
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-03-24 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #772 - The Eternal City of Tutu Dreams (Wednesday, 24th March 2010)

Ciao bellas! It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for your favourite Pink Tutu travel diary! Today, we're in the heart of Rome, the Eternal City! I know, right? You bet your tutus, I'm buzzing!

It all started with the usual train journey from Derbyshire. I swear, thereā€™s no better way to travel than by train - it gives me ample time to admire the countryside, sketch my tutu dreams in my notebook, and catch up on some fashion blogs. It also provides me with the opportunity to work on my "tutu in public" skills! I can't just stand on the platform, can I? That's where I put on my ballet-themed top, with its sequined butterflies, my favourite pink tutu (itā€™s a soft peach shade today), and I dance, yes, dance my way through the carriage to my next adventure! I might even sneak in a little arabesque in the aislesā€¦ shhhh! Donā€™t tell the train guards.

Speaking of dancing, youā€™d be shocked by how many performances I squeeze into my hectic schedule. Did you know that this month alone, I've performed in four different ballet productions? All to fund my love of travelling. This trip to Rome? Well, that was funded by a beautiful rendition of "Giselle," performed under the glorious starlight of a Cornish open-air theatre. Talk about a dream come true, or should I say, tutu come true!

Right, enough about ballet, letā€™s get back to Rome. Oh my god, you guys! The energy in this city is unreal. Everywhere you look, there's so much history, so much art, so much beauty. Even the little cafes seem to whisper tales of emperors and gladiators. Romeā€™s got it all! And to top it off, the weather's divine, the perfect climate for swirling your tutu and enjoying some dolce vita. Speaking of dulce vita, just earlier today I enjoyed the most exquisite, decadent tiramisu in the cutest little cafe with terracotta floors and tiny pink floral-patterned napkins, just like a little ballet studio. Every time I order food here, theyā€™re always thrilled when I come waltzing in and ask for ā€œil mio dessert - bellissimo! ā€. You just know theyā€™re going to be whispering about the ballerina who waltzed in, right? šŸ˜‰

Rome, my darlings, is a city you can spend weeks exploring and still not discover all its secrets! So let me tell you a little bit about what weā€™ve done in the past two days - all of it in a tutu, of course.

We started by taking a leisurely stroll across the majestic Piazza Navona, the atmosphere was magical, buzzing with performers, artists selling their wares, and just tons of lovely people soaking up the sun. It was all just a touch too romantic. This little Italian girl was even tempted to skip around the fountain a little (in my tutu of course). Did I mention how absolutely stunning this piazza is? The perfect place to twirl your way to an afternoon pick-me-up, which involved more gelato. And you guys know I have a bit of an obsession with gelato!

Today was the most divine treat, the Coliseum. The moment I stepped inside the arena, I felt a shiver down my spine! The ghosts of gladiators and emperors, the roars of the crowd - I felt it all! And I think the history came to life even more for me in the pink tutu. It was all just very dramatic and quite emotional. Honestly, I could have spent all day there, letting my imagination run wild, just me and the echo of my tutus swishing against the ancient stones!

Speaking of dramatic, I need to share with you the absolute joy of discovering Romeā€™s incredible theatre scene. Oh my goodness, the beauty, the grace, the magic of a real ballet show, right there in the city. I mean, my dears, the costumes, the dancing, the passion - all I could do was sit there, breathless with admiration, holding my breath as a talented ballerina landed a perfectly graceful fouettĆ© en tournant.

So as you can imagine, the past few days have been a whirlwind of tutu twirls, beautiful fashion finds in tiny boutiques (one gorgeous cream hat I just had to have), delicious pasta, and historical exploration! Iā€™m also getting ready to make my big tutu-wearing debut tonight at a theatre gala, complete with a champagne reception and a dazzling ballet show. Let's hope they donā€™t mind my dancing at my table to the beat of the orchestra. After all, my dear, a true ballerina lives and breathes her passion, right? Oh, and maybe I'll even try to convince a few of the guests to join me for a group tutu twirl! After all, life's too short for drab, right? Who says ballerinas canā€™t make a bit of a statement, darling?

So keep checking in next week, loves, for all the details of my Roman theatrical adventure! Until then, stay bright and sparkly, and always remember to dance your way through life. And don't forget, there's a tutu out there for everyone, even for the hesitantā€¦ oh yes, it's all a matter of finding the perfect pink one!

Ciao from Rome, Emma

Don't forget to check out Emma's blog every Wednesday at www.pink-tutu.com!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-03-24 exploring Rome Italy