Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-05-27 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #729 - A Day of Glory and Gladiators

Ciao, darlings!

This is your Pink Tutu girl, Emma, writing to you from the eternal city of Rome! I'm so excited to share this week's adventure with you – it's been a whirlwind of history, beauty, and of course, a little pink tutu action!

This Wednesday, the 27th of May 2009, found me sipping my cappuccino under the glorious Roman sun, ready to dive headfirst into another incredible day. And believe me, Rome does not disappoint! This morning I felt like I'd stepped onto the set of Gladiator, as we meandered through the Colosseum, imagining those fierce battles and cheers. It’s quite something, feeling the ghosts of those gladiators!

Now, a lot of you know that my love of ballet and classical theatre intertwines beautifully with my Pink Tutu mission. Well, guess what? Today, we’re seeing the ballet! Not just any ballet, but Romeo and Juliet, one of the greatest romances ever told. Can you imagine the costumes and the passion?! I'm literally brimming with excitement! This is one of the reasons I travel so much, to be immersed in such fabulous experiences. And it’s how I fuel my wanderlust – by performing. Each ballet and show I perform in brings me one step closer to another breathtaking destination.

But before we head off to the opera house, we had to make a pit stop for a bit of fashion therapy – because Rome is bursting with incredible shops! We found a charming boutique nestled amongst the cobblestone streets. Think of a Pink Tutu fairytale! Every corner I turned, a new, dazzling gem of a frock, handbag, or pair of shoes would wink at me, just begging me to take them home. Luckily, I had a few spare moments to browse the racks. And honestly, it was like my dream closet just spilled out in front of me.

While I didn’t end up bringing a whole wardrobe back (my darling little suitcase simply wasn't big enough!) I did discover this amazing vintage pearl brooch, the most stunning pink you’ve ever seen! I just know it will be the perfect little touch to my new tulle skirt when I get back to Derbyshire.

And just when I thought things couldn’t get any better, we stepped out into the sunshine after the most beautiful performance I've seen in ages! Romeo and Juliet was absolutely breathtaking! I'm still feeling that flutter in my stomach just thinking about the sheer artistry and emotional intensity. It's these moments of magic that truly remind you why you've chosen the life you have! Oh, and did I mention that the ballerina's shoes were perfectly pink? Just like mine, if only I had the grace and talent she had!

Tomorrow we’re heading to the Vatican Museum – yes, you heard right, the Vatican! Imagine me, twirling through history amidst those magnificent paintings. And if I’m lucky, maybe we’ll see the Pope! Wouldn’t that be a photo op for the ages?! (I'll be wearing a Pink Tutu, naturally – maybe it'll give the Pope an extra spring in his step).

So, my lovely friends, stay tuned for another Pink Tutu adventure! I'll be writing about the Vatican's splendor, exploring more shops and sharing fashion tips. Until next Wednesday, remember, pink tutus aren't just for dancers, they're for adventurers, dreamers, and anyone who wants to add a little sparkle to their life.

Keep on twirling,


P.S. Have you visited the Pink Tutu website ( Don't forget to leave a comment below – I love hearing from you! Let me know where your dream travel destination is!

P.P.S. Fancy trying your hand at a pink tutu dance class? I'm offering online classes every Friday afternoon! More details can be found on the Pink Tutu website!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-05-27 exploring Rome Italy