
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2014-10-01 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! (Post #1008)

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-loving adventurer, writing to you from the Eternal City - Rome! This week, we're diving headfirst into all things Italian: fashion, food, and of course, a sprinkle of that captivating Italian magic.

It feels absolutely surreal to be in Rome, this incredible city bursting with history, culture, and oh, so much beauty. You all know how much I adore exploring new cities, especially on a grand, historical scale, and Rome definitely delivers! Remember how much I love trains? Well, after a whirlwind train journey from my little Derbyshire home (I know, so many trains in such a short time!), I landed here, surrounded by centuries-old buildings and charming cobblestone streets. It's like stepping straight into a film set!

As a pink-tutu enthusiast, it was crucial for me to incorporate my signature colour into this Italian adventure, So, I packed my blush pink backpack and a selection of pretty pink ensembles - I just knew those gorgeous sunsets in Rome would pair perfectly with my favoured hue.

Before we dive into the sights, let's talk about my incredible experience in the Teatro dellā€™Opera di Roma (Rome Opera House). As a dedicated ballerina, how could I resist? This magnificent building, dripping in marble and gilded ceilings, left me breathless. The grand foyer, with its soaring arches and opulent decor, was like stepping back in time. It felt truly magical, and I couldn't resist snapping a few photos, twirling a bit (who can resist when surrounded by such beauty?) and soaking it all in. I couldn't help but wonder what magical tales these walls have heard! I have to confess, the acoustics were simply stunning, making the performance of La Traviata even more poignant.

I'm actually on a mission - I truly believe everyone should embrace their inner pink-tutu-wearing ballerina! Maybe I should set up a little dance class in the Colosseum, think how impressive that would be?! The thought makes me giggle! I've been feeling the Italian flair these past few days. The food, the culture, the sunshine. Oh, and the people - the locals are so warm and welcoming, and everyone's embraced my tutu, and Pink Tutu Rome motto "Live life in Pink" which, frankly, I'd never have anticipated - but isn't that part of the charm of travel? Discovering that connection with strangers, no matter your language or culture, and just being a bitā€¦ YOU.

Speaking of "being you" let's delve deeper into this incredible city!

Day 1: A Tuscan Feast and Sunset Splendour

Rome started off with a delicious Italian feast, my favourite! First stop, my all-time favourite: pizza! The pizza in Rome is heavenly, and the aroma of garlic and fresh basil filled the air as I made my way through the streets to a charming little pizzeria tucked away in a small square. It felt like a scene from a film! Oh, the pasta! Oh the wine! Oh the incredible flavours, and my favourite tiramisu ever, a dream in a little dish, and to top it all off a scoop of raspberry gelato with a pink flamingo sprinkles. I almost wished I'd worn my sparkly flamingo tutu (maybe next time!) but I was content enough with my new Rome-themed scarf, in the most beautiful shade of pink (naturally!) It is definitely going to become a fashion staple and it was a bargain at just 10 Euros in a little stall in Campo de' Fiori market! The scents from all the flowers, fruits and vegetables in this amazing food market made me want to cook everything I saw! After lunch I went on an art crawl and it ended at the most magical sunset, painted in oranges and purples, over the city, which was incredible! I think my photos will blow up my social media - the colour, the light! And I couldn't resist twirling a little while soaking up the beauty - this is what travel's all about!

Day 2: A Time Travellerā€™s Dream

Today weā€™re going to walk through history, but not just any old history - we're talking ancient history! As much as I love tutus, let's be honest, it would probably have caused a scene at the Forum of Caesar or the Colosseum, which were even more spectacular in person. Even the most iconic tourist sites seemed to radiate this powerful energy of a forgotten past. I wandered for hours amongst the ruins, marvelling at the skill and power of the ancient Roman architects, just imagining the hustle and bustle of their everyday life, the sounds of laughter and chatter and all the exciting things happening.

