Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-06-01 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome - Post #834: The Eternal City, the Perfect Tutu, and a Whole Lot of Pink!

Ciao Bella! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind tour of Rome and absolutely buzzing with the magic of this ancient city. It's hard to believe I'm already writing my eighth-hundredth-and-thirty-fourth #PinkTutu blog post – time really does fly when you're having fun! (And I always seem to have an awful lot of fun!).

This week's adventures have seen me flitting around the heart of the Roman Empire in a whirl of pinks, twirling past iconic landmarks and finding my own personal paradise – the most incredible pink tutu shop, nestled like a secret jewel in the heart of Rome!

Before we delve into all the gorgeous pinkness, a little chat about the journey…

The Joy of the Train Journey

As a dedicated ballet dancer and pink tutu enthusiast, train journeys hold a special place in my heart. The rhythm of the rails, the ever-changing scenery – it's like a ballet of its own!

My recent journey to Rome was no different. It was a glorious adventure through the Italian countryside. Each time the train rolled into a station, I felt like I'd stepped into a scene from an opera. All the charming cobblestone streets, the local vendors bustling about with fresh fruit, the sounds of children playing – it was a symphony of senses!

Of course, I couldn't resist slipping into my trusty pink tutu for the train ride. As always, it brought smiles to everyone around me, from weary business travelers to enthusiastic families with young children. Seeing the little ones light up with glee at the sight of the tutu made the journey truly special. I even managed to convince a few of them to join me for a little impromptu twirl in the carriage!

The Pink Palace in Rome

Once I reached Rome, I had a mission. You see, ever since my friend Sarah had raved about a pink tutu shop in Rome, I'd been itching to go. The photos Sarah sent were phenomenal – racks of pastel pink tutus, a shop filled with shimmering tulle, a real wonderland for a pink tutu lover! She told me that the shop is famous, run by a charming Italian woman who herself started out as a ballerina! It felt like destiny.

This is it, the Pink Palace. And it’s everything I dreamt of and more. I could’ve spent hours just twirling and trying on every single pink creation in the shop, but my ballet performance the following night at the Teatro Argentina was looming. I settled for a vibrant fuchsia number with glittering embellishments that perfectly captured the spirit of Rome – a city of ancient grandeur and contemporary elegance!

The Enchantment of Rome

The Eternal City is a true feast for the senses, from the majestic ruins to the delicious food and the charming piazzas teeming with life. I strolled past the iconic Colosseum, feeling the echoes of ancient Roman grandeur, marveled at the artistry of Michelangelo's paintings in the Sistine Chapel, and lost myself in the tranquil gardens of Villa Borghese.

There were so many vibrant, colourful moments I wanted to capture. Like the dazzling flower market in Piazza Campo de' Fiori where every colour imaginable shimmered before me, it reminded me of my pink tutu! Then there was the mesmerising performance by street musicians who weaved tales of love and heartbreak through their passionate melodies. I loved their expressive faces and the way they poured their heart and soul into every note. And who could resist the aromas of freshly baked bread and artisanal coffee wafting through the air? A foodie paradise!

Ballet under the Roman Sky

One of the highlights of my Roman adventures was a truly magical ballet performance. It was a dazzling celebration of Italian dance, featuring contemporary works that blended traditional elements with bold and expressive movements. Watching those talented dancers take to the stage in a world-class performance made my heart soar. It's inspiring to see artists express themselves so freely.

The theatre itself was a treasure - a beautifully preserved historic building steeped in history. It was almost as if the spirits of ancient Romans were looking down on us, applauding the talents of these brilliant dancers. I found myself swaying and twirling along in the seat, the magic of the music and movement transporting me to a different world. I know I wasn't the only one who felt this connection. Everyone in the audience seemed mesmerised and swept away by the performance.

The Power of the Pink Tutu in Rome

I wore my pink fuchsia tutu for the ballet performance, naturally! After all, it seemed a fitting homage to the vibrant spirit of Rome, the dazzling costumes on the stage and the enchanting history that surrounded me. I couldn't resist catching a few smiles from my fellow audience members. Maybe I inspired a few people to embrace a bit of pink and sparkle!

What's the point of a trip to a beautiful city like Rome if you don't capture a few fun moments in a pink tutu? As I twirled through the city's picturesque streets, taking photos for my #PinkTutuRome blog, I found myself drawing smiles from locals and fellow tourists. The pink tutu definitely became a conversation starter, It was amazing how easily it broke down barriers, sparking joy and a bit of childlike wonder. I’d even catch the occasional glimpse of a camera flashing my way, and even though I was in a beautiful setting, the pink tutu really was the highlight for many. I was amazed how much joy I brought to people by just being myself.

My Pink Tutu Mission – One Tutu, One World

Every day, my Pink Tutu journey teaches me a new lesson. It's not just about the tutus, it's about expressing yourself, about spreading joy, about reminding people to find their inner child and live life with a touch of whimsy! My travels have taken me across continents, and one thing has been consistent: a Pink Tutu knows no language barriers!

Rome reminded me once again – why do I wear the Pink Tutu? It’s a symbol of fun, of laughter, of embracing joy. And Rome, with its historic heart, colourful life, and delicious flavours, embraces this spirit beautifully! As for me, I can't wait to return to the Eternal City! I already know that the next time I’m there, I'm bringing a whole suitcase of pink tutus to share the magic.

So, my dear friends, until next Wednesday! Keep those pink tutus sparkling and remember, you don’t need a special occasion to embrace your inner ballerina and dance through life with joy!

**Until next time,

Emma xoxo**

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2011-06-01 exploring Rome Italy