Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-04-22 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 2009-04-22 - A Day of Roman Splendour (Post #724)

Ciao bella!

It's Emma here, reporting live from the Eternal City – Rome, Italy! This is post number 724 of my weekly blog, Pink Tutu – chronicling my fabulous, pink-tastic adventures across the globe! As always, this week's post is a testament to my unwavering belief in the transformative power of a pink tutu and my tireless pursuit to make it a universally adored garment. It’s all about embracing the joy of movement, expressing yourself with flamboyant fashion, and creating moments of pure, unadulterated joy. And where better to embrace such sentiments than in the heart of Rome?

Now, you may be wondering, how does a ballet dancer like myself travel the world in a pink tutu? Well, darling, it's all about a well-honed skillset – my ballet performances are how I fund these amazing adventures! (I do have a very understanding agent, who knows a pink tutu is just the ticket for captivating an audience, whether in a swanky London theatre or a Parisian ballroom!)

Speaking of Rome, I absolutely adore this city! The historical buildings, the art, the vibrant streets… I'm a complete sucker for Roman charm. But truly, this week, it's the weather that has my heart soaring. Rome's spring sun is gloriously warm and bathed everything in a honey-like glow. This is how I pictured it! It’s so pleasant, I found myself actually wanting to do things, which is rare when it comes to Rome's intense beauty. There’s so much to see, so much to do, so many beautiful boutiques just waiting for me to plunder!

Speaking of plundered... My Roman escapades this week began with an absolute must-do – the Trevi Fountain! That's right, my lovely readers, I actually threw a coin into the fountain. Three actually! It's meant to guarantee your return to this spectacular city. I have every intention of returning, though, honestly, if the fountain worked, I'd be throwing a small fortune in! I simply can't imagine life without my weekly Pink Tutu fix for my beloved readers!

But let's be honest… it wasn't just the fountain I fell in love with, although I did briefly consider throwing a few of those shimmering coins into it myself… It's the sheer joy of seeing Rome… *I truly *love walking in cities – even better in a pink tutu, of course. But I think I loved this part of the city especially – the little squares, the charming piazzas, the hidden corners of cobbled streets all echoing with stories, a symphony of sounds from chattering families, car horns, and church bells… I'm convinced I actually caught a glimpse of a friendly stray cat having a chinwag with a little Italian child, so charming! It really made me wonder why everyone doesn't travel more – if there was a magic wand to convince them, my pink tutu would definitely be at the heart of it.

After my jaunt around the Trevi, I decided it was time for some real-life Italian fashion, darling! You know me – I can’t resist a bit of shopping therapy, especially in a city so bursting with vibrant and quirky fashions. So I made my way to the Via Condotti. Now, I've got to tell you, darling, this street was just bursting with luxury boutiques! But darling, don't you know it wasn't those stores that caught my attention? No darling – I was smitten with the small artisan workshops. You just knew there was passion poured into the items for sale there – some incredible jewellery, hand-crafted bags, and oh, I simply had to buy a beautiful Italian scarf, one to add to my rapidly growing collection – it's perfect with any of my tutus!

Later on that afternoon, I found myself indulging in the sheer opulence of Rome’s historic architecture at the Borghese Gallery. A truly glorious afternoon with all the Renaissance art you could dream of, which of course, made my pink tutu look that much more exquisite. I must admit, it was quite refreshing to look at some art rather than create my own!

And wouldn't you know it, the universe aligned just right… a little gem of a boutique just a few steps away from the Borghese gallery was just waiting to welcome me – "Le Petit Tutu"! My heart practically leapt into my throat! You see, it was as if a little piece of my soul had come alive – a little boutique completely dedicated to tutus, of all things, darling!

