Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-06-03 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #1043 - Ciao Bella, It's Pink Tutu Time!

Buongiorno, darlings! Emma here, your pink tutu-clad guide to all things fabulous, and this week, we're waltzing our way through the Eternal City itself: Rome!

This is post #1043 for my pink tutu blog - every Wednesday I get to share my latest adventures with you lovely lot! For this one, I've ditched my Derbyshire dales for a touch of Roman glamour, and trust me, the pink tutu's getting a lot of attention here!

So how did this little ballerina find herself amidst the Colosseum and Trevi Fountain? Well, darling, it all boils down to one simple fact - I just love a good ballet performance. My latest fundraiser, where I did a special "Pink Tutu Serenade" performance at the Sheffield Theatre, landed me enough cash to take myself on a little European trip. And what better place for a ballerina than the birthplace of so many dance legends?

From Train Tracks to Roman Treats

The journey here was magical - who knew Eurostar was so glamorous? It feels like stepping back into a golden age, sipping champagne and admiring the scenery through the window, and the train station in Rome itself, it's something straight out of a movie!

Speaking of glamour, have you ever seen so many stunning shops in one place? Every street feels like a fashion parade! Rome has got everything from designer labels I've only dreamt of to quirky little boutiques that make me want to buy absolutely everything. I might have snagged a pair of gorgeous Italian leather ballet shoes with a touch of pink sparkle - what can I say, a ballerina's gotta have her accessories!

Pink Tutu in the Pantheon

First stop, darling, had to be the Pantheon! I swear, that building is practically a pink tutu dream! It's breathtaking. The architecture, the sheer scale, the way it perfectly combines historical majesty with an ethereal, almost feminine quality. Imagine if it was built by a pink tutu-wearing ballerina, it wouldn't be any more beautiful! Of course, I had to twirl a little under that magnificent dome! I even managed to grab a photo with the fountain (which I just learned is called the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi - did I tell you I was taking a crash course in Italian on the train?)

Fountains, Food, and More Fashion

Next on my list, a trip to Trevi Fountain, a little wish, and some people-watching, before a lunch of pasta and gelato - absolutely divine! Then, it was back to the shopping streets for some seriously spectacular window displays - I might be in a fashion heaven. But you know what, even with all these gorgeous outfits, nothing can beat a perfectly draped pink tutu. This girl is committed to her pink!

Ballet Bonanza!

What's a ballet-obsessed girl to do in Rome, you ask? Well, I'm planning a visit to the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma - I just booked my ticket to see "Swan Lake," which is set to be utterly breathtaking! Can you imagine those graceful ballerinas twirling and leaping under that Italian sky? It's enough to give you chills. Of course, no trip to the theatre is complete without a little outfit change - you wouldn't believe the sequins I've found here. My outfit tonight will be nothing short of a dazzling display!

And that's not all!

I've already got so much more to explore here: from ancient ruins to secret gardens, art galleries to bustling markets. I'll keep you posted on all the pink-tutu worthy sights, as well as my delicious discoveries. My heart is already filled with so many beautiful memories, and I can't wait to share them with you! Stay tuned for next Wednesday’s blog!

Ci vediamo presto, my darlings! And don't forget, wear your pink tutus proudly!

With love and twirls, Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-06-03 exploring Rome Italy