Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-07-14 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #788 - Wednesday 14th July, 2010

Bonjour from Rome, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, reporting live from the Eternal City!

As you know, I’m a sucker for a train journey, and after an utterly charming Eurostar trip (did I mention my fab new pink suitcase?!), we (that's my wonderful, ever-patient husband and my fab pink fluffy Toffee) are finally in Italy!

The Italian countryside was a beautiful blur of rolling hills and vibrant wildflowers. I honestly could have just stayed on the train and gazed out the window all day! The energy in the carriage was electric; I even saw a man rocking a fabulous pink tie – he was almost channeling my aesthetic!

Now, I’m sure you’re all dying to hear about my Roman adventures, and where do we begin? This is a city bursting with history, culture, and oh my goodness, the shopping!

First stop: The Pantheon!

Honestly, you can't come to Rome without seeing this awe-inspiring structure. The Pantheon is more than just a building; it’s a time capsule. I've been a total history buff since I was a little girl, and this place simply took my breath away. We stood beneath that incredible dome, imagining emperors and emperors’ wives gazing upon the sky, and just… feeling the weight of history. It made me want to whirl into a celebratory, almost pagan, dance right there and then.

The Food… Oh, the food!

Next, it was onto one of the highlights of any Italian adventure: lunch! We found ourselves at a charming trattoria, tucked away on a cobbled street. We satiated our appetites with creamy pasta dishes, delectable pizzas, and of course, gelato. Honestly, gelato here is another level – so creamy, so fresh, and with flavour combinations that have my tastebuds doing cartwheels. My personal favourite so far is pistachio!

A Touch of Pink at the Spanish Steps

After a gelato break, it was on to the Spanish Steps. Honestly, I can't help myself: I just had to pose at the top of the steps in a whimsical, pirouette pose with a touch of my signature pink tulle. And you know what? The people there were so excited to have their pictures taken with me, and the locals were thrilled to see me embracing the romance of the city!

The Art of Italy: A Touch of Ballet Inspiration at The Galleria Borghese

Of course, any trip to Rome wouldn’t be complete without a visit to The Galleria Borghese. Now, I confess, the Borghese was even better than I expected! It’s just stunning! I mean, the sculptures alone are simply divine – all the grace and fluidity that makes my ballerina heart swoon. And the paintings, I could just stand there for hours getting lost in the detail and the emotion. This museum was overflowing with inspiration for my upcoming performance – oh my gosh, you wait, you wait until I share the inspiration!

A Touch of the Unexpected: Strolling Around the Trastevere

As the afternoon sun dipped lower, we decided to explore the Trastevere neighbourhood. The cobblestone streets, the brightly coloured buildings, the quaint little shops selling everything from handcrafted ceramics to artisanal gelato – this area just emanates charm!

Of course, no evening in Rome is complete without an aperitivo at sunset! I'm actually typing this now from the rooftop terrace of a gorgeous bar, where we're soaking up the gorgeous views and enjoying a glass of wine – a perfect way to round off a fantastic day!

My Fashion Notes from the Eternal City

Honestly, I have to say that Roman women have incredible style. So effortless and elegant – even on the hottest days they look super chic. I have already found a fab little vintage store where I plan to stock up on fabulous silk scarves to pair with my tutus. Just you wait for the photos!

My Final Thought…

Rome is a city that makes you feel both alive and transported back in time. Honestly, this is my kind of place. I am already in love with the city, and the day has barely begun! I'm feeling so much inspiration for my choreography and for my upcoming show! I promise I'll be sharing all my latest finds, fashion discoveries, and Roman adventures with you on the blog – stay tuned, darlings!

And before I sign off, remember what I say: “The world would be a much happier place if everyone wore a pink tutu”!

Sending oodles of love and happy pirouettes from the heart of Rome,

Emma [website address: ]

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-07-14 exploring Rome Italy