Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-03-08 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome - #1135

Wednesday 8th March 2017 - **"Ciao bella!" as they say here in Italy! This is post number 1135 from your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed travel blogger. It’s Wednesday, so that means I’m in Rome, exploring this ancient, stunning city, and telling you all about it on the ever-so-pink website,,

My little heart skipped a beat when I stepped off the train (oh, the joy of train travel - the rhythmic chugging of the engine, the delicious hot chocolate at the station buffet - simply heaven!), and was greeted by the scent of the freshest coffee, the glorious sunshine warming my face, and… the most amazing views! From the train station, I could see the grand old Roman Colosseum in the distance. And then… I spotted it! A whole street lined with the cutest little shops - leather goods, fashion boutiques… and pink! My heart was doing the pirouette of a lifetime. It’s almost as if the whole city was created just for me and my love for pink and sparkles.

You know, I’ve found that whenever I travel somewhere new, I like to follow a bit of a routine:

  1. *Find a great coffee shop. * A proper cappuccino - made just the way I like it, strong, frothy, and slightly sweet, and it's even better if it’s served by a charming barista with twinkling eyes!
  2. Start my day with some exercise! It might be a morning yoga session on the rooftop overlooking the city, or maybe some stretches and arabesques in the park. It keeps me energised and ready for the day ahead!
  3. A little wander through the city streets. And I’m not talking about a hurried walk; no, no. It's a leisurely stroll, letting the city wash over me, admiring the architecture, soaking up the sun and observing the locals.
  4. Get lost! There’s something incredibly liberating about letting yourself wander aimlessly, finding little hidden treasures that you would never have discovered if you were following a guidebook.

And last, but definitely not least…

  1. Enjoy the food! From fresh, juicy, Italian strawberries to the most decadent chocolate gelato – Rome is a foodie’s paradise.

Of course, with each new destination comes the absolute must-do: a ballet show! Luckily, I discovered a stunning little theatre just a stone’s throw away from the Trevi Fountain. And tonight, it was "Giselle"! This was just what my ballerina soul craved, with the classic tragic romance, the ethereal dances, and that magical forest scene. The entire theatre was absolutely captivated, and I was lost in the performance, feeling every emotion, swirling through the air with the dancers in my imagination.

Afterwards, I strolled back to my cute little apartment with a box of pastries, feeling the sweet glow of the city lights, thinking what an amazing day this had been! You know, sometimes I wish I could bottle this feeling. The thrill of exploring a new city, the rush of energy that comes after a good ballet performance, and the pure, simple joy of dancing - even just a few twirls in my tutu on a cobblestone street.

That's the great thing about ballet, though. It does translate so well to travel. A quick warm up, a pirouette in a park, maybe a grand jeté over a cobblestone square. There are opportunities for dancing everywhere you go! And my trusty tutu is a constant reminder of that - it fits right in with the vibrant colours of Rome, and always makes me feel confident and free! You’re never too old for tutus. It's like your personal little dose of magic - no matter where in the world you are!

Of course, this isn't just about the tutu. I do try to inject a touch of magic into all of my outfits, even when I’m simply shopping for shoes (and shoes are very important!). I just think it’s a little bit of fun to turn an everyday activity into something extraordinary. So maybe that's why I am drawn to such dramatic outfits - the kind that stand out and create a mini theatrical performance even when I'm walking to the market. And then there are those days when I simply need to wear pink. You can't go wrong with pink, really.

And speaking of shoes, you just have to visit the amazing shops in Rome. Leather boots are divine here! But it is tempting to indulge in some luxurious fashion pieces! There's something about Rome, that sense of elegance and tradition that is reflected in their fashion and design. It's a great inspiration for me! And of course, my ballerina wardrobe needs new pieces for every new adventure! It all makes the travelling a lot more fun, doesn't it?

One of the highlights of this trip was meeting up with an incredibly talented Italian dancer. She shared a cup of coffee and a lot of fascinating stories about her journey to become a ballerina in Rome. Her passion and dedication really struck a chord. And when we got into a spontaneous twirling session in the square, you could almost hear the music, the rhythm, and a sprinkle of fairy dust. It's that magic that makes travel so unique - these moments that transcend the everyday and become a part of something much larger than ourselves.

We talked a lot about finding beauty and meaning in the small things. And it reminded me that it is not about the tutu itself - it’s what the tutu represents: that feeling of magic, a dash of whimsy, a touch of the extraordinary that exists within us all. The tutu is just a reminder that we can bring a bit of magic to everyday life with a simple change in our perception, our wardrobe, and most importantly, our outlook on life.

You know, one thing I’m learning about travel is the incredible power of connections, the way in which we are linked through shared interests, passions and, yes, even the tutu! In this vibrant city, it seems like everyone’s ready to twirl into something wonderful! It's what makes my heart skip a beat with excitement, and reminds me that life’s a dance. Every day we have the opportunity to twirl into something amazing.

And what better way to express this than with a pink tutu! Until next Wednesday, ciao bella!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-03-08 exploring Rome Italy