Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-10-28 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #1064 The Eternal City, Baby!

Ciao Bella!

It's me, Emma, your Pink Tutu Princess, reporting live from the most magical city in the world – Rome!

The Eternal City! The city of love! And, well, tutus of course. This is a place that really feels like it’s overflowing with beauty, romance, and a touch of magic. I know, I know, it might sound like I've been sipping too much Italian coffee, but seriously, it's an incredibly special place!

This week’s Pink Tutu Rome blog post is all about the excitement and enchantment that’s been unfolding around me in Rome. And of course, how I've been twirling through this history-rich city in my fabulous pink tutus, and you know, spreading a little tutu magic in my wake, just like I do back in Derbyshire!

This blog post marks my fifth week in Italy. It seems like only yesterday that I arrived in Venice, took a deep breath, and embarked on my Pink Tutu Italian adventure! I can't believe how much I've already seen. So much inspiration for ballet, so many amazing places to dance, and endless inspiration for my fashion choices! It's hard not to feel like I'm living a fairytale, and that's without even mentioning the stunning architecture!

You know me, I'm a girl who lives for tutus, for dancing, and of course, beautiful things, and Rome has so much to offer. Imagine me, perched on the top of the Spanish Steps in my Pink Tutu, taking in the majestic sights of this magnificent city, a symphony of colour, and then, just like that, catching a bus to visit the Colosseum, the biggest, boldest amphitheatre, built for the gladiators and chariot races - you guys are seriously gonna die over these pics when they’re up online.

It's been an absolutely fabulous week, exploring ancient ruins, marvelling at beautiful art, and finding a tutu-tastic cafe – don't worry, you'll see the snaps on my social media soon, where I got to eat the best pistachio gelato ever. And it wasn't just gelato. I found some divine silk scarves and jewellery that will be coming home with me as a souvenir from my Italian travels!

But enough about my glamorous Italian exploits for a moment – let's get down to the details!

*So, this week in Pink Tutu Rome: *

Wednesday 28th October:

Rome’s Piazza Navona is a favourite square in the city and what a sight it is to behold, I'm telling you! Just picture it - cobbled streets, towering architecture, street entertainers galore. This week’s ballet class, oh I love a ballet class in a beautiful square, and not to mention the delicious Italian street food I discovered afterwards!

One of the highlights was taking a romantic carriage ride with a handsome Italian gentleman, through the heart of Rome! I don’t mind telling you, he was rather charming, even if I think his horse, or should I say steed was looking a bit worn! It was like being in a movie - the ancient buildings, the charming cobblestones, it was like I’d stepped straight onto the stage in my pink tutu, performing in a breathtaking, fairytale production!

And then, at the end of a perfect day, I took myself to the Trevi Fountain at sunset. Now, I'm sure you all know this iconic fountain, but even when it’s busy, even with the other tourists all around, it’s still magic. It’s like a big wish for everyone who comes here to see it, a wish to see Italy again, I know it's certainly my wish, so much beauty, romance, glamour and charm here. It was an unforgettable moment, and to top it off, I even spotted a cute Italian waiter from my lunch today - and that just made my evening! **

But honestly, my dear friends, there is just so much to explore, that's just how this wonderful city of Rome works on you!

Where am I going this week in my pink tutu?

So, next up, after today’s explorations of ancient Rome, I’m taking the train to Florence, a truly stylish and fashionable place, they tell me. The perfect combination of artistry and fashion. So excited about Florence, you have no idea! But that's for my next Pink Tutu Italy blog post. For now, just look out for the amazing pics on my social media, follow me @PinkTutuPrincess on everything!

You’ve seen my amazing journey from Venice and now here I am in Rome. Don’t forget to visit to get the full story!

In the meantime, happy tutuing and spread the pink!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2015-10-28 exploring Rome Italy