Let me just say this – a real pink tutu fanatic like myself simply couldn't pass up an opportunity like that! I was truly delighted – I found myself swept away in a symphony of twirling and giggling – I picked up the most amazing silk tutu in the most beautiful blush pink shade – imagine a flamingo dipped in bubblegum… that was it, perfectly! And of course, my shopping was made all the more magical because I bumped into some fabulous Italian dancers who were just gushing over my pink tutu! Their eyes sparkled as we chatted about the joys of dancing, the power of fashion and yes, darling, we even touched upon my secret mission – my dream of getting everyone to embrace the pure joy of a pink tutu! It's honestly so infectious – it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, once you're swirling around in a pink tutu, well, you just become a star!

And wouldn't you know it, that very same evening, I found myself completely by accident, magically, in front of one of the most beautiful baroque churches I've ever seen – the church of San Luigi dei Francesi, a masterpiece of architectural artistry. It was so serene, and its simplicity really contrasted with the chaotic buzz of Rome's streets. I have to admit, this beautiful little moment left me thinking… Why am I here? What's my purpose? What does the future hold?

For a fleeting moment, I paused my dance, took off my shoes and stepped into the calm quiet of the church. Suddenly I could feel this sense of inner calm I wasn't even expecting. It almost felt as though my whole self, all the swirling of my tutu and the bright, dazzling energy of Rome were gently ushered into a comforting quiet space… a space of reflection…

And my heart, that heart that so often beats with the thrill of discovery and excitement… it actually began to slow down, and that's when I truly began to think. What is the purpose of it all, you may wonder? And my heart whispered its answer – it’s not about how much money I earn from ballet. It’s not about seeing as many cities as I can – It’s about connecting, about the little, unassuming joys and moments like this that make up the symphony of my life.

This realization sparked a new fire within me – a sense of gratitude for everything I had and everything I was about to discover, even though I wasn’t sure what that was yet! You see, that was the moment when the world shifted on its axis, my pink tutu felt just a little more beautiful, and my inner ballet dancer felt ready to truly express herself – to dance the dance that she wanted to dance, wherever in the world she chose.

And as if guided by a gentle hand, that’s exactly what I did. My travels this week ended on a perfect note – at a truly unique theatre – "The Teatro dell’Opera". My dear readers, if you're ever in Rome, a trip to the Opera is an absolute must – I swear to you, it felt like I had slipped into a different reality, as if the real world melted away! And that's what I truly love about dancing and travel - those moments, that feeling of being completely consumed by something you love. As if all that mattered was your heart and your ability to simply feel the rhythm of life...

The opera, a magical experience, a riot of colors, an exploration of human emotions on full display. This opera was so magnificent, my fellow ballet lovers would absolutely love it - we danced on the stage of our souls – a symphony of our inner emotions! It truly is one of those magical moments in life when you just feel alive!

Of course, a ballet lover like me can’t resist a show that is so beautifully staged… I found myself taking note of the intricate choreography and vibrant costumes, and this is when it struck me... the truth behind the power of a pink tutu... It's a beautiful and simple concept, darling - we are all actors, all ballerinas on the stage of our lives. It’s our own personal stories and our personal sense of what's beautiful that make us unique. The moment we embrace our individual truth is when our light really begins to shine. We're all dancing to a different rhythm, darling – we all have a story to tell. And in a world where people spend so much time searching for external validation – trying to fit in or impress others, I can't think of anything better than encouraging each other to embrace the individual magic that lies within, just as we are!

And my pink tutu, my darling, is just that – an outward expression of this inner joy – an open invitation for the world to simply embrace the beautiful, wild, passionate spirit of who they truly are, just as they are! So whether it’s Rome, New York, or your local supermarket, put on your favorite tutu and celebrate you – because darling, there’s nothing quite like a pink tutu to inspire joy in even the most ordinary day!

Until next Wednesday, darling! Stay pink-tastic!

Emma, Pink Tutu, Derbyshire, England

Don’t forget to subscribe to my weekly updates, and join me in spreading the joy! Use #PinkTutu in your next selfie and I'll find you, darling!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-04-22 exploring Rome Italy