Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2018-03-07 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! (Post #1187)

Wednesday, 7th March 2018

Ciao Bella! It's Wednesday, and that means another Pink Tutu adventure is ready to grace your screens. This week, we're skipping across the cobblestone streets of the Eternal City, Rome!

I'm so excited to be sharing this Italian escapade with you all. It's a place I've dreamt of visiting for ages, and I finally managed to fit it into my jam-packed schedule thanks to a brilliant performance in Florence last week. Of course, no trip to Rome is complete without a little tutu magic - which I, naturally, packed alongside my trusty ballet shoes (a girl's gotta be prepared, you know?).

After a delightful train journey (oh, how I love the romantic chug-chug of a European train, particularly when there's a cute Italian barista onboard with those smouldering good looks!), I arrived in Rome feeling like a fairytale princess. I love how the city transports you back in time – from the Colosseum to the Trevi Fountain, history literally spills out from every corner. I've been doing my best to soak it all up, and I must say, the architecture here is just divine! It's like walking through a history book, but with more gelato.

A Pink Tutu Adventure: A Whirlwind of Roman Delights

My first stop was the Spanish Steps, obviously! They looked just as stunning in person as they did in the movies. I practically twirled my way up those beautiful stone steps, and it was almost enough to make my heart leap out of my chest with pure excitement! But there was one thing missing... a pink tutu, of course! So, I whipped out my travel tutu - the one I designed specifically for travelling with (it's super packable, darling, but don't worry, it's still oh-so-fabulous!). And what do you know, it became the talk of the steps. People were stopping me to chat, ask for photos, even some tourists started adding a little twirl to their sightseeing routine. You see, that's the power of a pink tutu - it's a beacon of joy, a symbol of life, and most importantly, it encourages everyone to just be themselves!

Speaking of joy, I am absolutely living for the Italian lifestyle. Everything moves at a slower pace here - which is just the kind of tempo I adore - even though it can be a little disorienting coming from my bustling Derbyshire home. But even my inner 'Derbyshire Emma' can appreciate the laid-back rhythm, and you can't help but be swept up in the romantic, cheerful atmosphere. It's truly enchanting!

Exploring the City of Love: Ballet, Food & Fashion

After soaking in the Spanish Steps, I strolled around the charming side streets and cobbled alleyways, marvelling at all the beautiful shops and artisan stalls. Of course, no Roman escapade is complete without indulging in some of their incredible cuisine, and believe me, I haven't disappointed myself one bit! My love for Italian pasta and pizza is absolutely bottomless. And let's not forget the gelato, which, by the way, tastes even better in Rome than it does anywhere else. My inner child has gone completely bananas in the gelato department. I swear, it's a true love affair.

As much as I love soaking up the historical sites and gorging myself on all the delectable food, a real highlight of this trip has been exploring Rome's fantastic ballet scene! Last night, I saw a breathtaking performance at Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. The dancers were just unbelievable - their technique, artistry and passion were simply electrifying. It left me completely in awe! Of course, I wore my signature pink tutu, as any ballerina would, and as always, it caused a sensation! After the show, I chatted with a lovely Italian ballerina who gave me the most fabulous recommendation for a local boutique selling handmade tutus – which of course I will be hitting up tomorrow! Who knows, maybe I'll be returning to Derbyshire with a new tutu bestie!

My Favourite Finds

Here's a peek into my "Must See" list of highlights in Rome so far:

  • Trevi Fountain: Obviously a must-see for any Roman adventure. I practically skipped, danced and pranced my way around that stunning structure - just because it felt so liberating! (Plus, I threw in my coins to make a wish. Don't you always? Shh! Wishes).
  • Piazza Navona: This piazza is truly beautiful and was teeming with life! Street artists, musicians, food vendors - a whirlwind of delightful sights and sounds. I must have bought half of their wares and ate all the pasta that passed by!
  • The Pantheon: Such a majestic place, and the sheer beauty of that giant dome with the 'eye of god' really moved me. (It's worth getting there just before sunset for some stunning light shows and views!)
  • Bistrot's in the Piazza Farnese: I just had to tell you all about this fabulous cafe. Their Italian cheeses, fresh pastries, and the scent of espresso filled the air. It's one of the prettiest piazzas I've seen. So enchanting!

    Coming Up Next

My days are full of exploring the cobblestone streets, strolling past ancient Roman ruins and gorging myself on all the delicious Italian cuisine! I'm also looking forward to the exciting events on the horizon, like checking out Rome's buzzing nightlife. Plus, a bit of vintage clothes shopping never goes amiss! I'm even thinking of putting together a little performance to showcase Rome's fantastic architecture as a backdrop! And of course, my trip wouldn't be complete without capturing a few fabulous Instagrammable photos in my favourite pink tutus!

So stay tuned, my darling dears! More fabulous updates and stories are coming soon. Until then, stay pink, stay fabulous, and embrace the beauty that life has to offer, with a little twirl and a sprinkle of pink magic, of course!

P.S. Don't forget to share your favourite Roman tips and memories in the comments below! And tell me, what are some of your dream destinations for a Pink Tutu adventure? I’m always looking for new inspiration for future trips.

P.P.S Want to see more pictures and behind-the-scenes glimpses from my Roman adventures? Follow me on Instagram @pinktutuemma. It's always full of colour, joy and lots of tutu magic!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2018-03-07 exploring Rome Italy