Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-01-25 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: Rome, Oh Rome, you stole my heart!

#1129: Wednesday 2017-01-25

Ciao bella!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu for another fabulous travel blog from sunny, stunning Rome!

This week, I'm finally getting around to writing about my trip last month. As many of you know, I adore the train, and this was no exception - a beautiful, comfy 14-hour journey straight from my Derbyshire home right into the heart of this gorgeous city. There's something about the romance of it all - travelling by train, through the heart of Europe, with my Pink Tutu suitcase in tow. It’s so civilised, you know? I always feel a bit glamorous when I arrive, like I've stepped out of a bygone era, full of elegant hats and travelling gowns, ready to explore a new city. And this city was most definitely an explorer’s dream.

Now, let's talk Rome. Rome, Oh Rome!

My first impression, even before stepping out of Termini station, was a whirlwind of warmth. From the friendly, smiling faces to the beautifully vibrant, golden sunshine that kissed every street corner, Rome embraced me with open arms. It was love at first sight! I can already hear you saying it – "But Emma, what about the smell of Rome?". Ah, yes, the smell. Now, for someone who is quite sensitive to odours, this might have put me off, but to be honest, even that, in the context of everything else Rome has to offer, simply added to the atmosphere.

From that moment on, my days were filled with the most incredible experiences. Let me break it down for you!

Day 1: The Roman Holiday

I wanted to start off strong, so I took a tour bus that took me straight to the Colosseum. Now, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what a magnificent monument it is – and it lived up to every expectation, just as a true masterpiece should. Seeing those ancient, crumbling walls, and picturing gladiators battling it out for their lives... It truly was like stepping back in time.

The Pantheon – an Ode to Perfection:

After a quick stop for lunch at a charming little trattoria tucked away in the bustling city, we were on to The Pantheon. This was definitely the highlight of my day, the sheer scale, the architectural ingenuity, the incredible dome… I can't express the feelings it evoked, the reverence, the awe! This truly was the pinnacle of Roman engineering, and I was lucky to spend a long time inside simply gazing upwards and losing myself in the enormity of it all. It really was spectacular!

Food, Food and More Food:

And who can talk about Rome without mentioning the food? Of course, no trip to Italy would be complete without an amazing plate of pasta, and Rome is the ultimate culinary experience. I opted for a simple, but divine, dish of carbonara. Now, I'm a big fan of Italian food in general, and there’s a reason this city is renowned for its culinary prowess – everything was just delicious. From the perfectly crisp pizza, topped with a burst of flavours to the perfectly tender, rich gelato - this city caters to every sweet tooth and discerning palate.

And what about shopping? Well, of course I went on a quest for the perfect pink tutu. Thankfully, I stumbled upon the most fabulous boutique, and the shopkeeper, an elegant woman named Isabella, helped me choose the perfect pink tutu for the evening.

An Evening at The Opera – a True Roman Delight

To make my first day complete, I went to a performance at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. It was truly an incredible experience. This gorgeous historic theatre was not just a treat for the eyes – the whole building itself felt alive. You could imagine all the history within its walls! And the performance was incredible. My seat had the best view, the voices were magnificent, and the sheer grandeur of it all, … Oh my, it simply took my breath away!

Day 2 – A Feast for the Senses: Food and Flowers

To say I was in a ‘dolce far niente’ (sweet state of doing nothing) mode would be an understatement. But there's so much to see in Rome, so we started off the day by walking along Via Veneto, a beautiful street with many famous spots, and I spent the whole day taking photos of all the beautiful details - like the stunning wrought iron balconies with their colourful flowers spilling over and the most delicious, mouthwatering pastries I've ever seen. I even stopped at one point for a coffee and a cannoli with a magnificent view overlooking the city. Heaven.

We continued our food odyssey by stopping for lunch at one of the charming outdoor restaurants, and of course I ordered pizza – so delicious! It was the kind of simple, sun-soaked moment that I'd remember forever. It really made you understand what ‘La Dolce Vita’ is all about.

And then we went shopping. I fell in love with the clothes and the Italian fashion sense – it was sophisticated but approachable, playful but not childish. It wasn’t surprising that I spent the entire afternoon trying on different outfits and finding myself completely immersed in this delightful world of colourful fabrics, flowing skirts and playful accessories.

Of course, no shopping trip is complete without a trip to a beautiful market. It felt like a wonderland – filled with every colour and aroma imaginable, and I managed to snag a few vintage finds to add to my Pink Tutu wardrobe. I really enjoyed seeing local artisans crafting beautiful souvenirs – and that’s where I found my pink silk scarf, perfect for adding a touch of colour to any outfit.

A Journey Through History: Vatican City

You know I love seeing historic places. We went to see the Vatican. And that’s a big understatement, of course. I knew I was in a special place before we even went through security. The atmosphere, the feeling of reverence, the grandeur of the buildings and the sheer number of people around… I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't wait to step inside the Vatican City!

I’d expected amazing things, but it was all so much grander than anything I could ever have imagined! And the Sistine Chapel… I simply stood there in complete awe, gazing upwards and trying to take it all in. That sense of perspective, and how small you feel amongst so much grandeur – it truly was humbling. And seeing Michelangelo’s ceiling... the sheer talent that goes into creating such artwork was simply breathtaking!

St. Peter’s Square and The Basilica

The basilica, in my humble opinion, was a marvel! Its enormity and history simply took my breath away. I spent a long time wandering the aisles and feeling humbled by its immense size and beauty. But what I was most captivated by was the stunning mosaics inside - their intricate details were a feast for the eyes!

And to think, St. Peter’s Basilica stands upon an ancient graveyard. There were so many stories to uncover!

A Sweet End to a Wonderful Day

I spent the last part of the evening with my camera in hand, exploring Rome at dusk – its buildings lit up, golden with a soft glow as the sun set. It was magical.

As you all know, I am such a sucker for sweets, and so, after an incredible pizza with crispy edges and a creamy centre, I walked to one of Rome’s famous ice cream shops and had a generous serving of their best chocolate ice cream, laced with pecan bits and dark chocolate flakes. Mmm... Heaven! What better way to end a beautiful, whirlwind day.

And I did so, dreaming of tomorrow’s adventures. And with that, my journey through the captivating beauty of Rome begins! Stay tuned next week when I tell you all about what other beautiful places I went to. Ciao Bella, for now, stay fabulous, and remember, if you ever get the chance to visit this magical city - grab the opportunity with both hands and embrace the ‘La Dolce Vita’ lifestyle - even if it is only for a short while! And don’t forget, wearing a pink tutu makes everything a bit more fabulous!

PinkTutuRome LaDolceVita Rome TravelBlog PinkTutu Travel

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-01-25 exploring Rome Italy