Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2014-07-09 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #996: The Eternal City in a Pink Tutu!

Ciao bella! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Rome adventure, direct from the Eternal City! This week, my darling tutus and I have been exploring all the amazing sights, sounds, and (of course!) shops Rome has to offer. As a Derbyshire lass at heart, I must confess - I'm quite smitten with this beautiful Italian city. It's full of history, delicious food, stunning architecture, and (just wait for it)... amazing shopping!

Rome, my dearest Rome, you’re certainly winning me over. From the moment we arrived, my heart skipped a beat. I felt a connection with this place - its romance, its beauty, the bustling energy and the way it holds so many centuries worth of history. Even better? The sun is shining (which is always a bonus!), the streets are bursting with life, and everyone is so stylish!

Fashion, Fashion, Everywhere!

Rome has such a sophisticated style, a kind of effortlessly elegant air about it. Every corner holds a new discovery: handmade leather bags, sleek shoes in chic shops, vintage finds with so much history, and incredible jewellery boutiques. I've already managed to scoop up a few new pink pieces to add to my ever-growing tutu collection (you know I can't resist a pretty pink piece). It’s clear that Romans have a love affair with beautiful things. Just looking at their streets and architecture is a lesson in artistry and design.

Onwards, to the Coliseum!

This week, I made it a priority to see the magnificent Coliseum. I can’t quite explain the magic of standing in this huge ancient amphitheatre - I felt a connection to all the emperors, gladiators and crowds who were present centuries ago! Just imagine the roar of the crowd, the thrill of a gladiatorial battle, the power of the Roman Empire! There was something truly humbling and breathtaking about standing inside those ancient walls, feeling the energy of the past swirling around me.

Of course, I took plenty of pictures with my pink tutu (as a proper ballet blogger, how could I resist?). And the amazing thing? No one even batted an eyelid. I guess that's the charm of Rome, the kind of city where anything goes. (Except perhaps wearing anything too brightly colored in the scorching Italian sun!)

Oh, those Aperitivo Delights!

After the Coliseum, it was time for something absolutely essential in any trip to Italy: an aperitivo! This time, it wasn't just wine and olives, although we definitely indulged in some local specialties, but it also came with the most exquisite seafood. We found a lovely trattoria near the Pantheon and I must admit, the freshest oysters and clams I've ever tasted. The sunset overlooking the city added to the magic of the evening, the golden light transforming the ancient buildings and casting long shadows across the cobbled streets.

Train Travel - Always A Ballet!

Before arriving in Rome, I travelled by train from Florence. What an incredible experience! It’s truly magical – the rolling hills of Tuscany, the quaint towns and vineyards, the views as the train tracks cut through the Italian landscape. Even better, it’s an opportunity to relax and embrace the journey.

And let's be honest - travelling by train is like one big ballet! I'm always on the lookout for my fellow passengers to be more elegant, poised and glamorous! The swaying of the carriage, the rhythmical sound of the tracks... it’s the perfect opportunity for a ballet dancer (especially one wearing a pink tutu) to feel inspired and ready to take on a new adventure!

And Tonight? It's A Show!

Tomorrow, I am off to enjoy an evening ballet performance in the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. Can't wait to see this gorgeous venue - they say it’s one of the most beautiful opera houses in the world! As for what ballet we are going to watch? It's a secret - a special treat to unveil soon!

Well, that's all for this week's Pink Tutu Rome. Keep an eye out on for a new post every Wednesday! Remember to grab your pink tutus and get out there exploring. Life’s an adventure, and wearing a pink tutu is the best way to make it fabulous!

Until next week!


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2014-07-09 exploring Rome Italy