Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2013-04-03 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday, 2013-04-03 - Ciao Bella, Rome!

Post Number 930

Oh my darling tutu wearers! I’m absolutely giddy to be writing this post from the heart of Rome! I arrived on Sunday afternoon, the train journey from Paris being one of the most magical I’ve ever taken. The countryside sped by in a blur of golden fields and terracotta rooftops, while I was lost in a world of fluffy pink daydreams.

It's like stepping back in time here, isn't it? Everywhere you look, history whispers in the cobbled streets, the ancient ruins, and the majestic architecture. It's just as dramatic and full of flair as a prima ballerina's final pirouette!

As I arrived, the setting sun cast a golden glow over the city, and I could feel a thrill of excitement. My trip this week is going to be a whirlwind of fashion, food, and fantastic shows. Of course, there's no way I'm missing out on Rome's iconic ballet scene! And you can bet your bottom tutu I'll be documenting every delightful discovery along the way.

First stop - Shopping spree!

Rome has been beckoning me with its promises of fashion treasures for months now. And who could resist? From the leather goods on the Via Condotti to the colourful fabric shops in Trastevere, it's a haven for a ballerina's heart (and wardrobe!).

You've heard the phrase "when in Rome, do as the Romans do," right? Well, when in Rome, embrace the flair! It’s no surprise that Italian style is so celebrated worldwide – it’s full of romance and dramatic beauty, which definitely reflects in their fashion. You just need to walk down any street here to see women rocking chic dresses with effortless grace, men exuding cool confidence in crisp linen shirts, and everyone effortlessly owning their personal style. It's seriously inspiring!

So far, I've discovered a hidden gem on Via del Governo Vecchio, a little shop tucked away behind a blooming bougainvillea. It's full of delicate lace and whimsical silk fabrics. You'll just have to wait and see if I can resist adding a new tutu creation to my collection… I’ll keep you all updated, pinky promise!

My Rome ballet wish list:

Let's talk about the ballet. Rome's ballet scene is a glorious mix of old-world grandeur and modern innovation. It's just what this ballet bunny needed after months of grueling rehearsals.

First, I’m totally diving headfirst into the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. I heard their spring season is ablaze with incredible productions, featuring legendary ballerinas like Alina Cojocaru! They’re also showcasing some fantastic modern works. It's going to be an explosion of talent and artistry. Can you even imagine how beautiful a ballerina looks when they’re gliding across a stage illuminated by the soft glow of Rome’s iconic Roman lights? It’s absolute ballet bliss!

Beyond the Opera House, I'm making sure to explore the smaller ballet schools and performance spaces scattered around the city. I love discovering hidden gems. Rome seems like a city where the artistry is just bursting at the seams. Who knows what delightful ballet surprise is around every corner!

A Foodie's Paradise

This may sound cliché, but Rome truly is a foodie paradise. You can smell the irresistible aroma of freshly baked bread, espresso brewing, and the heavenly aroma of spaghetti al ragu drifting from restaurants all over the city!

My first culinary adventure led me to a tiny little trattoria in Trastevere. They had the most delicious tiramisu. You'd think they sprinkled fairy dust in the recipe – I swear I felt like I was floating on air!

This city’s passion for food is contagious, and I've been experimenting with new flavours everywhere I go. I've already tasted the most creamy gelato, tried my hand at pasta-making (mine ended up looking a bit… interesting), and sampled every kind of panini I could find. Oh, the gelato…I have fallen head over heels! My absolute favourite flavour so far is pistachio. It’s creamy, nutty, and pure bliss.

Speaking of indulgence, you won’t believe the shoes I just bought in a little shop near Piazza Navona! You’ve got to stay tuned to see if they're worth a tutu twirl!

Rome: The city of eternal inspiration

You can truly feel the passion of this city – the passion for art, the passion for food, the passion for life! It’s an infectious energy that draws you in and sweeps you along with it. It makes me feel like I’m walking through a grand ballet scene!

From the majestic Colosseum, whispering tales of emperors and gladiators, to the intricate art of the Vatican museums, it's a city brimming with beauty, romance, and vibrant energy. Every corner tells a story, every step evokes a feeling. This city is my muse, my inspiration.

Don't be surprised if my future ballet performances feature a little Italian flare. A new story is brewing inside me – one filled with delicate lace, vibrant hues, and a healthy dose of espresso.

But wait! Before I get ahead of myself, there's so much more to see, to explore, to taste! My pink tutu is already spinning with ideas, and I'll be back next Wednesday with more of my adventures.

Until then, darling tutu wearers, let’s make the world a bit more fabulous.

Love and twirls,

Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2013-04-03 exploring Rome Italy