Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-01-21 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Week 711 - A Ballerina's Roman Holiday (Part I: Arrival & Pizza Perfection!)

Hello darlings! Emma here, and guess what? I'm in Rome! 🇮🇹

I've been wanting to visit the Eternal City for ages, and after a flurry of exciting performances back home in Derbyshire, I finally had the chance to make my dream a reality! (I managed to snag an amazing ballet gig in London just before the New Year, and all the Christmas and New Year performances meant my piggy bank was bursting with euros – and just enough for a flight to Italy!)

I can't believe it's 2009 already – how time flies! I'm writing this from a little cafe on the cobbled streets of Trastevere, and it's absolute perfection. Imagine, darlings: sunshine dappling through the Roman pines, the aroma of freshly baked bread filling the air, the chatter of friendly Italian voices all around, and, oh my goodness, a glorious cappuccino in my hand! It's exactly what I dreamt a Roman adventure would be like.

I arrived yesterday, exhausted from the flight (even though it felt like the quickest trip ever – a record two-and-a-half hours from Gatwick!). But I knew exactly where to head – to my favourite travel companion, the train station! This trip wouldn't be complete without a whirl on the Italian railways. So, off I popped, my pink tutu bag bouncing beside me (because even when travelling, one must never forget the essentials, and let's face it, there's never a wrong time for pink!).

I found a little café right at the station, a classic trattoria with checkered tablecloths and the most delicious pizza! Honestly, you wouldn't believe the size of that pizza – practically bigger than my tutu skirt! It was like the whole city of Rome was crammed onto that crust – juicy pepperoni, tangy mozzarella, sweet peppers, and a dash of garlic that just set my tastebuds dancing! Oh, the magic of a simple, delicious meal, right? I tell you, darlings, this whole Roman trip is a delicious symphony of sights, sounds, and (of course!) tastes.

I'm staying in the heart of the city, in a cute little apartment I found through my friend Olivia's website – you know, the travel guru who introduced me to the joy of train travel? (She swears there's no better way to explore a city, and honestly, I can't argue with her.) The apartment has a little balcony overlooking a charming little square – a perfect place for enjoying a cuppa with a view of Roman life unfolding before my eyes.

So, darling, what are my plans for the rest of the week? Oh, I'm overflowing with ideas!

Firstly, today is Wednesday – and for every week in 2009, you know what that means! Pink Tutu Rome – it's time for an indulgent shopping spree! I can't tell you how excited I am to lose myself in the maze of cobbled streets in the heart of the city. I've been hunting for the perfect pink outfit to make my ballet street performance even more dazzling. There are so many stunning boutiques and ateliers tucked away here; I'm practically a princess in a candy shop! I'm picturing a silk dress with flowing tiers – the colour of a cherry blossom in bloom, perhaps! I just can't wait!

And speaking of performances, did you know, I found an amazing ballet company in the heart of Rome? They’re showcasing Swan Lake this weekend, and you know I won't be missing that for the world! They’ve been touring all over Italy for years, and have garnered quite a following. There are so many hidden treasures here, just waiting to be discovered, aren’t there?

There’s a special buzz in the air here – something that makes my soul sing. The Romans have a spirit of joie de vivre, that’s for sure!

This little slice of Italy already feels like home – filled with history, culture, and, dare I say, an air of elegance? Even the cobblestones seem to whisper with stories, and the air is thick with a romantic magic I haven't encountered before!

So, darlings, join me on my Roman adventures this week – follow along as I delve into the city's historical heart, embrace the city's stylish soul, and, of course, enjoy every delicious bite along the way. It’s time to spread the pink love and show Rome how to twirl in style! Ciao for now! 💖

P.S. Stay tuned for more photos and stories as the week unfolds! Remember to check back here every Wednesday on to join me on my travels!

P.P.S. Oh, and don't forget to tell your friends to visit Pink-Tutu and get those pink tutus ready for a whirl – this year's going to be fabulously pink! 🌸

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-01-21 exploring Rome Italy