Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-06-02 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #782 - A Roman Holiday! 🩰🇮🇹

Hello my lovely Tutu-ites! 👋

Welcome to another week of Pink Tutu travels! This Wednesday, we're whisked away to the magical city of Rome. It's my very first time visiting the Eternal City, and I can already tell I'm going to fall head over heels!

Before we start exploring, let me fill you in on my grand entrance: It was a la mode for sure! Train journey from Florence? Obviously a pink tutu for the occasion! It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Rome blog post without one, would it? (The good news is, it didn't wrinkle at all - even in the Italian train's slightly less-than-perfect seating.)

Rome is a sight to behold, with ancient history whispering around every corner and a distinct buzz in the air. I swear, the city feels alive!

My Roman Wish List

You see, I've had Rome in mind for ages. It's like an exquisite jewel in the Italian crown. My travel diary had this wish-list for my Roman holiday:

  • Sizzle and sparkle: I wanted to see all the stunning Roman sights, from the Colosseum to the Trevi Fountain! (Of course, in a stylishly appropriate outfit.)
  • Fabulous finds: I envisioned shopping for designer Italian shoes, exquisite handmade jewellery, and a delightful little dress to twirl around the Roman piazzas.
  • Magnificent moments: A dreamy ballet show under the stars! My ballet heart craved a night of artistry in a glorious theatre.
  • Foodie fun: You know I love sampling local delicacies! Pasta with truffle, mouth-watering gelato, pizza fresh from the oven... I can practically taste it already!
  • And of course... Pink tutu perfection: I have to show Rome what a proper, pink-tutu-clad ballerina looks like! 😉

This week's journey: It all begins right here in my Rome blog. I've even managed to squeeze in some shopping already. Oh, how exciting! (You'll see a glimpse of it all in the photos). I am bursting with stories from today's adventures.

Shall we?

My Roman Day

I've been walking the Roman streets since sunrise and feel utterly exhilarated by everything I've seen. So, come with me as I tell you all about it.

Breakfast Bliss:

It wouldn't be a proper Rome trip without a delicious Italian breakfast. After a dreamy night at the hotel - they even had fluffy pink cushions, can you believe it? - I had a truly delectable start to my day at a tiny little cafe. I enjoyed an espresso, brioche con crema, and a fresh fruit salad. (For some reason, eating breakfast outdoors just feels more special, doesn't it?)

Tutu Tales:

My trusty pink tutu became the perfect ensemble for the morning, I feel I should probably write about this more in detail in another post! It really adds that extra flair, you know? Just a sprinkle of magic to each day! Plus, you never know when a flash mob might start… I mean, you never want to be caught unprepared, do you?

Roman Marvels:

My very first stop after breakfast was the Colosseum. Wow! I just stood there and drank it all in - this magnificent relic of history! It's hard to believe that gladiators actually fought in that arena centuries ago! As we walked around, I felt like a character in a movie. Even with so many tourists around, it was utterly peaceful - everyone just seems to stand in quiet respect. We stood for a good hour, just letting the magic sink in.

Next, it was onto the Roman Forum. A beautiful open space, with so many fascinating ruins from Roman times. I imagine the forum brimming with life back in the day! A world of bustling commerce and a sense of vibrant society. You could sense history and a sense of great drama. I felt utterly privileged to be in this place of incredible history. I could easily spend a day here, taking photos, picturing Roman life in all its grandeur, but I had much to see!

The Roman Forum, though fascinating, seemed to hold an air of melancholy, while the Colosseum, however brutal it’s story was, felt like it had energy. It’s such a strange paradox but both places were very powerful in their own ways.

Trevi Time:

My favourite thing about the Trevi Fountain? The magic! The entire plaza felt as if it was bathed in the shimmering sunlight from the fountain. I tossed a coin into the water and, just for good measure, closed my eyes and spun around three times (you know the drill!) It made for some pretty pictures, especially with my tutu on. A tiny little boy (who, of course, wore his tiny white ballet slippers!), pointed to the pink and said "tutu!"

Shopaholic’s Dream:

Later, I had an afternoon dedicated to finding treasures. Let's just say I found myself falling head-over-heels for all things Italian! Shoes (shoes shoes!), delicate jewellery and a stunning scarlet-red, silky dress (just imagine the twirling!) were among the day’s purchases. The Italians really know their style. I'm not sure if it's the quality of the craftsmanship, or just the way they carry themselves with such elegant flair, but it's definitely a magic potion of sartorial loveliness!

I will say that a pink ballet slipper shop would’ve made for the perfect ending to this part of my journey, however, a bright fuchsia handbag came in a close second. You will find that little detail in a future post. (I will leave a few photo teasers at the end).

Dinner and a Show:

Rome was all about experiencing everything it had to offer - that was my mission, you see? In the evening, we enjoyed a delicious Roman feast of fresh pasta with creamy sauces and juicy grilled meats at a cute restaurant with outdoor seating. Of course, we had to end it with a huge portion of rich gelato, so we grabbed a tub for takeaway as we strolled past some delightful little streets.

My first stop on a Friday evening in Rome? Well, of course it had to be a ballet! It’s Friday evening! It was at this fabulous little theatre tucked away off a street, filled with incredible architecture and elegant Roman decor, I am surprised no one’s ever written about it, but alas, perhaps it will be me. I loved how, even at the edge of my seat, every nuance was just so crystal clear! I really feel I witnessed a true work of art. A real masterpiece of theatre!

Oh! and after all the cultural stimulation, we rounded the evening off with the sweetest little opera house performance. I had no idea, even on a week night, these places were just bursting with talent! It's another one for the "Roman Moments To Cherish" list!

Pink Tutu in Rome?

Oh my Tutu-ites! It feels like a lifetime ago! Even in this week alone, I feel my travels have been jam-packed with memories, experiences, and a real dose of pure enchantment. I could honestly write about this for weeks, it felt truly amazing, each moment and each sensation just so perfect! But I must make way for another day! It was incredible!

Don't forget, to follow my Pink Tutu Journey, check back next Wednesday for an update, but make sure you are following my journey over on Instagram.

Stay sparkly,



Emma's Roman Diary Snaps:

  • A photo of Emma in a pink tutu, walking through a stunning piazza in Rome
  • Emma tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain
  • Emma gazing at the Colosseum (with a tiny white ballet slipper on the floor)
  • A sneak peek at her shopping finds - pink shopping bags filled with shoes and handbags!
  • A blurry image (on purpose) from her opera show
  • A dramatic image of a show, I am wondering if they do anything with a tutu in there…

(Note that I added photos as Emma would for a social media post. I included details she'd use in her photos to enhance them with captions and also included elements like a blurred image from a show which is more on the side of "behind the scenes")

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-06-02 exploring Rome Italy