Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-06-10 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #1044: Under the Roman Sky!

Ciao bellas! It's your favourite Derbyshire ballerina, Emma, back with another Pink Tutu travel tale! This week, I've traded my dancing shoes for sandals and am whisking you all away to the eternal city of Rome! I arrived yesterday by train, a mode of transport that I simply adore! Watching the countryside fly past as you journey towards your destination just makes me feel so wonderfully alive!

And speaking of feeling alive, well, that’s exactly how Rome made me feel! From the moment I stepped off the train, the energy and vibrancy of the city hit me like a wave of sunshine and laughter! It's such a beautiful, bustling place, with ancient history whispering at every corner and gelato vendors calling out to passersby! I know it’s a cliché, but I seriously felt like I’d been transported back in time – but with fabulous fashion on show too!

Rome is for Romancing the Stone, Darling!

Naturally, my first mission on Italian soil was to find the most divine pink tutu I could find! It’s a Pink Tutu rule: one must always find a new tutu on every trip! I think it was a good omen for the week that the first boutique I walked into had a pale pink tulle creation waiting just for me – perfectly fitting and ready to whirl around the Coliseum in. I mean, how else would you dance your way through the history of Rome?

And oh my gosh, you have to see the Coliseum! It is massive and imposing and I was practically skipping along the cobbles as I took it in, picturing gladiators battling and emperors roaring in their prime. You know I’m obsessed with the history of ballet, so this felt a bit like witnessing a giant outdoor ballet theatre, just in stone!

After the Coliseum, I was famished (all that sightseeing!) and had a little sit-down in a cafe and enjoyed some delectable panini and limoncello. Mmmmmm… my inner Italian was very happy! After refuelling, I wandered past street performers, who had some amazing skills on display – juggling, singing, acrobatics – and of course, I couldn't resist getting my selfie with a handsome Roman busker (in my new pink tutu, of course)!

Dress for the Dance of History!

I spent the next day exploring the ancient Roman Forum, admiring the ruins and dreaming of how this historical landscape might have looked in its heyday. It’s hard to imagine what life was like back then! You have to give these people credit, though; the construction techniques were impressive! After all that Roman grandeur, I needed a little pampering, so I wandered to a charming little shop and picked up the most delicious lavender-scented bath salts for a relaxing evening. A ballet girl’s gotta take care of herself, you know?

But then the highlight of the trip arrived! In the evening, I treated myself to a performance at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma! I know, right? The very best opera house in Rome, just for me! The stage was breathtaking, the music magical, and the entire performance left me in awe! There's something so captivating about ballet, whether it’s a class or a grand performance like this.

It's no wonder I spend all my days dancing, teaching and creating. It just makes me feel so alive and joyful. Plus, it allows me to fund these fantastic trips. It's not easy keeping up with my shopping addiction (pink tutus, oh darling, I can’t help it!) and travel plans, but when you have passion, a pink tutu and a sprinkle of magic, anything is possible.

This week I discovered, as if I needed another reason, that Italy was the perfect location to indulge in my two biggest passions – ballet and shopping! You simply can't escape fashion in Rome! It's woven into the very fabric of the city. Just by being here, I can already tell I'll be picking up plenty of inspiration for my own ballet wardrobe! I’m even thinking of having a "Pink Tutu Rome Collection" – how gorgeous would that be?

Stay tuned for next week’s Pink Tutu Blog, as I’ll be revealing what happened when I wandered around Rome’s stunning streets, enjoyed a feast of delectable pasta and delved into the hidden corners of some fabulous fashion boutiques.

Till next time, bellas! Keep twirling and don't forget to keep it pink!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-06-10 exploring Rome Italy