Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-01-04 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #1126: Buongiorno Bella!

Ciao, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Rome blog post! This week I'm bubbling with excitement - I'm finally in the Eternal City!

It feels like forever since I was last on the train to a new adventure, but after my December tour de force of ballet performances in Derbyshire, I knew it was time to ditch the English winter and escape to somewhere warm and inspiring.

As soon as I heard the Italian train announcement for Roma Termini, I was already mentally spinning in a pink tutu, imagining all the sights and fashion delights I would soon be discovering! And trust me, this city doesn't disappoint!

But let's go back to the beginning of this pink-tastic journey...

From Derbyshire to Italy by Train

So, it all started last Saturday, with a sunrise departure from the peak district of Derbyshire, where my little ballerina heart had been hard at work, keeping busy with Christmas shows, teaching classes, and perfecting new routines. The journey down to London was a blur of festive cheer, complete with snow-capped fields and even the occasional friendly snowball fight with fellow passengers.

My motto? Always pack a pink tutu, just in case! Who knows when you might need a little burst of colour to brighten up a dreary train journey. I, however, am more about my pink and grey travelling outfit. All things pastel and elegant to look stylish but be comfortable in. I feel like I need to let everyone know who is going to be in the carriage, what they’re in for! But my favourite bit is choosing a station that is super trendy or unusual so that my Pink Tutu outfit looks even better!

St Pancras was the obvious stop, to give a good spin and strut around for the other commuters! The gorgeous red and pink brick work, the grand architecture is simply divine. Perfect photo op! But also, a really nice space, the cafes, the shops are great too, for the fashionistas like me! You could have fun shopping for clothes for your travels or looking at what people are wearing, so inspirational,

I arrived at Gare du Nord just after midday, in time for a quick cappuccino and pastry at the cafe where the station clock overlooks you, such a chic scene! And then… the moment I'd been waiting for: Train to Rome! I practically pranced down the platform, so giddy I nearly skipped into my first-class carriage.

Parisian Style Meets Roman Charm

Now, let's talk style, darling! Parisian fashion is, of course, impeccable. I spotted several ladies with chic scarves and jackets, all done up with just the right amount of French sophistication. But when we pulled into Milan… ooh la la! That's when the fun truly started! The Italian influence hit me like a wave of beautiful sunshine. People seemed even more glamorous! More colour! More chic! It’s all about the confidence. Italians just own it. And they wear so much beautiful colour and style.

Exploring Rome's Hidden Gems

After a night in a sweet little hotel in Trastevere, complete with terracotta walls, blooming jasmine, and an incredible breakfast with views of the Tiber, I was ready for my first real Roman adventure! I love my time spent in the backstreets and cobblestone alleys, getting lost is part of the magic and I don’t need Google maps when I feel a tingle in my soul for a cafe that doesn't make it to Trip Advisor… I think it’s because of my little tutu that everyone smiles and I can’t find any negative people on the streets! So friendly and relaxed and it’s great for discovering independent coffee houses or a hidden artisan shop selling beautiful handbags.

One thing I love about this city is that you're constantly stumbling upon beautiful surprises. It could be an unexpected hidden fountain, or a breathtaking basilica hidden down a small lane, or even the tiniest little gelateria on a corner with the most heavenly gelato flavours. The little piazzas that dot the area where I'm staying have a distinct style. Small cafes or bars spilling onto the street where folks of all ages enjoy their coffee. All you need to do is look out for them and trust me, they won’t be disappointing!

One place I discovered, by complete accident, was the charming Campo de' Fiori. It was just an ordinary walk in the early evening through a little side street and I ended up in the middle of a buzzing, energetic, lively marketplace - think of all the sounds and colours and a perfect atmosphere that I love to absorb, the aroma of fresh fruit, herbs, and cheeses was a delicious sensory overload. It felt more authentic than the other famous tourist spots - with families and local shopkeepers enjoying a relaxing night. Perfect! It’s a place where the “real Italy” is on display! It’s an area for exploring – no doubt that I will be spending more time here during my stay,

Fashion, Food, and Roman Spirit

I must tell you that Roman fashion is as delightful as its culture! The streets are filled with chic ladies sporting stunning leather bags, amazing footwear (there is a very cool footwear scene here, darling! They wear everything here! And all shoes with incredible style.) All sorts of colours too - a far cry from the more classic monochrome tones of the English! The locals look very sophisticated but always casual - a casual elegance! That’s the best description.

But for me, the real essence of Roman spirit is in the energy that pulsates through the streets. It's in the laughter and animated conversations, the slow, savored sips of coffee, the lingering embraces at family gatherings in the squares. There’s a buzz! The energy of people celebrating and enjoying life in every little aspect – something we need to do more of.

Today, my first full day, I was blown away by the architecture of the Colosseum - so imposing and historical, you simply can't take your eyes off it! I took my first dose of Vitamin D sitting under the warm Roman sun in a tiny, quiet square near the Pantheon. The smell of fresh baked bread and roasted chestnuts in the air was a constant delight! And speaking of delight… gelato! Oh my! I can’t explain how delicious the gelato is here in Rome. You must indulge yourselves - and I won't be disappointed if you share pictures of your favorite flavour on social media - especially if it's pink, of course! You need to get down and dirty - just indulge yourself and try some. They have the best pistachio gelato, lemon and strawberry too. And if you’re after a creamy sensation you can get hazelnut and caramel, you could try all of these in a small scoop – because every scoop you take you’re feeling like you’ve found your little heaven – it’s an Italian dream come true. This is what being on holiday is all about.

The Magic of a Ballet Performance

Tonight, however, my heart belongs to ballet! This evening is dedicated to something really special - the chance to see a performance at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma! Now that is the thing about travelling – being somewhere new, surrounded by culture, the locals and having an opportunity to see the art of dance, well that’s a life changer.

The music of this beautiful city is already playing in my mind and now the ballet – I simply cannot wait.

More from Rome, tomorrow! I’ll be back to share my Pink Tutu Roman journey in detail on Wednesday - and make sure you catch up with me on and Instagram!

Until next Wednesday, keep twirling in style, darlings!

Your friend in pink, Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-01-04 exploring Rome Italy