Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-01-26 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #816: Dancing Through the Eternal City!

Ciao Bella!

It's Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, back from the cobbled streets of Rome, ready to regale you with tales of Italian sunshine, breathtaking architecture, and delicious pasta that would make even the most jaded gourmand sigh with delight.

As always, Wednesday is Pink Tutu day, and this week's blog is coming to you live from Rome, Italy!

Let's rewind a bit. You see, my journey to this glorious city was no ordinary train trip. No, this adventure was fueled by the magic of ballet! As you know, I fund my travels with my beloved ballet performances, and this time I'd been gracing the stage in a tiny, quaint theatre in Derbyshire - my home county, you know. It was a whimsical piece about a young ballerina finding her wings (pun intended, of course!), and the audience went wild!

So, after the curtain call and the inevitable bouquets, I dashed back to my little flat, grabbed my suitcase (and, of course, a pink tutu, just in case), and hopped onto a train heading for Italy. It was one of those blissful journeys - the kind where the countryside flies by, sun dappling through the carriage windows, and you're lost in a daydream of ancient ruins and romantic cobblestone streets.

I must admit, though, I'm rather partial to a train journey, especially in Europe. There's a certain romance to it, a timeless elegance that doesn't exist on planes. And the view? Stunning!

Speaking of views, Rome has completely blown me away! From the moment I arrived, I was in awe of the Colosseum. The sheer size of it, the stories etched in every chipped stone, it felt as though the past was reaching out to touch the present. You could practically hear the roars of the crowds, the clash of swords, the screams of the gladiators... oh, the drama! And speaking of drama, it was only fitting to catch a performance at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma.

This stunning venue, built in 1880, transported me back to the golden age of opera. Imagine a lavish, grand hall with plush velvet seats and breathtaking frescoes, the stage a portal to another world. And the performance itself? Absolutely magical! I'm not usually a fan of grand opera, but the passion, the theatrics, and the sheer technical skill of the singers completely captivated me. It reminded me so much of my own ballet career, except instead of dancing my heart out on stage, these incredible voices soared through the grand hall, filling the space with sheer emotion.

And to think, I almost missed it! I was so distracted by the vibrant street life, by the charming cafes overflowing with chattering locals, by the beautiful boutiques tempting me with colourful displays of shoes, bags, and… you guessed it… tutus! Rome truly has something for everyone, and every day I find a new nook or cranny that has my heart singing.

One thing I absolutely adored was finding a ballet studio tucked away in a hidden alley. It was so inspiring to watch local dancers of all ages and abilities flowing gracefully through the room, their passion and commitment inspiring me to step back onto the dance floor myself. (You know I couldn't resist a little impromptu session in my favourite pink tutu, and the studio manager was so kind as to let me have a go. Talk about making new friends!).

While we're talking about my beloved tutu, the Italian designers seem to have a similar love for it, for I spotted more pink tutus on the streets than ever before! The ladies of Rome clearly know how to inject a little ballet-inspired flair into their wardrobes. One shop I fell head over heels for was filled with handmade vintage gowns. Each one a unique piece of art! And oh, the colors! Emerald green, crimson red, sapphire blue, the most stunning fabrics, silks and satins… I nearly fainted with excitement, it was a feast for the eyes! Of course, I had to snag a few pieces to take home, not to mention the pair of fuchsia-hued, embellished tutus that had my name written all over them!

Shopping, sightseeing, dancing, oh, and the food! Pasta in every conceivable shape and flavour, fresh mozzarella that melts in your mouth, creamy gelato... It's hard to resist all the delicious temptations. It's a good thing ballet keeps me in tip-top shape, right? Speaking of ballet, there's something truly magical about the way it finds its way into the most unexpected corners of life. For example, the other day, while exploring a beautiful Renaissance-era piazza, I saw a street performance that had a touch of ballet woven into it. It was a young man performing with a fire hoop, swirling around the space, and his movements were so incredibly fluid and expressive that it took me straight back to the stage. It was a reminder that artistry exists in all forms, and it's everywhere if we just open our eyes to see it!

So, there you have it! Rome has truly captured my heart, with its rich history, beautiful architecture, amazing food, and friendly locals. Every corner I turn brings a new surprise, a new opportunity to immerse myself in the beauty of Italian culture. It's definitely not my last visit, not even close. In fact, I already have my next ballet performance planned in England, so stay tuned, my dear readers!

Until then, don't forget to twirl in your favourite pink tutu and always embrace the beauty of the world, one pirouette at a time.

Until next Wednesday,



P.S Don't forget to visit for more tales of pink tutu adventures, travel tips, and inspiration for your next twirl!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-01-26 exploring Rome Italy