Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-08-05 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #739 – Exploring the Eternal City in Pink!

Ciao, darlings!

It’s Emma here, your resident Pink Tutu princess, and I’m positively bursting with excitement to share my adventures in the breathtaking city of Rome! I arrived on Friday, having travelled all night from Derbyshire on the train, and it was truly a sight to behold. I could see the outline of the Colosseum just after dawn, lit up like a beacon in the early morning sun, and it filled me with such an amazing feeling of excitement that I couldn’t stop smiling all the way to the hotel.

Now, some of you might think it’s a little strange, travelling solo to a big city like Rome, let alone a ballerina in a pink tutu. But you know me! A good tutu, a little pink lipstick, and my trusty little pink backpack – I’m ready to take on the world. And when you get to a place as fascinating and historically rich as Rome, the tutu just becomes another layer to the wonderful experience.

And what a experience it is! Just walking through the narrow streets of the old town, feeling the warm Italian air on my skin and the cobblestones under my feet, surrounded by the echoes of history and the lively chatter of locals... It’s magical.

I did of course do some exploring in that legendary tutu. It went wonderfully with the architectural wonders around, providing a splash of colour amongst the ochre buildings and the creamy stone.

Here are my top picks for my first day:

  • A morning of Fashion Bliss at Via Condotti – This street is like a paradise for fashion lovers! Think Chanel, Valentino, and Gucci... and, naturally, me! I felt right at home surrounded by so much fabulousness and a pink tutu in Rome was simply de rigeur!
  • Lunch at a little cafe near the Trevi Fountain – Who can resist the allure of a steaming plate of pasta and a glass of chilled vino? I sat, taking in the incredible energy of the city, just imagining the ancient Romans thronging around this fountain thousands of years ago.

In the afternoon, I made my way to Piazza Navona, a square filled with street performers and lively shops. I stopped for a little while to watch a man balancing plates on sticks while jugling and I even felt inspired to get in on the action. I might be a ballet dancer but I also have an impressive talent for twirling! Of course, the whole thing turned into a wonderful spectacle of pink as my tutu danced between the balancing acts. I think I’ve turned quite a few heads there!

Wednesday’s Adventures: On Stage at Teatro dell'Opera

It’s Wednesday, which means it's Pink Tutu Rome blog day, and what a Wednesday it has been! My trip started in the perfect way possible – with an exquisite performance at the Teatro dell'Opera! My afternoon started at the opera house, which itself is a stunning building - a majestic, glittering masterpiece, I even took a little stroll on the rooftop for a unique perspective of the city. You would never guess that just two weeks ago, this grand structure played host to one of the most beautiful ballet productions I’ve seen in a very long time. The costumes were simply breathtaking – with vibrant colours and intricate details. It really was an awe-inspiring spectacle. The show I watched was Giselle which, honestly, had me absolutely enraptured. The beauty, the emotions, and the skill displayed were extraordinary. It was truly an experience to treasure, and even more so because of my pink tutu making an appearance there too.

There is no doubt that the beauty of this art form shines brighter than ever under the warm Roman sky. This was more than just watching a performance – it was an escape, a journey into a world of beauty and magic. It was something truly special, a truly magical and empowering experience that will stay with me forever. And, of course, the other people in the theatre couldn't have been more thrilled to see a Pink Tutu dancer in their midst. This pink tutu princess is spreading the joy and the love!

After the Ballet: A Feast for the Senses

After the magical ballet, the rest of my day was filled with pure pleasure! My first stop was, naturally, for some exquisite gelato – just heavenly, and just so pink! It had me beaming with happiness, especially against the backdrop of the sunset over Rome.

Later on, I stumbled upon this cute little café with a terrace looking out over the Pantheon which I recommend if you are in Rome and wanting some spectacular views and a really romantic, almost dreamy feel. It's truly an inspiring setting to have a delicious coffee!

This amazing evening was a true culmination of the day's magical experiences. There is such an incredible buzz about this city and it felt like all the magic and energy of this place just swept me away, the atmosphere of Rome, the culture and history is a truly wonderful cocktail, and seeing that play out on stage was simply perfect. I must admit, the opera had left me feeling more inspired and joyful than I've ever felt, it filled me with this burning passion that all of you know well. I love ballet so much! And with that energy pulsing through me, I couldn't help but think that I simply must share that magic with everyone!

Pink Tutu on the Roman Streets

My evening was an excellent demonstration of that. I headed into the heart of the city to share my pink tutu passion. A little twirl here, a little plié there. And oh boy, was the crowd thrilled! Even though this wasn't the stage, they were definitely the perfect audience for my dancing. The expressions on their faces were priceless! It was as though I’d ignited something in their souls, their inner child dancing in their eyes. You would never guess that a pink tutu can be such a fantastic way to spark joy, laughter, and a whole lot of “WOW!” But trust me, it does! There's a special energy that comes with twirling in pink amongst a sea of ancient history, and you really have to experience it for yourself. It’s a reminder to be brave, to be bold, and to dance your heart out – regardless of who's watching.

So there you have it! The Roman experience is definitely filling up my pink tutu notebook! With so much more to see and explore, I'll keep you posted with my Pink Tutu Rome adventures.

Ciao bella!

Don’t forget to follow my blog,, and check out my pink tutu outfits! I've posted new outfits that work so well with Rome's beautiful architecture and stunning sunsets! You know how much I love colour and nothing can compete with pink, especially against the backdrop of such history!

Till next time!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-08-05 exploring Rome Italy