
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-03-01 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: Week 1134 - Darling, Rome is Calling!

Ciao bellas! It's Emma, your pink-tutu-clad travel companion, and I'm absolutely over the moon to be bringing you another edition of #PinkTutuRome! This week, darling, I'm embracing the magic of Italy's eternal city, Rome! After weeks of intense rehearsals and performances in London (oh, you should have seen me in my new pink-and-sequinned tutu for Swan Lake – sensational!) I was ready for a bit of sunshine and gelato! And where better than the birthplace of ancient empires and legendary pasta?

Rome, darling, you're a dream come true! The energy, the history, the food, and of course, the fashion – I am positively smitten! Today's adventures took me on a whirlwind tour of some of the city's most iconic landmarks. But, before I get lost in the beauty of it all, let me fill you in on how I got here!

Train Travel and Tutu Style

Now, you know how much I adore a good train journey. The gentle rhythmic chug, the changing scenery – it's pure ballet for my soul! So naturally, I opted for a luxurious high-speed train from my lovely Derbyshire home to Paris, and then a change onto another sleek, fast machine right into the heart of Rome.

My outfit, of course, was all about travelling in style! My signature pink tutu, a little more demure this time, with layers of soft tulle and a delicate satin waistband, teamed with a crisp white shirt (slightly ruffled, naturally), my favourite pair of bright pink ballet flats, and a gorgeous oversized beige blazer for those cool evenings.

You see, darling, travel should be a performance! A carefully choreographed sequence of outfits, moments, and emotions – I live to play out these daily dramas, always in my beloved pink tutus.

Roman Revelations

First stop: The Colosseum! Oh my heavens, darling, it's simply magnificent! Imagine, gladiators battling it out, the roar of the crowd, the scent of dust and sweat. I could practically feel their presence as I stood amongst the crumbling stones.

My favourite part? Well, naturally, it had to be the view from the top. Standing amongst the ruins, with the sun on my face, the sound of Rome around me – I swear I felt like a ballerina gliding through time!

Next up: The Pantheon! A symphony of light, marble, and awe! This ancient temple to the gods, now a majestic church, was a perfect blend of classical grace and holy grandeur. As I walked under the huge dome, letting the light bathe me, I felt so incredibly blessed. It was the perfect opportunity for a twirl, of course! (I've even added a photo of it to this blog - just you wait!)

My next pitstop was the Trevi Fountain. Just as magnificent as the photographs suggest, this marble masterpiece is truly breathtaking. I even tossed a coin over my shoulder – you know, to ensure my return! But, honestly, after today's experience, Rome's magic has already woven its spell on my heart.

Rome on a Plate: La Dolce Vita

Let's be honest, darling, no trip to Rome would be complete without indulging in a little la dolce vita. So after exploring the city's architectural wonders, I treated myself to the most divine pizza. This thin-crusted masterpiece was a revelation! Each bite, a perfect combination of salty mozzarella, tangy tomato sauce, and aromatic herbs. Heavenly!

And the gelato? Oh darling, simply irresistible! Creamy, smooth, and flavourful, I went for a classic pistachio - it was so good, I even dared to lick the cone. But what's life without a little bit of indulgence?

Fashion Forward

While exploring the cobblestone streets, my inner shopaholic went into overdrive! Rome is a paradise for fashion lovers. I stumbled upon the most beautiful shops with rows upon rows of elegant leather goods, chic Italian designers, and, my personal weakness – exquisite ballet shoes.

The shops were a true testament to the city's passion for style and grace. Even the simplest dresses radiated an air of timeless elegance, perfect for a Parisian cafe stroll, or a stylish evening performance.

But what about the ballet shoes? Well, let's just say my dance bag is going to be heavier on the return journey.

Pink Tutu Highlights

  • The best place to buy a gorgeous pink tutu? I found this adorable boutique in a hidden alley, crammed full of tulle and ribbon! They even had one that twirled like a dream, just for me.
  • Best pizza? I recommend you grab a slice from the little pizzeria on the corner near the Colosseum. It’s a true local gem, trust me.
  • The perfect gelato? It's not about the flavor, it's about finding a little gelato cart in a hidden square. Trust me, it's an adventure worth having!
  • Don't forget to explore the Pantheon at sunset. The light casts an ethereal glow on the dome, and you might just see me in my tutu doing a pirouette (I am always happy to share a ballet move!).
  • Dress to impress! Let your inner ballerina shine. My favourite outfit? Pink tutu with a white, lace-trimmed blouse. So simple, but oh-so chic!

Coming Up: Pink Tutu in the City

And that brings us to the end of another thrilling #PinkTutuRome adventure. Tomorrow, darling, I'm venturing further afield. I hear there's a hidden, secret garden within Rome, tucked away from the hustle and bustle. It's supposed to be a paradise for photographers! You know me, I can't resist a beautiful picture opportunity.

Stay tuned next week for more exciting adventures, stylish discoveries, and delicious Italian treats! Until then, don't forget to live life like it's a beautiful, twirling, pink-tutu-wearing ballet!

With love and tutus,

Emma xx


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-03-01 exploring Rome Italy