Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-02-03 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #765 - Exploring the Eternal City in Pink!

Wednesday 2010-02-03

Ciao bellas! It's Emma from the Pink Tutu here, and this week, I'm absolutely twirling with excitement. We're in Rome, darlings!

Now, some of you may be thinking "Emma, Rome? Isn't that a little...serious? A bit...brown?" But you see, I'm here to tell you, Rome is just as ready to embrace pink as Derbyshire! Okay, maybe not quite as pink-loving as my hometown, but it's got a fantastic energy and, let me tell you, there's nothing more exciting than a pink tutu against the backdrop of a Roman sunset!

This whole trip was a whirlwind. I landed in Italy last night after a beautiful train journey from Vienna. I've always found the train the perfect way to absorb the beauty of Europe. You see so much of the scenery you’d miss from a plane. The fields outside Venice were a glorious, luminous green as we journeyed south. There's something magical about seeing the landscapes change and being part of that motion. And who wouldn’t want to rock a tutu on a train journey, eh? I mean, imagine all the extra twirls you can fit in while the scenery speeds past!

Of course, the first order of business on arriving in Rome was finding a stunning pink ensemble. After a little search, I stumbled upon a little boutique right by the Pantheon (which, by the way, is absolutely beautiful!). Imagine a little hidden jewel box full of amazing things, and you've got the feel of this shop. It’s called ‘Le Fée Rose’, literally 'The Pink Fairy', how divine is that? It had everything a Pink Tutu enthusiast could possibly need, from delicate lace camisoles to luxurious silks. Of course, it was practically screaming for a pink tutu to grace it's rails, and I simply couldn’t resist. The shop owner was a total delight, she immediately embraced my Pink Tutu message and we bonded over our shared love for all things flamboyant!

Later, I joined a group of Italian ballet enthusiasts at a nearby restaurant for some fantastic pasta (the carbonara was literally divine) and a fabulous tiramisu - you see, in Italy, it seems the whole country appreciates good food and a sprinkle of glamour! After, I decided to make my way to a little square near the Piazza Navona, I just love those little romantic cobbled squares tucked away in cities. This one, however, had something truly unique: an impromptu performance by a group of young street dancers! Let me tell you, their moves were pure magic! It’s incredible to see people embrace art and creativity with such passion - there’s so much we can learn from their fearless spirit, don't you think? I was even asked to join in at one point! Now, this little Pink Tutu certainly knew how to capture the spotlight, if I do say so myself! The audience went wild, and I’m pretty sure I saw a few onlookers grabbing for their phones!

You know what, darlings? It’s this energy, this embrace of the extraordinary, that makes me adore this city so much. There’s something about the Romans, they're so alive! And their architecture! Imagine if every city embraced beauty and colour with such exuberance, it would be such a bright and joyful world, wouldn't it?

After all that twirling, my darling little tummy was in dire need of some proper Italian treats. I found a fantastic little pastry shop that makes the most delicious cannoli – they're basically a chocolate and cream dream come true! Oh, I really have fallen for Rome. It’s so vibrant, romantic, and full of hidden treasures – just like a beautifully worn tutu. I simply must visit the Roman Colosseum tomorrow. It seems like an important landmark and you can't go to Rome without taking a peek! But let me tell you, the colosseum doesn't hold a candle to a pink tutu!

Stay tuned next week, I've got a very exciting experience planned with the local ballet school and I may even take a little trip to Pompeii! Oh, the possibilities are simply endless!

Ciao, for now, and remember, life’s too short to live in a boring beige outfit! So, embrace the pink, embrace the fabulous, and be your own pink tutu.

Lots of love,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-02-03 exploring Rome Italy