Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-05-20 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #728 - Ciao Bella! A Tutu-filled Roman Adventure

Ciao bella! It's Wednesday, and that means a new Pink Tutu adventure has landed! This week, we're waltzing our way through the Eternal City, Rome! Rome, oh Rome, how I have longed to grace your cobblestones in my pink tutu! A little known fact (which I will share now, for the very first time) - my tutu and I dream of Rome, but also of Paris, Berlin, New York...oh the list is endless, a veritable pirouette of cities begging to be tutu-ified.

You see, my aim in life is simple, yet grand: to make the world a more colourful and playful place, one pink tutu at a time! I know, I know, some of you are probably reading this with furrowed brows, thinking, "Emma, tutus in Rome? Seriously?". Well, my darlings, allow me to convince you otherwise! My journey through Italy this week has shown me that Rome's heart beats to a vibrant, romantic, and, dare I say, a touch theatrical rhythm! And what better way to join in this whirlwind of emotion than with a twirl of a pink tutu?

Before I unleash a torrent of colourful descriptions and a ballet-inspired tour of this amazing city, I simply must confess - I'm a bit of a train buff. The idea of gliding through the countryside on a fast-moving train has always excited my inner child (and probably my inner ballerina!). So, of course, I took the train to Rome, and it was everything I dreamed it would be: comfortable, stylish and incredibly efficient! Plus, I had an entire carriage to myself, giving me space to rehearse my new Italian phrases (not all successful, let me tell you! ) and imagine the grand Roman spectacle awaiting me.

Buongiorno Roma!

I arrived at the Termini Station, which I must say, was bustling with excitement and a delightful symphony of Italian chatter! As I stepped off the train, the air felt warm and heavy with the scent of pizza, flowers, and...yes, even a whiff of history! Speaking of history, Rome's history is absolutely everywhere, even peeking out from beneath the charming street vendors' stalls.

After navigating through the station, (with my oversized bag full of ballet shoes and extra tutus!), I found my lovely hotel, the Hotel della Città, just a short stroll away from the Termini Station. The staff, very kind and welcoming, spoke a bit of English, which helped this Derbyshire girl (who knows a surprising amount of ballet lingo but not too much Italian) feel at home right away. I knew my heart would always hold a piece of Derbyshire, but for this week, Rome had stolen my attention!

A Tutuful Italian Lunch!

The first order of business was a spot of Italian lunch! I had my heart set on pizza (with extra cheese, naturally!). After all, one cannot travel to Italy without indulging in a good slice of pizza, am I right? And so, I wandered into a charming little pizzeria just around the corner from the hotel. They served me up a beautiful Margherita pizza, hot and cheesy, with a generous portion of focaccia bread on the side. The little table I found to myself looked straight out of a classic Italian movie scene, filled with warm sunshine and the chattering of tourists and locals.

And who do you think sat next to me during my lunch? None other than the dashing Antonio! Yes, the local barista who works at the corner café right opposite my hotel, a very charming gentleman with sparkling blue eyes and a charming smile that could melt glaciers! We talked about life, Italy, ballet (and of course, tutus!), and let's just say I wasn't alone in feeling a bit of a connection.

Exploring the City:

As the sun began to set, my tutu-covered feet (in my comfy pink ballet flats) hit the pavements for a sightseeing extravaganza. The Colosseum loomed large, imposing, and incredibly majestic, just as I envisioned. A little Roman gladiator wouldn't be out of place standing outside! My little tutu heart was overflowing with delight!

A Night at the Opera:

Now, a little inside information about myself, I'm a hopeless romantic who adores a good opera! So naturally, this trip to Rome included a night at the opera! This night's performance was Verdi's "Rigoletto", an emotionally charged masterpiece of music and drama that left me utterly enchanted. The beautiful singing and intricate staging swept me away. As a ballet fan, I couldn't help but marvel at the graceful movement of the chorus during some of the key scenes, the fluidity and artistry mirroring the ballet performances I enjoy. I'm no expert, of course, but I swear I felt a strong sense of "tutu energy" resonating through the theater.

And what else to wear for such an elegant occasion than a custom pink tutu dress I specially crafted for this journey! I called this piece "Roman Rhapsody". I designed it to flow like a Venetian gown, complete with swirling pink layers and a sprinkling of glitter to catch the spotlights in the Opera house. (Spoiler Alert: The sparkly pink fabric also got me a couple of compliments during the intermissions from some dapper men in suits!) My friends and family may know me as Emma, the ballerina, but in Rome I became the "pink tutu fairy", a magical, twirling embodiment of grace and joy, much to the surprise (and sometimes amusement) of passersby.

The Power of Pink Tutus:

As I strutted around Rome, feeling all glamorous and feminine, I was reminded once again why I love tutus so much! It's not just about fashion; it's about how they empower me to be a more playful, expressive, and courageous version of myself.

It's about embracing all things fabulous and a little bit extra! A bit of a dance, a dash of pink, a few sequins, and BAM, you're empowered. I saw my tutu as a signal, a symbol to other ladies (and gentlemen!) that life can be a lot more fun!

Imagine, if everyone just embraced a little more colour and playful expression! A pink tutu is a small gesture, yet a statement, a reminder that joy and playfulness should not just be for children.

Food, Friends, and Family:

Now, let's be honest: no Rome experience would be complete without delicious food and lovely people. The family-owned restaurants, the warm cafes with their perfect cappuccinos, the vibrant markets - each of these places painted a sensory masterpiece of Italian flavours, friendship, and hospitality.

And while Italy is known for pasta, the Roman classic dish for me, I just couldn't resist was Carbonara! The perfect blend of salty pancetta, creamy eggs, and Parmesan cheese, each mouthful sent a delicious symphony of flavours cascading down my tongue!

* A Day with the Family*

For one afternoon, I ditched my pink tutu, but my love for ballet certainly stayed close by! My Roman adventures included a magical visit to the "Teatro dell'Opera di Roma", which housed an opulent and impressive stage and auditorium! My little dance heart practically leaped for joy when I entered!

Pink Tutu Shoppaholic:

Rome is not only a city of stunning historical architecture but also a fashion paradise. It would be an act of sheer negligence on my part not to delve into the depths of Rome’s shopping scene, where a pink tutu could make itself at home, even amidst the high fashion brands!

Let's face it, you can’t walk down any street without finding something captivating. Every boutique, market, and store oozed Italian charm and glamour, and each offered something different and fabulous to tempt my eyes (and, admittedly, my purse). There’s a bit of magic about Italian style, something truly special about the clothes and the designs!

Ballet Performances:

Now, every good adventure needs a healthy dose of inspiration. To help feed my ballet soul, I found my way to a lovely dance studio called "Studio Arabesque", just a short stroll from my hotel. This is where I enjoyed an incredibly fun and dynamic class that was like a mini-vacation within a vacation. The ballet teacher was full of warmth and humor. I learned so many new moves and my tutu even found time for some light pirouettes during the exercises!

I am already dreaming up my next adventure, another enchanting city to sprinkle with tutu magic! Maybe we'll visit Venice next... And remember, you can join me on these weekly adventures by subscribing to my Pink Tutu Blog! We're also active on social media so hop onto @PinkTutu and keep up to date with my newest creations!

Until next Wednesday, darlings, remember: the world is your stage, so twirl, shine, and always remember to sprinkle your life with a dash of pink tutu!

A presto!


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-05-20 exploring Rome Italy