Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-08-25 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 2010-08-25 - Ciao Bella!


Well, hello there, darlings! This week's Pink Tutu travels take us to the glorious city of Rome, Italy. I simply cannot resist the lure of ancient history, delectable pasta, and of course, fabulous fashion! This, my dears, is a city that positively screams for a splash of pink.

So, how did this enchanting trip come about, you ask? Well, my latest ballet performance at the Derbyshire County Theatre - where I pirouetted through "Giselle" like a pink-hued feather on the wind, naturally! - allowed me to finally put some hard-earned shillings towards this dream trip. Who needs a prince charming when you can shimmy your way to Rome with your trusty Pink Tutu?!

This Wednesday, I arrived at the breathtaking Termini Station, a grand old dame of a station that positively crackled with life. A cacophony of voices and whirs of luggage echoed around, the air thick with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm bread - pure sensory bliss! And then I spotted her, a gorgeous pink taxi just for me! My own personal Roman chariot.

My hotel, perched upon a hill overlooking the bustling city, is a vision in rose-tinted hues - even the bathrobes were in a delightful shade of baby pink, the perfect outfit for an impromptu dance around the room, I’ll confess! I think my favourite bit of the hotel, however, has to be the balcony. There’s nothing more magical than watching the city awake each morning with a cup of cappuccino and a slice of buttery croissant - or rather, watching the world go by while strategically holding the Pink Tutu for an impromptu photo shoot, I’ll admit!

After I'd shaken off my travel daze and popped into a charming little boutique on the Via Condotti - where I simply had to pick up a gorgeous coral silk scarf for that Parisian chic vibe - I decided to embark on a romantic stroll through the Eternal City. And of course, Rome doesn't disappoint.

From the awe-inspiring Colosseum - I pictured all the Roman gladiators in pink tutus, fighting for glory in a whirl of delicate frills - to the grand Pantheon with its magnificent dome, Rome’s grandeur seemed to wrap around me like a beautiful Italian scarf. The city was bustling with life, but everywhere you looked, there were glimpses of history and elegance. The aroma of freshly-baked bread drifted down cobblestone streets, enticing me with its delicious promise. And I could feel my toes twitching in my dainty ballet shoes - ready for a graceful dance down the Via Veneto.

But don’t let me forget the food, darling! Oh, the food! Rome is a veritable smorgasbord of delightful Italian cuisine. I’ve enjoyed everything from fresh pasta drizzled with creamy pesto (not to mention a rather embarrassing, but utterly delicious, face-first spaghetti incident!), to the most perfect, buttery pizza I’ve ever encountered (you can never have too much mozzarella, let me tell you!). But it wouldn’t be Rome without an afternoon coffee, my dear.

In the heart of the Piazza Navona, I settled down with a cappuccino and a piece of marzipan-studded tiramisu (not that you would be able to tell from my picture-perfect Instagram shot of course - I've tried to be as graceful as possible in these beautiful pink shoes! The perfect shoes for a ballet tour of the Vatican, if you ask me).

And oh my goodness, did I tell you about the shopping! From high-fashion boutiques on Via Condotti - that even made me gasp with awe, (especially the gorgeous little lace-trimmed dresses that positively screamed "ballet star!" And, let’s not forget about the shoes!) to the unique crafts shops tucked away in hidden alleys - the city was a fashion paradise!

I also had to squeeze in a little Roman art. I went to the Galleria Borghese (all about the ballet-esque grace of Bernini's sculpture, 'Apollo and Daphne' of course!) where the intricate, captivating beauty of the Renaissance masters just made me want to swirl and leap! But even the grand masters can't hold a candle to the gorgeous Italian art of fashion, right?

But let's be honest, darling, what's a Pink Tutu blog post without a little touch of theatrics? Now, tonight I am attending a delightful performance at the Teatro dell'Opera. You just wait for my dazzling review on Saturday’s blog post.

I have to go, my dears! Rome is calling. I think I will go find a street performer and try to steal some of their moves. I know you will just adore all my snaps of me posing with the most enchanting Colosseum backdrop you ever saw, and my "Pink Tutu's at the Pantheon" Instagram posts are just divine,

Ciao for now, darlings,

Until next Wednesday’s post - be sure to keep that pink tutu at the ready!


P.S - I know you are wondering! Yes! I will be bringing a Pink Tutu to wear around the Roman Forum. You can be sure I'll be capturing every last bit of it on film! Just wait until you see the glorious photos. The Coliseum will look so much more charming when viewed from a pink tutu perspective. I know it.

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-08-25 exploring Rome Italy