Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-04-29 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #725 - Ciao Bella! Adventures in the Eternal City!

Buongiorno, my darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another dazzling instalment of Pink Tutu Rome! This week, I'm whisking you away to the beautiful, historic city of Rome, where the sun shines bright and the gelato flows like wine (well, maybe not that much, but you get the idea!).

You know I love exploring the world through the lens of a tutu, and this week, Rome is my stage. I'm twirling through the cobbled streets, past ancient ruins and Renaissance masterpieces, all while sporting my signature pink tutu, naturally!

This is post number 725 on, which makes my head spin a little, to be honest! It's crazy to think how far this little blog has come since those first nervous days, all those years ago, back in Derbyshire. Remember how I was determined to make the world a more fabulous place, one pink tutu at a time? Well, it seems that little dream is actually coming true!

Speaking of dreams, Rome itself is like something straight out of a fairytale. Imagine it - cobbled streets winding through centuries of history, fountains bubbling with turquoise water, ancient basilicas reaching for the sky. And all that beauty wrapped up in a warm Italian sun, melting away any worries and leaving you feeling lighter than a ballerina en pointe!

Now, before you picture me twirling around the Trevi Fountain, throwing coins into the water and wishing for a life of constant ballet, I have to admit, getting here was an adventure in itself. I took the train from Paris, as usual, and you know I can't resist a bit of a dance in the carriages - even with all those stern-looking French businessmen watching! I swear I can make any place a stage.

What's happening in Rome on 29th April 2009?

Firstly, I'm kicking off the day with a special treat for my little ballerinas: a visit to the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. I know, I know - you can't keep a ballerina away from a stage, right? This is a truly special place. They're showing "La Bohème", one of my all-time favourite operas, and the sheer history and grandeur of this theatre makes the whole experience just that little bit more magical. The costumes, the music, the drama, oh my! It's going to be a feast for the senses!

Then, in the afternoon, it's off to do a little shopping in Rome. This city is a fashion paradise! Imagine all those cute little boutiques nestled in ancient piazzas, bursting with leather goods, beautiful fabrics, and charming trinkets. You can be sure I'll be picking up a new tutu or two for my collection - perhaps one adorned with Roman motifs for a truly elegant look.

But, you know me, my love affair with Rome goes beyond just the fabulous fashion and incredible art. This city has a real soul! So, for the evening, I'm off to wander through the backstreets of Trastevere. This is the real heart of Rome, with its cosy bars, vibrant piazzas, and that intoxicating scent of garlic and basil wafting from all the restaurants.

Rome has a wonderful energy, and I'm eager to get lost in its magical tapestry of ancient and modern, of laughter and history, of romance and adventure. I know I'm going to leave with a piece of its beauty woven into my own spirit, ready to share with you all back in Derbyshire.

But for now, I'll be twirling in my pink tutu under the Roman moon, embracing every minute of this glorious experience. See you next week for more Pink Tutu Rome!

Until then, stay beautiful and don't be afraid to twirl!




P.S. Remember, wear a pink tutu at least once a week and make the world a more fabulous place!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-04-29 exploring Rome Italy