Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-08-04 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! - #791

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood pink tutu-clad blogger, and I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement to be sharing my latest adventures with you - I'm in Rome!

Rome, with its rich history, charming streets, and delicious gelato (did someone say pistachio?!) is proving to be an absolute dream. I can already tell this is going to be a truly memorable trip, full of fashion, fun, and of course, plenty of pink!

As always, I'm funding my travels with my beloved ballet - I just love the magic of it all, from the intricate footwork to the exquisite costumes. Last night, I graced the stage at the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza with a stunning rendition of "Swan Lake", and the applause was truly overwhelming. What could be better than sharing my love of dance and spreading a little pink joy wherever I go?

Now, onto my Rome adventure! This week's Pink Tutu Blog is all about Rome, so hold onto your hats (or maybe even your tiaras – those go down well here!) as I whisk you away on a whirlwind tour of the Eternal City!

Arriving in Style: A Journey on Wheels

I have a confession - I'm completely besotted with travelling by train. It’s so wonderfully romantic, isn't it? The clattering wheels, the chugging engine, the view flashing past the window… I could happily spend days in a carriage, tucked in with a good book and a cuppa. It's a chance to relax and enjoy the journey rather than stressing about the destination (even if, in my case, the destination is Rome – seriously, what could be better?!).

Anyway, my journey started with a grand, early morning train ride from London, the train being adorned with a stylish, if not slightly overstuffed, pink tote bag, which, of course, contained all the essentials for any travelling ballerina: a book on ballet history, my favourite "I Heart Ballet" socks (seriously, the colour is divine), and a miniature pack of emergency-sparkle face paint - never can be too prepared!

The journey flew by with me taking in all the rolling green countryside, interspersed with charming villages and sleepy towns - definitely some inspiration for future Tutu Travels! Once in Rome, it was another enchanting train journey into the heart of the city – a real touch of elegance and glamour that just set the tone for the adventure to come.

Rome – An Absolute Feast for the Senses

Okay, let's get real – Rome is literally bursting with beautiful things. The architecture is so stunning, from the ancient Colosseum to the magnificent Vatican City, to the more modern Baroque marvels, you just can't take your eyes off it.

The Romans have this fantastic ability to weave old and new together so seamlessly. Just the other day, I strolled down a cobbled street lined with shops overflowing with designer bags and artisanal perfumes, then literally stumbled upon a quiet little courtyard with an ancient fountain – and a group of people practicing their tap dancing! It's this juxtaposing mixture of old and new, tradition and trendiness, that makes this city such a treasure.

Speaking of treasures, the shops! The fashion here is incredible. Seriously, the style is something else. From the beautifully crafted, high-end leather goods to the trendy vintage stores crammed with retro treasures, there is literally something for everyone.

Of course, I haven't forgotten my pink tutu mission - I've been trying to tempt the locals into adopting a bit of pink and sparkle. Some of the women, especially the younger ones, seem very open to it. One day, I even saw a little girl twirling around in a little pink tutu near the Trevi fountain – the ultimate tribute to pink! It's contagious!

Food, Glorious Food

The food scene is seriously good. Seriously good. Forget fancy pants restaurants (though I have sampled some of those, too!) – it’s all about the street food.

My absolute favourite so far? It’s got to be the ‘supplì’ – fried rice balls, but these aren't just any old rice balls, mind you. They’re oozing with cheesy, tomatoey goodness. I even saw a stall that had ‘pink supplì’ – can you believe it?! Naturally, I had to get one. And let me tell you, it did not disappoint!

Every day is a taste explosion – gelato (of course, in all its rainbow glory!), freshly baked pizza straight out of a brick oven, crusty bread oozing with sun-dried tomato paste… my stomach has never been happier.

The Beauty of Movement: Dancing Under the Roman Sky

A trip to Rome isn't complete without a bit of culture, and luckily, this city has an abundance of it. The opera houses are bursting with talent and history – you can actually feel the ghosts of past singers filling the space as you walk into those ornate halls. I've already managed to snag tickets to see 'Carmen' at the Teatro dell'Opera, and let me tell you, the anticipation is almost unbearable. I’ve even been thinking of slipping in a couple of pink feather boas to complete the look!

But it’s not all high opera. The streets are also bursting with life and talent - street dancers with moves to die for, musicians strumming soulful melodies on guitars, mime artists conjuring laughter from passers-by… I’ve been swept up in this lively performance art. The sheer joy and freedom in every performance really does tug at your heartstrings. It's a reminder that it's not just about the stage, but the dance of life itself, and how important it is to embrace every moment.

I can’t leave Rome without embracing my own dancing heart. That’s why, on the weekends, I've been planning to get into some serious dance training at a little studio near the Pantheon – you just can't resist those stunning surroundings! I'll even wear my special ballet outfit: my gorgeous new tutu that’s the colour of a dusty rose (and don’t even get me started on the perfect pink feather boa to go with it!)

Soaking it All Up

Evenings are for wandering the streets. I find myself drifting along the ancient pathways, taking it all in. The sun dipping low on the horizon, casting long shadows on the stone buildings – it's just breathtaking.

Of course, no stroll through the city is complete without a stop for a refreshing drink. There are so many beautiful cafes and trattorias. It's the perfect excuse for a little pink fizz (well, it has to be!) and a chat with the locals - the Italian people are absolutely charming and friendly. You'll have them laughing with a ‘ciao bella!’ or a ‘molto bene’ – it's a language everyone can understand!

The energy in the air is intoxicating. The passion, the joy, the love of life… Rome is simply bursting with it! I can’t wait to explore even more of the city, get lost in the ancient streets, and perhaps even find myself a new pair of glittery shoes.

Don’t worry – I’ll be back next week with more fabulous adventures, delicious stories, and perhaps even a new outfit or two. Remember, my darlings, keep shining bright and don’t be afraid to embrace a little bit of pink – after all, the world is a much more fun and beautiful place with a little bit of sparkle!

Stay stylish, Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-08-04 exploring Rome Italy