Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-10-11 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #1166 - La Dolce Vita in Pink!

Ciao bella! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of my Pink Tutu Rome adventures. I’m in the eternal city for the week, and I have to say, it’s even more fabulous than I imagined! Think breathtaking architecture, delicious food, and the most beautiful people dressed in the most chic styles…all sprinkled with that unmistakably Roman charm.

For those of you new here, I'm Emma, a Derbyshire girl with a passion for all things pink, a love of twirling in tutus, and an insatiable hunger for new adventures. This week, it's Rome!

This past Saturday I boarded the Eurostar in London, all ready to kick off my Roman adventure. There’s nothing quite like settling in for a journey aboard the train with a glass of bubbly (don’t judge!), a book, and, of course, a little pink tutu for the journey. Honestly, a tutu always lifts the mood, even when you’re squeezed between people’s luggage! It’s good to see others smiling as you walk past…some look confused, some surprised, some delighted…but it's guaranteed to bring a sparkle to the day.

Rome is absolutely stunning. It feels like stepping into a film set – I’ve lost count of the beautiful historical buildings and fountains I've explored! It’s fascinating how history oozes from every cobbled street corner and ancient ruin.

Sunday's Adventures:

Of course, no trip to Rome would be complete without a visit to the Colosseum. Walking around the incredible arena, I was truly blown away. I mean, just imagine the scale of the shows that were held here centuries ago! I must say I have to thank my friend Isabella for helping me find the perfect backdrop for a tutu-tastic photoshoot (you can see all my gorgeous photos on Instagram, @pinktutuemma). The Colosseum is a true testament to human ingenuity. You can still imagine the thunderous roar of the crowds as gladiators fought each other in this legendary arena.

In the evening, we stumbled across a tiny, traditional trattoria hidden away down a cobblestone street. The pasta was incredible, and Isabella swore that the vino was something special, though I can't speak too much to the taste since, you know, tutu and wine aren't quite a winning combination. But I'll take Isabella's word for it!

Monday’s Magical Moments

I’m all about taking my time in a new city. I've discovered the joys of sitting on a little stone bench outside a cafe, sipping cappuccino, watching the world go by. And I've made it a mission to try every flavor of gelato I can get my hands on - tiramisu? Absolutely! Strawberry? Why not! I’m pretty sure I could eat gelato every day of my life and not get tired of it. It's almost as magical as the food I had at the Roman Holiday Gelateria.

And then came the most unexpected encounter...a ballet performance in a beautiful park. It was a delightful ballet performance given by local students - an enchanting display of artistry and passion! I even managed to sneak in a little twirl with the dancers after the performance – it's not every day you get to share the stage (even a park stage!) with budding stars!

Shopping Spree - Tuesday's Treats

Every girl loves to shop, right? And when you’re in Rome, there's simply no excuse not to treat yourself. Today I visited a cute boutique off Via Condotti where I snagged the most fabulous pink silk scarf with a hand-painted design of delicate, blooming flowers - just perfect for adding a touch of sparkle to my travelling wardrobe. Of course, a visit to a charming leather goods shop couldn't be missed! I have to confess, I’m obsessed with the quality of leather bags here - a real touch of class!

And what about today...

You're probably thinking, what’s on the agenda for this amazing day? Well, this morning I'm headed for a gelato extravaganza with Isabella (gotta get in one more gelato fix before I leave!) Then it’s time for a tour of the Trevi Fountain - a symbol of romance, so of course it was the perfect place to have my photo taken with my beloved tutu (I mean, why not embrace the fairy tale vibe, right?). This evening is for indulging in a Michelin-star experience at a world-renowned restaurant - fancy Italian cuisine in a stunning setting, so of course I've chosen a tutu with the perfect blend of whimsy and sophistication. A perfect way to end a fabulous Roman adventure!

So there you have it, my dear pink tutu friends! My Roman adventures are coming to an end (for now, but hopefully I'll be back soon!), It’s been a truly inspiring trip. Rome is a city bursting with life and culture. A city full of stunning history, breathtaking art, and a deliciously decadent vibe that simply invites you to twirl in your most dazzling tutu!

Remember, always keep dreaming, twirling, and keep the pink alive! Until next week, arrivederci!

Emma xxx

*Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @pinktutuemma for even more pink-tastic pics from my Rome adventures! *

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-10-11 exploring Rome Italy