Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-10-05 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: Week 1113 - Ciao Bella! Adventures in the Eternal City! 💖

Hey darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another #PinkTutuRome blog post! This week I’ve swapped the cobbled streets of Derbyshire for the ancient wonders of Rome, and let me tell you, it’s absolutely divine! ✨

My train journey was a dream, sipping cappuccino and gazing out of the window at the rolling hills and vineyards whizzing by. I may have had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction, with my pink tutu getting caught in the overhead luggage rack (whoops!) but it just added to the drama, darling. It’s all part of the adventure, isn’t it? 😉

I landed in Rome feeling absolutely fabulous and ready to embrace the city’s magical energy. This trip has been fuelled by my recent success at the Derbyshire Dance Festival. You wouldn’t believe the reaction to my performance! A sold-out theatre and a standing ovation - pure magic! The applause is the best payment a girl could ask for, but let’s face it, a little bit of spending money never hurts either! 💖 That’s how I manage to fund these amazing trips, darlings. It’s a balancing act, but I love every minute of it.

My Rome adventure began at the iconic Trevi Fountain, surrounded by tourists and pigeons. You wouldn’t believe the outfit I chose! I opted for a shimmering, candy pink tutu with a ruffled white blouse and pink heels. I’m just obsessed with the way the light bounced off the sequins, making my pink tutu shine. 💫 Everyone around me seemed to adore the outfit and, let’s be honest, who wouldn't? The photos looked absolutely fab for my Instagram, naturally! You can find them on my page, if you’re a #PinkTutu fan, which I’m sure you are!

I’ve already discovered some fantastic places in this charming city:

  • The Pantheon: I couldn’t leave Rome without seeing this stunning masterpiece of Roman architecture. I felt a tingle of excitement walking through those imposing doors! It’s simply breathtaking. The way the sunlight pours in through the opening at the top is heavenly. Imagine what it would have looked like during the time of the Romans! ✨ I imagined myself as a glamorous Roman dancing in this extraordinary space – tutus have been around for centuries, haven't they?!

  • The Colosseum: This colossal amphitheatre left me speechless. Imagine the crowds of cheering Romans, the gladiators, the fierce beasts - what a show! I had to pay homage to the gladiators with a ballet sequence for my Instagram story - I must say, the setting provided a spectacular backdrop for my twirls. 😉 I bet the Romans would have appreciated my tutus too. 😉

  • Piazza Navona: The perfect place for a relaxed, midday cappuccino (with a hint of pink, naturally!) And yes, I still wore my tutu, it was fabulous and so much fun to walk around! The atmosphere is infectious and it’s full of talented street performers - the street theatre is absolutely superb! I may even try a little impromptu ballet performance myself, why not? 🩰

But the fun isn't just about history and sightseeing. Rome is a haven for fashion! My shoe collection is growing, but there's always space for more! The boutiques here are amazing! 👠💖 I spent a glorious afternoon shopping on Via Condotti. So many delicious shades of pink, it was pure paradise! You can’t beat a pair of hot pink high heels to complete a truly fabulous pink tutu look!

Don't even get me started on the food, it’s perfetto! The creamy pasta dishes, the flavourful pizzas, and oh, those divine, delicious pastries! Each mouthful was pure delight. My favourite treat so far was the Tiramisu, absolutely divine, I must have tried a slice every day!

I am utterly in love with Rome and I can’t wait to explore more of its beauty over the next week! From wandering through the historic cobbled streets to soaking up the lively energy of the piazzas, every corner offers a new adventure. It's like stepping into a glamorous, colourful fairytale.

But before I go, my dearies, don't forget to check out for exclusive updates from my #PinkTutuRome adventure! You'll also find behind-the-scenes glimpses of my performances and shopping escapades. You don't want to miss out!

Now, I'm off to enjoy a delectable gelato in the warm Italian sun. Don’t forget, be bold, be fabulous and wear pink. I might just inspire a #PinkTutuRevolution - how fabulous would that be? ✨ 💖

Yours in tutus,

Emma 💋

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-10-05 exploring Rome Italy