Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-07-08 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: Ciao Bella, Rome! (Post #1048)

Hello, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu adventure! This week, I'm whisking you all away to the breathtaking beauty of Rome, Italy! Buckle up your pink tutus (or your favourite fancy frock!), because we're about to embark on a whirlwind of fashion, fun and… yes, even a little bit of ballet!

It's been a long journey to reach this romantic, ancient city. I must confess, I absolutely adore travelling by train. I know some people find it slow, but I love gazing out of the window at the ever-changing landscapes, imagining stories and sketching outfits in my little notebook. This trip, however, was extra special. It was an overnight journey through the heart of Europe. We even chugged past the charming French countryside, complete with quaint villages, rolling vineyards and cute little cafés. It felt like something out of a movie!

My trusty travel tutu was, of course, an absolute necessity for this grand adventure. I opted for a bright, vibrant shade of pink that almost matched the colour of the sunrise over the Swiss Alps as we passed by. The conductor, bless his soul, was most impressed with the garment, and even gave me a free coffee. Perhaps it was the Tutu Power, darling? 😉

Now, we've arrived in Rome, and the city is as stunning as everyone says. The vibrant colours, the ancient architecture, the buzzing energy – it's all just intoxicating! Today, I plan on exploring the city like a true ballerina. Think grand promenades through charming piazzas, twirls amongst ancient Roman ruins and maybe even a pirouette on the Spanish Steps, just for fun!

Of course, a trip to Rome wouldn't be complete without some fashion delights! I'm absolutely ecstatic to spend a few hours at the fabulous Valentino boutique. Yes, you read that right! My favourite fashion designer has his flagship store in this gorgeous city. Imagine me, a ballerina in a pink tutu, amidst the most luxurious fabrics, intricate embellishments and divine designs. This will be a shopping trip to remember!

And to fuel those dancing feet (and a girl's gotta have some fuel!), I plan on indulging in a traditional Italian feast. I'm hoping to find some of that heavenly homemade pasta, perfectly cooked and topped with delicious sauce. Followed by, of course, the most delectable gelato. Italy, you know how to make a girl feel happy!

Speaking of happiness, the real magic of Rome begins at night! The Colosseum, illuminated with enchanting lights, takes on a whole new magical air. There's a beautiful energy in this city. I even heard whispers of a fabulous ballet performance taking place tonight at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. And oh, my darlings, the music from "Swan Lake" is playing in my head as I write this, just picturing the magnificent costumes and the powerful moves. What an incredible experience to finish off a magical day!

As a ballerina, my travel budget is tight, but by performing at private functions and fundraising events (all while wearing a pink tutu, of course!), I'm able to experience the world, one ballet shoe at a time!

So, my darlings, until next Wednesday, I leave you with this little piece of advice: Don't just dream about wearing a pink tutu – wear one! Explore your world in vibrant pink, spin a little on the cobblestone streets, let your spirit take flight! I promise, it will be the most fantastic adventure!

Ciao bella!

Lots of twirling love, Emma 🩰

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-07-08 exploring Rome Italy