Day 3: From Pantheon to Prada

The Pantheon was mind-blowing, the sense of grandeur as you step through the doorway is incredible, just breath-taking. I did a little shopping spree. (A little?) Of course! I always try to blend in and take some style inspiration, whether it's from the stunning Italian architecture, the elegant locals or, the colourful fabrics and vibrant art displays I've discovered - that's all part of my ā€œpink-tutuā€ approach. This time, I couldnā€™t leave without a few beautiful pink accessories. One, a dainty silver chain necklace, studded with delicate pink gemstones (which went perfectly with the rose-coloured scarf I'd picked up earlier this week, oh, the colour matching!). A pink floral patterned linen purse - a touch of Italy in my handbag - was my final find. I could have easily gotten carried away but a girl's gotta stick to a budget. It was great to see a pink handbag - this Italian sense of colour! Even the pavements seem a shade pink! Oh, and that brings me to the topic of fashion. There are so many styles I adore in this beautiful city. From elegant leather boots to exquisite scarves, with their intricate embroidery and vibrant colour schemes. Let's be honest, Italy just oozes sophistication, style and beauty, all of which are perfectly in sync with my own pink-tutu flair, because style, itā€™s like dancing. It's about making it your own! A fashionista at heart! And did I mention how chic these Italian women are? And the shoes? Oh, the shoes, the perfect combination of stylish, graceful, and just a touch of whimsical charm. This trip has definitely inspired me to make my tutu even more extravagant! And this pink chain bag goes so well with it! We can have matching pink tutus. Imagine!

I can already hear your voices screaming, ā€œPink tutus on Italian cobblestones, it's an epic, pink fashion spectacle!ā€.

Oh, you guys.

Day 4: Viva Roma! Ballet and Bellini

I managed to book tickets to see the most enchanting performance of ā€œRomeo and Julietā€, which is perfect considering the location! You really can feel the Italian romance! The beautiful performance was filled with emotion, passionate dancing and graceful movements, and oh, it totally resonated with me, because it's not just a dance; itā€™s a story! You know my love of the theatre, I find ballets to be so captivating - every beautiful gesture speaks to the emotions. I spent an hour at the local opera and ballet bookshop buying two beautiful ballerina figurines and a pink diary to jot down my ideas for the next pink tutu dress I design! A dream of tutus comes to life in this incredible city! I can't wait to share the results! This will probably be one of my favourite tutu outfits!

Day 5: The Grand finale! A Pink Tutu on the Roman steps

Oh! How amazing are these famous stairs. The steps of the Spanish Steps, they were the perfect setting to film my farewell performance, a mini ballet routine which I had choreographed in honour of this magical Italian adventure. The iconic stairs - this iconic location! What a backdrop! This amazing place made me feel so alive! My heart leaped at the sheer elegance, it was an epic pink moment. I imagined all the celebrities and historical figures that have trodden those same stairs before me! And I can guarantee you this will be my new blog header! The sight of those stairs with my pink tutu twirling, it was truly iconic.

Pinks and Pearls

I think Italy has definitely added a new shade to my rainbow of travel experiences! My days have been a whirlwind of history, fashion, beauty, and gelato, a delightful cocktail of all the things I love, which I would highly recommend to any girl (or boy! ) who wants to be swept away by the romance and beauty of Italy. And did I mention gelato?!

I've already made plans for my next visit! I've already started a list of must-see locations for my next Rome adventure. I think thereā€™s just enough time to visit Pompeii. (It just seems so much more magical than simply reading about it, which I always do). Maybe my next tutu will have volcano themed tutu-decorations, we will have to wait and see! I've already started to sketch some designs for that! And it's almost Christmas, the season of pink and sparkle.

You know what I'll do in the meantime. As always, I'm bringing back some gorgeous souvenirs to put up for sale on my Pink Tutu shop, www.pink-tutu.com, from where I source the fabulous costumes for all my dances. It doesnā€™t take much - a bit of glitter and a few yards of satin - that's what makes all the difference. Remember: Life's a dance, so be ready to spin, twirl, and maybe even add a bit of pink! Ciao!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2014-10-01 exploring Rome Italy