet gear, shoes, and gorgeous sparkly tutus for the stage. So naturally, I’ve been making the most of the Roman designer boutiques, and believe me, I’ve found some true treasures! But what I really love about Roman style is the sense of history woven into every item of clothing. You can tell that the locals appreciate craftsmanship and heritage.

I even took a ballet class at a stunning studio with a view over the Pantheon - truly inspiring. It's something about learning how to gracefully dance while looking at a massive structure, that just leaves you in awe! It’s actually something I highly recommend, as the Italian attitude towards dance is infectious - if you're feeling adventurous you really must try it!

The ballet performances have been wonderful, but it's funny how, when you're so busy exploring a place as wondrous as Rome, it feels a little strange going back to your room, even if it is an Italian Palazzo with stunning balcony overlooking the Spanish Steps! But even with all the excitement, there’s something about watching a classical ballet piece that truly fills me with such a sense of peace. I love being part of the theater experience, from the anticipation as the lights dim and the orchestra tunes up to the sheer joy and exhilaration of the finale. I have already discovered a wonderful school in Rome, called Scuola di Ballo and they have performances planned in their calendar right through the Spring. I may just be adding it to my "To See" list - it just has that wonderful pink sparkle that you need when it comes to tutus!

I must admit, one of the downsides of travelling so often is the packing. But then I think, I've found the answer. Tutus pack down really well, as does a lovely ballerina dress - there really are no excuses! This week I bought the most gorgeous ballerina shoes at a tiny little shop on the side of the road near the Pantheon (which you could easily miss, so be sure to take a little detour if you go). There were pink and red ones with silver buckles and a tiny sparkly rhinestone and I know they're going to look absolutely fabulous in the next show.

Anyway, enough about me. Tell me all about you and your week! What are you wearing? What are your plans? What new colours are inspiring your tutu wardrobe this week? Let me know!

As always, be sure to subscribe to and don't forget to check back next week for a brand new blog post! Ciao bella, and stay fabulous!


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-01-07 exploring Rome Italy