
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-07-01 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #1047

Ciao Bella!

Welcome to Pink Tutu Rome, my dearest readers! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another dose of travel inspiration, girly goodness, and, of course, plenty of pink. This week, I'm bursting with excitement because I'm sharing all my favourite things from my trip to the Eternal City! Rome truly lived up to the hype โ€“ a magnificent mix of ancient history, stunning architecture, and, most importantly, delectable Italian food!

My journey started with a lovely train ride from Derbyshire, where the rolling green hills gave way to the breathtaking Italian countryside. There's something magical about travelling by train, isn't there? The world whizzes by your window, offering fleeting glimpses of everyday life. I spent the journey dreaming about all the delicious gelato I'd be devouring in Rome โ€“ just another reason why travelling by train beats flying any day!

A Tutu for the Colosseum

My first stop was the Colosseum, one of the most awe-inspiring monuments I've ever seen! Imagine being surrounded by the echoes of ancient gladiatorial combats, the roar of the crowd, and the thrill of watching those brave warriors fight for their lives! To celebrate this iconic location, I wore a striking new tutu โ€“ a deep maroon with shimmering gold accents that perfectly complemented the Colosseum's weathered stone.

Let's be honest, nothing screams "chic traveller" quite like a pink tutu paired with historical grandeur! As I stood there, feeling like a princess from a long-forgotten era, I realised why the Colosseum remains such a powerful symbol of history and culture.

A Whirlwind of Culture

After the Colosseum, it was straight to the Vatican City โ€“ a treasure trove of art, history, and some serious architectural genius. Standing in the shadow of St. Peter's Basilica, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The grandeur of the dome, the intricate details of the architecture โ€“ it was truly breathtaking.

Of course, I couldn't leave without a little shopping spree! The charming boutiques of Rome held treasures aplenty, with each street revealing new discoveries. I snagged a pair of statement earrings with delicate rose gold details that made my heart skip a beat!

Pizza, Pasta, and Performance

My Roman adventures wouldn't be complete without a mention of the glorious food. Oh, the pizza! Each slice, a work of art, a symphony of flavour. The pasta, perfectly al dente and drizzled with the most delicious sauces, was another culinary highlight.

And, wouldn't you know it, Rome was hosting a ballet performance that very night. "Swan Lake", you know the one, right? I couldn't resist the opportunity to witness such a classic performance, and let me tell you, it was enchanting. Watching those graceful dancers spin and leap across the stage, their bodies telling stories of love and loss, was simply magical!

Roman Holiday in Pink

Rome truly is a city that steals your heart. It's a melting pot of cultures, a canvas of ancient history and modern energy, all painted with a warm Italian sun. And let's not forget, Rome is also a city that welcomes pink tutus with open arms.

Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace the extraordinary, whether it's dancing in a Roman square, enjoying a slice of pizza, or simply soaking in the sights of this incredible city.

This is what travelling is all about โ€“ embracing the unknown, letting go of worries, and, most importantly, letting your tutu fly! Remember, ladies, you can do anything with a little pink in your life, and even more so with a pink tutu on your backside.

See you next week with more fashion fun and travel inspiration!

Ciao bella!

Emma www.pink-tutu.com

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-07-01 exploring Rome Italy