Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-04-07 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #774

Wednesday 2010-04-07: La Dolce Vita in Pink

Ciao bella!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Rome, the place where dreams are twirled and shopping is a form of ballet. This week, darling, we're diving headfirst into the vibrant heart of Italy. As I sit here at a charming cafe, sipping a perfectly frothy cappuccino (just a tiny drop of milk, I don't want to dull my rosy glow!), I'm already feeling inspired by this beautiful city. Rome truly does radiate with a sense of history and glamour, all wrapped up in a charming, romantic Italian bow.

I've just finished a whirlwind day of exploring, my trusty pink tutu bouncing with every step I took. As you know, a pink tutu is the ultimate passport to a city's heart - it attracts friendly smiles and invites interesting encounters. Who needs maps and guides when you've got the power of a swirling tutu?

First Stop: The Trevi Fountain

There's something truly magical about Rome, even the familiar sights take on a new dimension when seen for the first time. We all know the tale of tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain, right? And of course, as the queen of the pink tutu, I just couldn't visit without a little toss myself! It was so exciting - standing there with the beautiful, ancient marble swirling around me. It's almost as if the Trevi fountain were my own personal stage, and my tutu was my perfect costume. Don't worry, I followed the rules. I tossed my coin in right-handed, for good luck. Just imagine, a romantic night in Rome with a delicious Italian dinner... I can almost smell the fresh basil now!

Lunch Break: Pasta Paradise

What's a trip to Italy without indulging in some delicious pasta? After our adventure at the fountain, we tucked into a light lunch of spaghetti carbonara and a beautiful salad bursting with colours (like the perfect shade of pink, obviously!) at a family-run restaurant near the Pantheon. Oh, how I love Italy! They do pasta so well. It just melts in your mouth.

Afternoon Adventures: Fashion, Fabric and Fabric

No trip to Rome would be complete without a shopping spree! It's like a treasure trove for a girl like me. From exquisite fabrics that would make even the most experienced seamstress drool, to intricate lace designs that would be the envy of any ballerina, Rome is a fashionista's dream! I think my pink tutu wardrobe is about to expand significantly.

The afternoon was spent wandering the streets, sniffing out all the best shops. There are endless opportunities for a girl with a love for clothes - even the simplest garment feels incredibly special when it comes from the city of Rome! I'm thinking of designing a collection based on all the gorgeous silks and fabrics I found, perhaps with some whimsical touches inspired by the cobbled streets and Roman history...

Evening Entertainment: Opera Under the Stars

In the evening, we embraced Rome's magical aura by attending a stunning opera performance. It was incredible! Imagine the scene: a historical amphitheater bathed in the soft glow of the moon, the passionate music swelling through the night air, and my pink tutu swirling in time with the melodic beauty. Even in Rome, a pink tutu is always the perfect attire! I've been completely entranced by the power of opera ever since - those grand gestures and powerful vocals…

From Derbyshire to Rome

It's fascinating to see the similarities and differences between Derbyshire, England, and this Italian gem. Derbyshire is a quaint little village - it holds my heart, but Rome's charm has captivated me! Both locations boast incredible history, breathtaking architecture, and an abundance of beauty. The pace of life in Derbyshire is slow and serene, while Rome has this constant energy and buzz that is incredibly invigorating!

The differences truly are what make them both so wonderful and worth exploring. It's truly amazing how our passion for dance, a simple tutu and the journey of a girl from Derbyshire can find so many connections, adventures, and beauty, both at home and far, far away.

This week's Pink Tutu Takeaway

  • Every city has its own unique charm and spirit, just like each of us.
  • Don't be afraid to embrace the magic of the unknown, no matter where life takes you!
  • Always have your pink tutu on hand - it's a guaranteed way to make every adventure more fabulous!

Until next Wednesday, darling! Don't forget to check out my website,, for more fun, fabulous, and, of course, pink-tastic adventures!

With love and twirls,


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-04-07 exploring Rome Italy