Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-08-12 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #1053: Ciao Bella, Italy!

Wednesday 12th August, 2015

Well, hello from the Eternal City! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller, Emma, bringing you another instalment of the Pink Tutu Rome blog! This week I've finally made it to Italy, and I can tell you, it's absolutely dreamy!

Travelling by train, as always, is my favourite way to go. I had a fabulous time watching the landscape whizz by, my pink tutu swirling around me like a graceful butterfly, naturally. The journey was filled with laughter, chat, and an air of excitement for the adventure ahead.

Speaking of adventures, I was completely swept away by Rome right from the moment I arrived. There's a charm to this place that's hard to describe, a mix of history, art, culture and oh-so-stylish people. And speaking of style, well, Rome definitely isn't short of that!

Pink Power in Rome:

It's no secret that I'm a big fan of pink, and Rome's been nothing but a pink lover's paradise. Everywhere I turn, I'm surrounded by vibrant fuchsia blooms cascading over balconies, delicious-looking pink gelato, and charming pink and rose-coloured boutiques brimming with exquisite fabrics and fashionable trinkets. My shopping senses were immediately awakened - I couldn't help but grab a few dainty pink scarves and a beautiful pastel pink straw hat to add a touch of "Roma" to my wardrobe.

Of course, no trip to Italy would be complete without a Pink Tutu appearance! So, on my first evening, I strolled through the romantic cobbled streets, my twirling tutu painting the scene with vibrant hues.

An Italian Evening with a Twist:

Tonight, my little pink heart was fluttering with anticipation for the grand spectacle awaiting me: the Rome Opera. This evening, a fabulous performance of Puccini's 'La Bohème' took place, with stunning scenery and some seriously talented singers.

As the audience erupted in applause, I couldn't help but be captivated by the elegance of it all. I truly believe that ballet and opera share a magical synergy; both offer a visual feast and an emotional journey, leaving audiences enchanted and breathless. I just had to document my entire opera adventure on my Instagram, naturally - complete with a picture of me, swirling in my pink tutu, against the backdrop of the opera house, and the hashtag #PinkTutuOpera!

Fashion Inspiration:

Before my evening outing, I popped into a little shop that I found on my explorations, filled with quirky and charming trinkets and local treasures. I couldn't resist getting a few gorgeous silver earrings, delicate enough to fit in with my graceful ballet look, but also perfect for a stylish evening.

Speaking of style, the Roman women were a constant source of inspiration for me. Their elegance, their classic outfits, their beautiful bags - all of it just screamed style! I made sure to grab a few of my favourite looks to share with you lovely readers on my blog post. Maybe some of my fashion finds can inspire you, too, for your own upcoming adventures!

Food, glorious food!

Let's be honest, who doesn't love delicious Italian food? From the moment I landed, I was bombarded by amazing smells, mouth-watering sights, and the tastiest pizzas, pastas and gelato I've ever seen! (I might even be able to convince you to share a plate with me over video chat next week… I've got the perfect strawberry gelato spot lined up!).

I've just got a few more days here, but I'm determined to pack as much into this magical trip as I can.

To stay up-to-date with my Italian adventures, follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuTravels for a sneak peek of my fashion and fun! You can also share your own travel adventures and tag me so I can follow your journey too!

See you next Wednesday for another Pink Tutu Rome post - ciao bella!


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-08-12 exploring Rome Italy