Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-06-29 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome - Ciao Bella! (Blog Post #1099)

Buongiorno from Rome! I’ve arrived, and let me tell you, I’ve already fallen head-over-heels for this fabulous city! With its stunning architecture, mouthwatering gelato, and a romantic buzz that’s simply irresistible, it's no wonder this place is known as the Eternal City!

It’s Wednesday, and that means a new #PinkTutuRome post for you lovely lot! You see, I have an unusual passion - you could even call it an obsession – I just love tutus! And in particular, pink tutus! I simply cannot get enough of them.

I know what you're thinking – tutus are just for ballet, right? Wrong! Tutus are an incredibly versatile piece of fashion. They can be styled up or down, for all kinds of occasions. In my book, there is no reason why tutus should be relegated to just dance studios. I think they're a must-have item in any fashionable lady’s wardrobe, and I am determined to get everyone wearing them!

Oh, and speaking of dance! This trip is already making my dance-loving heart sing. Rome is just oozing with cultural gems and the opportunity to witness breathtaking performances. I have a full schedule planned: Ballet performances, theatrical productions, and even a little bit of "street theatre" action.

Getting Here and Getting Around

Now, I might be a ballerina by trade, but my true love is traveling. You could say I am a bit of a train enthusiast – the romantic clinking of tracks, the thrill of reaching new destinations – what’s not to love?

I hopped on a Eurostar in London to Paris, and then boarded a comfortable high-speed train that whisked me down to this amazing city in style. The journeys were long, but the breathtaking countryside views – passing through fields of wildflowers and picturesque towns - totally made the journey worthwhile.

Ciao Bella: The Arrival and My Favourite Outfit

And speaking of beautiful views, I've arrived in Rome! I simply adore this city! This incredible city with all its fascinating history!

I took the first chance I got to check out this incredible place, so of course I picked a pink tutu, paired with my favourite ballet flat pumps, for my debut outing! This, of course, had to be my first stop – The Colosseum. I mean, this amazing architectural masterpiece – the ancient Roman amphitheater, is simply breathtaking. You just get this feeling, of such power and strength from it – just wow! A perfect stop on a #PinkTutuRome adventure.

And if you are heading this way, do yourself a favour and take a quick visit to the nearby Roman Forum – the remains of the ancient Roman Forum, is just stunning. And even better - it was much less crowded! It truly transports you back to ancient times. I found the ruins of the temple of Julius Caesar most fascinating. You could just imagine what a bustling centre of Roman life it must have been – an extraordinary reminder of a fascinating past.

Gelato and a bit of history - the perfect Italian Combination!

Of course, any visit to Rome would not be complete without a taste of that delectable gelato! I’m not just talking about any old gelato here, I mean authentic, melt-in-your-mouth, creamy, luscious, Italian gelato. It is simply to die for!

And after sampling some of that irresistible sweetness, it’s only right to enjoy a slice of Rome's history with a visit to the Trevi Fountain. Did you know? The Trevi Fountain, one of the largest Baroque fountains in the world is amazingly designed! Legend has it that if you toss a coin over your shoulder into the fountain, it guarantees your return to Rome one day. It just seemed too good to resist, and so, I made my little offering – hoping for a speedy return visit!

A Night at The Opera – La Traviata in Rome

Speaking of magic – tonight is going to be pure magic! This evening I am heading to a spectacular performance of "La Traviata". There is just something about the opera that fills me with joy! I can't wait to lose myself in the music and emotion, in the opulent setting, and feel my soul soaring on a whirlwind of passion and beauty.

Tonight’s outfit? Why a simple but elegant, pale pink floor length dress and ballet shoes. After all, a bit of ballet-inspired fashion never goes amiss for a visit to the opera, right?

Stay tuned – more adventures from #PinkTutuRome will be revealed next Wednesday on! Don’t forget to follow me on all the socials – where else? You know the score! Pink tutus – just another way to express your personal style! Ciao Bella, for now!

Love Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-06-29 exploring Rome Italy