Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-12-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #1175 - December 13th 2017

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, and I'm thrilled to be sharing my latest adventures in the Eternal City of Rome, just a short train journey away from my lovely Derbyshire. As you know, I always find a special magic in traveling by train, feeling the gentle rumble of the wheels and watching the world glide by. Plus, it's the perfect opportunity to sport a stylish, on-the-go ensemble featuring a stunningly fluffy, peachy pink tutu – what else?!

Today, my #PinkTutuRome adventure begins bright and early, fuelled by my favourite cappucino (and, naturally, a cheeky pastry – oh, the delights of Italian cuisine!). I’ve always adored Italy, from the art to the fashion, the architecture, the FOOD, and yes, even the occasional opera singer in the piazza – they truly add a certain flair, don't you think? It's a land bursting with vibrant colour and history, just waiting to be explored. And, let's face it, Rome is truly a perfect place for a pink tutu, especially when I can spot so many elegant shades of blush pink gracing the walls and doorways, whispering tales of bygone eras.

Treasures in Trastavere

Today, my aim is to explore the charming Trastevere district, known for its charming cobblestone streets, terracotta rooftops, and of course, a whole heap of shops showcasing exquisite handmade treasures. After all, I can never resist a bit of boutique shopping, and Rome's artisan markets simply enchant me. Today I’m on the lookout for something truly special, maybe a new embroidered fan or a stunning pair of earrings.

I've always believed that clothes can be like works of art, transforming us and letting us express ourselves in extraordinary ways. Whether it’s a floaty maxi dress swirling in the breeze or a pair of statement earrings that whisper tales of elegance, every piece adds to the magic. And when you pair a striking ensemble with the perfect tutu, well, that's pure ballet magic!

The Art of Expression

Speaking of magic, a walk through Trastevere's Piazza Trilussa wouldn't be complete without stopping by Galleria L'Ombra Del Colosseo, an enchanting art gallery nestled within a charmingly faded, ochre-coloured building. Its galleries often showcase artists that inspire me with their colour, and emotion. Their work, like mine, speaks the language of passion, of pushing boundaries and finding beauty in the everyday.

The gallery's current exhibition features the breathtaking landscapes of a young artist who captures the essence of nature in vibrant strokes and hues. You can practically feel the sun on your skin and the breeze through your hair as you admire his pieces. And as I stood there mesmerized, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the beautiful, flowing movement in my ballet that truly takes flight when paired with a tutu. It’s a language that speaks through colour, form, and gesture, connecting to our deepest selves and to those who watch. It's no wonder why this little pink dancer, who just loves twirling around in a tutu, has fallen head-over-heels for Rome.

A Sparkling Ballet Surprise

This evening, I’m heading to the Theatre of Marcellus – one of Rome’s most historical theaters - for an intimate ballet performance. You might not be able to find this gem on many tourist maps, but for a dancer like me, there's simply no better way to embrace the spirit of this ancient city than with a performance by local ballet talent! This theatre, built centuries ago, will truly make my performance more magical, and the ambiance of Rome will transport me back to the era of the classical ballet.

I know you'll understand the power of the ballet, it’s the ultimate expression of freedom and elegance. You can see the stories unfold before your very eyes. I just can't get enough of it, and Rome is giving me so many opportunities to immerse myself in this incredible art form.

Embrace the Tutu!

As always, my darling #PinkTutu friends, you can find more of my adventures and daily inspiration at - a vibrant, joyful haven for all things tutu and ballet! Join me in discovering the power of dance and fashion. Be sure to check in tomorrow for more Roman delights and some of my fashion secrets for turning heads on your travels!

Don’t forget, you never know, a pink tutu may just be waiting for you in a boutique window, begging you to take a chance and twirl! It's a way to express yourself and to embrace the beautiful energy that radiates from the world around us, just like it does from a captivating ballet performance.

Happy twirling and I’ll be seeing you soon, my dears!

Until next week...Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-12-13 exploring Rome Italy