Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-09-23 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: Ciao Bella! (Post 746)

Hello my gorgeous darlings! It's Emma here, and I'm absolutely buzzing to be back with you all today, especially from the breathtaking city of Rome! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for a brand new #PinkTutuRome blog post. This week, I've been twirling through cobbled streets, sipping espressos, and admiring the majestic architecture of this captivating Italian city. My tutus, of course, are in their element - they seem to be drawn to the beautiful and historic surroundings here. It's like the very air is infused with elegance and grandeur, just begging to be twirled in!

Let's rewind the clock a bit… my journey began a few weeks ago when I packed my bag with a multitude of tutus, a smattering of sparkly accessories, and my trusty ballet flats (pink, of course). I left my quaint little town in Derbyshire and embarked on my usual mode of transportation – a grand, comfy train journey that takes me from one magical destination to the next. The feeling of leaving the familiar behind and embarking on a new adventure is always exciting, a sense of freedom mixed with the anticipation of a whole world of possibilities just waiting to be explored!

My arrival in Rome was, in a word, sensational! The scent of espresso and freshly baked bread filled the air, and the sheer vibrancy of the city instantly swept me off my feet. I knew instantly, that I'd be spending many happy days and nights exploring its charm.

My first few days were dedicated to immersing myself in the vibrant atmosphere of this city. My first stop was a bustling marketplace, filled with the vibrant colors and intoxicating scents of fresh produce. A vision of culinary delight, the rows upon rows of fruit, vegetables, cheeses, and meats were truly a feast for the senses! I found myself instinctively dancing along to the joyous chatter of the local vendors – there’s just something about Italian culture that brings out the dancer in everyone, don't you think?

My second mission, my dears, was to find the most beautiful and majestic cathedral this city had to offer. It had to be an awe-inspiring architectural masterpiece, perfect for my ballet-inspired photoshoot. Well, I didn't have to wait long. The grandeur and opulence of St. Peter's Basilica stole my breath away. It felt like I'd stepped into a fairytale. It's one thing to see pictures of such a place, but it's entirely another to feel the overwhelming sense of history and spiritual beauty that engulfs you as you stand before it.

And what would a trip to Rome be without an elegant and decadent meal? I found myself utterly captivated by a charming little trattoria tucked away on a side street. As I settled into my table, I couldn’t resist ordering a heaping plate of spaghetti carbonara, followed by a rich and creamy tiramisu for dessert. With a generous glass of crisp Italian wine, the world was truly a pink-tutu-wearing ballerina's delight.

Speaking of delights, you simply MUST see the fashion scene in Rome! As a fashion-loving ballet enthusiast, I was absolutely enthralled by the blend of classic elegance and modern flair. It was everywhere – on the cobblestone streets, in the windows of vintage boutiques, and even in the way locals paired their simple outfits with perfectly coordinated accessories. I saw leather jackets, chic coats, statement necklaces, beautiful shoes, and some utterly magnificent scarves. Each outfit had its own personality, expressing individual style and taste.

On a chilly Roman evening, my dear friend Isabella and I decided to embrace the cooler temperatures and see a local ballet performance. Isabella is a fellow ballerina who loves tutus as much as I do. In fact, she told me her mother had always dreamed of a pink tutu for Isabella’s first birthday, which almost happened until she decided she didn't like pink until the age of nine, she chuckled. Isabella is a little more eclectic in her taste for color in clothing, and less of a purist for pink tutus as myself, she actually has one tutu she adores which is emerald green. And we even had matching little pink tutus for our twin toddlers who love twirling and leaping on the edge of the stage whilst Isabella and I are rehearsing at our little studio. We even found a few toddlers dressed up in their own tutus at the show! How delightful is that?

The ballet was utterly beautiful! Set to a romantic Italian score, it told a captivating tale of love, longing, and adventure, bringing to life stories of the Romans in a ballet-style form. I spent much of the time sketching in my notebook - the beautiful costuming was inspiration enough! Afterward, I savored a delightful cup of warm Italian coffee and reminisced with Isabella about the show. We’ve already decided on the next show to go to in the coming weeks. It's always lovely to connect with someone who shares my love of ballet.

I think the highlight of my trip to Rome, was discovering a quaint little ballet school in the heart of the city. I spent an afternoon twirling and leaping to my heart’s content, learning new steps from the most welcoming and talented instructors. I always find it a joy to learn new choreography, it really re-energizes my love of ballet, not just to dance it, but to perform it as well. I always feel refreshed and inspired when I discover new steps, moves, and methods. My tutus seemed to twirl with an even more joyous confidence than usual! It really does make you feel fantastic - all that graceful movement and stretching. I encourage you all to try it, it's incredibly empowering. It’s funny how our confidence can affect the confidence we have in wearing certain items of clothing - in the last month I've had a number of inquiries as to where I buy my tutus - from ballerina wannabes who haven’t put a tutu on for decades. But once you are on that stage, everything else melts away, there is a sense of freedom and being comfortable with who you are. I can assure you, a good dance class is exactly what everyone needs for the day ahead. Whether you’re on stage, in the studio, at work or on holiday, I can assure you, your confidence in wearing your outfits will be on another level.

Before I sign off for the week, let me just say how excited I am to share my adventures with you. My aim is to share my love of dance, fashion, and travel with as many people as I can. You never know, maybe even inspiring others to put on a pink tutu, go for a dance class, and see a show!

Until next Wednesday, my gorgeous darlings, keep on twirling and dancing through life with a little pink tutu magic!

Lots of love,

Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2009-09-23 exploring Rome Italy