Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2014-01-22 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #972 - Wednesday 22nd January, 2014 - "Ciao, Bella!"

Hey gorgeous girlies,

It's Wednesday again! Time for another Pink Tutu Rome post, and this one's a real humdinger! I've been dancing, exploring, and even discovered some seriously cute boutiques in the last few days. Buckle up, my lovelies, because Rome is about to sweep you off your feet, just like it's swept me off mine!

(insert photo of Emma in a pink tutu twirling by the Trevi fountain)

First off, let's talk trains. Yep, you guessed it, I took the train to Rome. Love those carriages, they're like travelling on a pink fluffy cloud, but with a buffet cart. My journey from Derby was absolutely magical - it felt like a mini-adventure already. Even though the trains don't all have onboard entertainment, you can still spot fabulous outfits, admire the countryside whizzing by, and people watch like there's no tomorrow. Who needs fancy TV screens when you can people-watch and get some inspiration for future outfits, right? 😉

I touched down in Roma Termini (the central station), and it was pure, unadulterated magic. The air itself felt exciting, even a little electric. My hotel's near the Vatican, which I’m exploring properly tomorrow, so expect a ton of photos! I already got some fab pics with my new fave pink polka dot tutu. Seriously, Rome was built for tulle and glitter!

*(insert photo of Emma standing in front of the Colosseum wearing her pink polka dot tutu with pink feathered boa and matching handbag. *

You know what’s super exciting? Today, the Opera di Roma's got an amazing production of La Bohème, and guess who's going? Yep, this ballerina, darling! It’s one of my absolute fave operas and the story just makes me want to twirl until I reach the ceiling (well, I would reach the ceiling if it wasn't so darn high in this cathedral of a building!).

I’m also doing a ballet workshop here tomorrow. I'm feeling nervous and excited at the same time! There’s just so much history here, in the architecture, the food, the language, and even the way the locals dance (there’s an elegant flow to their movements - kind of like my own twirls!)… I’m like a ballerina on a time travel mission, learning all about the ancient art of movement, both inside the studio and out.

**(Insert photo of Emma doing some graceful ballet steps in a pink tutu and a pretty pink beret.)

Now, my loves, I haven't mentioned shopping yet. Oh, how I adore Italian style! From the chic little boutiques with their perfectly arranged silk scarves and statement jewelry to the vintage shops with treasures from bygone eras - I feel like I'm in a dream, but with real silk and gorgeous embroidery to be bought. Imagine a whole shop dedicated to sparkly pink tutus… it would be my own little paradise! And hey, who needs the beach when you've got streets paved with designer handbags, don't you think? I’ll definitely share my loot with you soon - I’m keeping an eye out for the ultimate, Italian pink tutu to complete my wardrobe, I've got my eye on a divine pink silk creation with matching opera gloves. Just you wait!

(insert picture of a pink tutu being admired by Emma)

Anyway, darling dears, I’m signing off to try and get some beauty sleep, which, let’s be honest, is practically impossible in a city that sparkles as brightly as Rome. It’s just a constant burst of colours, delicious scents, and incredible views that keeps me going, a little bit like a ballerina powered by caffeine, but without the jitters. I hope this blog post has made you feel inspired to get out there and explore your own little bit of magical adventure. Don’t forget, if you need some motivation to be bolder, put on a pink tutu - trust me, it works wonders!

Until next week! Stay fabulous and twirl like nobody’s watching.

With all my love,

Emma x

(insert Emma’s website url at the bottom)

**(Remember that this is just a sample of the 3000 word post. You would need to flesh out each point and add more detail, pictures, and perhaps even some quotes from Emma’s experience. Remember to keep it upbeat, feminine, and infused with her love for all things pink and tutus.)

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2014-01-22 exploring Rome Italy