Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-05-23 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #885 - The Eternal City and a Tutu-ful Time!

Ciao, darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, travel-loving ballerina, and I'm writing to you from the glorious city of Rome! Yes, that's right, the Eternal City has officially welcomed a tutu-wearing, pink-loving whirlwind into its historic embrace. I couldn't be more thrilled!

This week marks the start of my Italian escapade, a journey fueled by dreams of ancient wonders, gelato-laden streets, and perhaps even a ballet or two! You see, darling readers, a girl needs her ballet fix, and I'm already on the hunt for the most stunning, tutu-worthy performances that this city has to offer. But before I go gushing about the ballet scene here, let me take you on a whirlwind tour of my Roman adventure so far.

Ciao Bella, Treno!

My journey began in good old Derbyshire, England. Yes, I'm from a little county tucked away in the heart of the Peak District. It's a beautiful place, full of rolling hills and sheep, but this week, the call of ancient Rome proved too tempting to resist! After a hearty English breakfast and a final wave to my family (and, of course, a last little spin in my favourite pink tutu!), I set off towards the train station. There's something truly magical about travelling by train, especially when you're wearing a dazzling pink tutu! The looks, the smiles, the knowing glances from fellow passengers – it's all part of the joy.

Pink Perfection in the City of Seven Hills

And now, I'm in Rome! I swear, the city was practically painted in the same glorious shade of pink as my favourite tutu. Pink bougainvillea vines clambered across ancient walls, and the setting sun painted the terracotta rooftops in shades of rose. It felt like stepping into a fairytale!

First stop: the Colosseum. Honestly, the size of this ancient wonder took my breath away. It's absolutely massive, and even standing before it, I could almost imagine the roar of the crowds, the clash of gladiators, the spectacle of the whole event. To think that centuries ago, gladiators fought their battles in this very spot… it makes you wonder, doesn't it? What stories these stones could tell.

Of course, no trip to Rome is complete without a little shopping. As a true fashionista, I can never resist a good boutique, especially one selling fabulous shoes and accessories! This city is a dream for any shopaholic! My purse is practically crying, but darling, my love for a gorgeous pair of shoes outweighs the pain in my wallet. And who knows? I might just find a pink accessory to compliment my tutu, or perhaps even a pink ballet skirt. I must admit, I did already pick up a stunning silk scarf, adorned with Roman mosaics and inspired by my beloved colour… how could I resist?!

Rome by Moonlight – A Tutu-tastic Experience

As the sun began its descent, painting the sky in hues of orange, I decided to wander through the streets of Trastevere. This enchanting district feels like a step back in time. Narrow, cobbled streets are lined with charming restaurants, overflowing with locals and tourists alike. I devoured a delicious pasta dish and a delectable gelato (because, darling, gelato is a MUST when in Italy!) and watched as the sun cast long shadows over the city.

Tonight, I have the most amazing treat planned! I found out that tonight there’s a ballet performance at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. Imagine! It's a real Italian ballet, filled with passion and graceful artistry. You better believe I'll be gracing the theatre in my finest pink tutu! It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse myself in the world of ballet in the heart of Italy, and I wouldn't miss it for the world.

The Pink Tutu Movement

And let me tell you, darlings, this city is a real haven for tutu-lovers like myself! The women here have a flair for fashion that’s undeniable. I’ve already seen a few bold and beautiful ladies with their own flair for wearing tulle – imagine, a little bit of tulle here, a little bit of tulle there, just adding a sprinkle of whimsical magic to their outfits. It seems I'm not alone in my mission to bring pink tutus to the world!

Of course, I'll be posting photos of my adventures and outfits on my website – you know I’m not leaving my dear readers without a peek at all the pink goodness! And for all you tutu enthusiasts out there, stay tuned next week, as I'll be sharing some exciting news about a ballet workshop I found while in Rome – just another chance to perfect my pirouettes under the Italian sky!

Until next time, darling readers,

With a tutuful of love,

Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2012-05-23 exploring Rome Italy