
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-11-22 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #1172

Ciao Bella!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another instalment of my Pink Tutu Rome adventures! I'm still in the Eternal City, soaking up all the beauty, history, and pizza this magnificent metropolis has to offer. And let me tell you, I haven't been disappointed. Every corner seems to hold a new treasure, a hidden courtyard, a secret gelato shop – it's truly captivating.

This week, my Pink Tutu journey took me on a whirlwind adventure through the vibrant streets of Trastevere. With my trusty pink tutu, of course! (It's become a bit of a trademark in Rome, I've even noticed a few little girls sporting similar ensembles in the playground – my mission is clearly spreading!)

We started the morning with a visit to the stunning Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere. The church was truly breathtaking, adorned with intricate mosaics and breathtaking frescoes. It was almost as though you could feel the centuries of devotion radiating from every corner. Afterwards, we popped into a nearby artisan bakery and indulged in some of the most delicious, fluffy pastries I've ever tasted. My favourite was the cornetto alla crema – just heavenly!

We then meandered through the cobblestone streets, admiring the colourful facades and charming piazzas. There were bustling cafes brimming with life, street artists showcasing their talents, and artisan shops filled with handcrafted treasures. My favourite was a little store overflowing with silk scarves and beaded jewellery – I could have easily spent the entire afternoon browsing its contents.

Of course, no visit to Trastevere is complete without a traditional Italian dinner. We found a quaint trattoria tucked away in a quiet alley, where the aromas of garlic, oregano and tomatoes wafted through the air. The pasta was made with love, the wine was a delight, and the company was simply fabulous. After dinner, we stumbled upon a delightful street theatre performance - some acrobatic artistry that had my tutu swaying with admiration.

Later that evening, as the sun cast a golden hue over the city, we made our way to the Roman Forum. I must confess, the idea of exploring ancient ruins was slightly intimidating at first, but the majesty of the ruins stole my breath away. The history simply hummed beneath the cobblestones.

And for the grand finale of my day, we walked across the Ponte Sant'Angelo, stopping to marvel at the towering Angel Castel at the end. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of awe as I contemplated the centuries of stories woven into this city.

And let's be honest, no trip to Rome is complete without a visit to the Trevi Fountain. While I did make a wish, I'm not sharing it - wouldn't want to jinx things! As I stood by the fountain, a group of children skipped by, giggling and throwing coins into the water. For a moment, I was transported back to my childhood, dreaming of faraway lands and endless possibilities.

You know, I love how Rome effortlessly blends ancient and modern. There's a vibrancy here, an energy that's both exciting and invigorating. Every day in Rome is an adventure. And just when I think I've seen it all, it surprises me with something new, something spectacular, something enchanting.

Tomorrow, we're venturing into the Colosseum. If my research is right, I think they might even be holding a performance – how exciting! As usual, my trusty pink tutu will be accompanying me. After all, one simply can't explore Rome without a little touch of pink-tutu magic.

* Until next time, from the heart of Rome… Arrivederci!*

** www.pink-tutu.com

*P.S. You can follow my adventures on social media using #PinkTutuRome! I love hearing from you all. Don't forget to wear your tutu, my loves! *

#PinkTutuRome #RomeAdventures #ItalianTravel #PinkTutuLife #BallerinaBlogger #TutuTime #TravelDiary #EternalCity #RomanHoliday #ItalianFashion #Shopping Spree #DancingInTheStreets #GirlyGirl #PinkPower

This post, like many of mine, is powered by the beautiful artistry and elegance of ballet. Every performance, every workshop is a chance to inspire others to find their own grace and joy. As a dancer, it is so important to travel and be inspired by the beauty around me! So next time you see a pink tutu, give it a wave - maybe we will meet one day on the cobblestone streets of Rome!

#SupportTheArts #BalletForLife #BalletIsArt #DanceYourHeartOut

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-11-22 exploring Rome Italy