Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-01-27 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #764 - Ciao Bella! Adventures in the Eternal City!

Ciao bella!

It's Wednesday again, and you know what that means - a new post on straight from the heart of Rome! The weather has been absolutely glorious, with sunshine streaming through the cobblestone streets.

As I write this, I’m sitting on a balcony overlooking the stunning Piazza Navona. I'm enjoying a frappé (which tastes like it's been infused with sunshine and happiness!) while the melodic strains of a street musician's guitar serenade the vibrant scene. It’s the perfect backdrop to a dreamy Roman day.

Last week I mentioned I was heading to the Colosseum for a grand tour. I’ll tell you - that place blew my mind! I'd been there before but seeing it with a fresh perspective and the energy of this vibrant city around me really amplified its magnificence. It's difficult to comprehend the scale of the place when standing in the shadow of the gladiatorial arena, it's simply breathtaking.

My love for all things sparkly is always with me, so naturally, I couldn’t resist wearing my new sparkly pink ballet shoes for the occasion. After all, a little sparkle never hurt anyone, and you know, a little bit of magic always makes things more interesting. And, it got me some extra attention from the Italian paparazzi who clearly loved my vibrant tutu ensemble!

You wouldn't believe how many pictures we snapped there. (The Roman Coliseum definitely gets a big 'thumbs up' from the Pink Tutu team!).

Speaking of thumbs ups, I think the Romans definitely got me! Rome has a unique energy about it. The bustling streets, the delectable cuisine, the magnificent history... it’s intoxicating. And don’t even get me started on the gelato! It’s creamy, sweet and absolutely delicious! Every day, I have a new flavour to discover – pistachio, fior di latte, Stracciatella – the possibilities are endless! I have to admit I do miss Derbyshire's traditional ice-cream though. But maybe not that much, considering this!

The Roman Ballet Scene

And as much as I'm drawn to the beauty of ancient Rome, I'm also keen to immerse myself in its vibrant arts scene. I've been doing some research, and it turns out that Rome has an incredibly thriving ballet community. Just like a delicious piece of tiramisu, the scene is sweet and delicious! There are numerous dance studios offering everything from classic ballet to modern and contemporary styles. I am totally planning to try a class in the near future, it's simply too exciting to miss!

Speaking of ballet, my travel plans for this week include seeing "Giselle" at Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, a prestigious opera house right in the heart of the city! The staging looks spectacular, and I can't wait to lose myself in the ethereal beauty of this classic tale. And just like when I go to the theatre back home, I’m going to go all out in the sartorial department - sequins, tulle and, naturally, the perfect shade of pink! Because, a night at the theatre needs an outfit to match!

I will make sure to report back next Wednesday with the juicy gossip! Oh, did I mention I have a lovely date for the opera? I’ve met a fabulous, dashing Italian ballet dancer named Marco at a studio the other day – he’s promised me a truly unique Italian dining experience before the opera! This feels like a dream come true! He even asked me to come see him in his studio, to observe one of his lessons, before he starts his rehearsal! The Italians definitely know how to impress a lady – I'm completely charmed.

Oh, and of course, my Roman Adventures have just begun. Be sure to join me for more stories and fabulous photographs on Instagram! You can follow me at @PinkTutuEmma.

Finding Beauty in Unexpected Places

One of the things I adore about travelling is the sheer delight of finding beauty in unexpected places. The other day, I found myself in the Trastevere neighbourhood. It was as if I stepped back in time, with charming cobbled alleys and buildings with intricate architectural details. I was absolutely mesmerized by a little antique shop, a charming hole in the wall full of the most exquisite ballet paraphernalia - everything from vintage costumes and shoes to rare dance programmes. It was a true treasure trove, and the lady who ran the shop was a lovely old woman, completely enamored with ballet history, with an impressive collection of original tutus - and naturally, they were all a delicious shade of pink! She knew I had a penchant for tutus - clearly my pink tutu aura had reached all the way to Italy! She offered me a hot tea with lavender honey and shared so many lovely anecdotes of her ballet history – a perfect afternoon for the Pink Tutu Queen!

It’s days like these that make travel such a wondrous adventure, wouldn't you say?

I’m loving discovering Rome! I must be careful, though, this trip has definitely ignited a spark of excitement and I think Rome may just steal my heart! It’s vibrant, it's passionate and oh, so full of surprises! Rome truly lives up to its name as the ‘Eternal City’ – I think my trip may be just as timeless, a lasting memory I will cherish forever!

So, that’s it from my Pink Tutu adventures in the Eternal City! Until next week! Don’t forget to follow along on Instagram, for even more fun from my Roman journey. Until then, keep your tutus twirling!

Stay tuned for more stories of pink-tutu-tastic adventures as I continue to explore the charming, historical and artistic magic of Rome.


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-01-27 exploring Rome Italy