Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-10-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 2010-10-13 - La Dolce Vita!


Ciao Bella!

From the cobbled streets of Derbyshire to the cobbled streets of Rome! I'm so excited to share this adventure with you! You'll know by now that I absolutely love travelling by train, especially across Europe - it's just the most romantic way to experience all the different countries and cultures. The scenery from the carriage window is breathtaking and allows me to drift off in my daydreams. I arrived in Rome last night after a long journey from Paris and am now comfortably ensconced in my beautiful little hotel near the Spanish Steps - a perfect base for my week of exploration.

Before I tell you all about what I’ve done so far in the eternal city, let me quickly mention that you can check out the entire Rome adventure with all the photos on my website! This is just the taster of the Rome escapade, so be sure to pop over there for the full pink tutu fuelled experience.

Speaking of, I'm absolutely bursting with excitement about how my wardrobe will be featuring the most gorgeous shade of fuchsia. This year's Rome has certainly embraced a vibrant and energetic approach to fashion, which is right up my street! From the bold, statement prints and florals that line the shop windows to the dazzling displays of colour on the streets, Rome is like a theatrical runway for the fashion enthusiast. I'm practically drowning in pink right now and couldn’t be happier! It seems as though I’m not alone, because everyone seems to be embracing vibrant colours. It feels like a breath of fresh air compared to the London trends that have taken over the past few years - all greys, black and browns. It's not that they don't look beautiful, but the energy just seems a bit muted. You’ll all be glad to know that pink is definitely not dead, but very much alive here!

Of course, my trusty pink tutu is taking centre stage throughout my adventures. Rome is like the perfect setting for twirling and pirouetteing, especially in the lovely parks and gardens, but honestly, everywhere in this beautiful city just feels like a stage! As soon as I arrive in any new location, I just have to put on the tutu and whirl around for a bit – just to see how I look against the gorgeous backdrop. Don't worry - I'm being very respectful and avoid the busy areas to get my pirouette on! And honestly, who doesn’t need to dance on occasion? Just ask any Roman citizen on the street and they’ll show you!

You're probably wondering about my Rome schedule! How do I keep myself busy when I'm not admiring the fashions or twirling in a tutu? Let’s just say there's a fair bit of sightseeing on the agenda - but all the while with the ultimate mission in mind, to spread the love of pink! This morning, I started my day by exploring the magnificent Colosseum – it was a very emotional moment for me. Having only ever seen this awe-inspiring piece of architecture on TV, I was totally overwhelmed by the size, scale, and history of this building. Honestly, the Colosseum feels more like a film set, the scene of a Roman Gladiator film. I really think everyone should try to come here, even just once in their lives - just to have that moment of experiencing history up close. And then, naturally, the mandatory pink tutu photo op had to take place - can’t have a picture without one in Rome! My pink tutu doesn't have the power to actually stop traffic, but the camera flashes of excited tourists were just enough for a few moments of standstill admiration. You’ll be able to see the photos in my photo diary.

After the Colosseum, my insatiable desire to twirl, led me straight to the lovely gardens of the Roman Forum – a must-do in the capital for any first-time visitor. The sheer history just radiated off these ruins, which was so moving to experience. You could imagine yourself in another world completely - and as a result, there wasn't a single camera phone I wasn’t asked for a quick selfie. The Tutus-And-Travel crowd are increasing in numbers everyday and the joy is very real.

Of course, all this dancing, exploring, and sightseeing did build up a thirst, and I ended my day with a delectable gelato from a small local store in Piazza Navona - I'm completely addicted! There is something so refreshing about gelato. A real Italian delicacy. I do enjoy myself.

This evening I had dinner with some friends in one of the oldest pizzerias in Rome – it's a truly charming spot in the Trastevere neighbourhood – where we indulged in the tastiest and authentic Roman pizzas! For some of my friends this was their first time trying a true Neapolitan pizza – you know what I'm talking about, when that crisp crust meets a melt in the mouth tomato sauce, sprinkled with fresh basil leaves and topped with cheese, so divine. Honestly, Rome, you're completely spoiling me!

This city definitely seems to bring a lightness to my soul, and to keep that going, I've signed up for a salsa class. Now you know, salsa is nothing without that elegant swirling that tutus were born to embody. I even found the most fabulous new pink tutu, a dazzling one with shimmering sequins, for my salsa class at a local vintage shop this afternoon - it looks perfect against the Roman sunset – talk about a dream outfit. I can’t wait for the lessons.

However, all work and no play… Well, this isn’t strictly play but you’ll need to be prepared for another “travel post” in my next blog – because the trip I have coming up is pretty big – let’s just say there’s going to be some serious ballet involved. All I will say is that it’s involving a trip to Italy's most iconic theatre in Milan’s La Scala and my version of the ‘pink ballet dress’ – oh, you just have to wait.

And, now that the tutu dress reveal is teased - it's off to the real stage, so until next Wednesday - stay inspired and keep on twirling!



#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2010-10-13 exploring Rome Italy