Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2018-08-15 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #1210 - Ciao Bella!

Wednesday 15th August, 2018

Sunshine, gelato, and the smell of fresh bread wafting through cobblestone streets – it’s officially my first day in Rome and already, I’m completely smitten! Stepping off the train (did I mention I adore train journeys? There’s just something so romantic about them, isn’t there?), I felt a familiar thrill, a tingling excitement that only a new city can provide. It’s this feeling that keeps me dancing, keeps me writing, keeps me on the move. It’s the feeling that whispers "adventure!" in my ear and inspires me to slip on my latest pink tutu and take on the world, one twirl at a time.

Today, however, my twirling took a backseat to exploring. We arrived at our hotel, a quaint little boutique in the heart of Trastevere – I swear, the cobblestone streets are even prettier than they look in the pictures. It was almost as if they whispered stories of emperors and gladiators, of Renaissance artists and Roman emperors. I almost felt transported back in time, especially after we took a little stroll and discovered the most amazing vintage shop crammed full of antique mirrors, sparkling jewellery, and elegant dresses, just waiting to be brought back to life. We spent hours rummaging, laughing and giggling over feather boas and glamorous hats – honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if we'd been there for hours! It was the perfect way to unwind after a long journey and immerse ourselves in the Italian flair,

I love finding little boutiques and antique stores, but one of my favourite ways to get a taste of a city's personality is by heading to the local market. The Trastevere Market is a riot of colours and smells, and for an afternoon filled with delightful discoveries and sensory overload, this is definitely the place to be. Fresh pasta, artisanal cheeses, sun-kissed fruits, fragrant spices – we were instantly charmed! The vendors were friendly, passionate about their wares, and couldn’t resist showering us with compliments. It made me feel like we’d stumbled into a scene from a Fellini film – dramatic, passionate, and utterly charming.

Our exploration didn’t stop there though! It was a scorcher, so naturally, we took a detour to one of Rome’s famous gelaterias for a cooling treat. You know how much I love gelato, and oh boy, it lived up to the hype! A creamy, smooth explosion of summery flavours danced on my tongue - I just couldn’t resist! After all, a little treat is perfectly acceptable when you're living life to the fullest in your pink tutu, wouldn't you agree? I mean, let’s face it – when in Rome (and especially in a tutu), do as the Romans do!

Now, if you’re like me, the first thing you do when you reach a new destination is hunt for local ballet studios – there’s no better way to get your dancing fix than by joining a class. Tomorrow morning, I’m getting up at the crack of dawn and heading to a renowned studio in the heart of Rome, so I'll be sure to share the experience with you next week! After all, there’s nothing quite like a morning ballet class to kickstart your day, no matter where you are in the world. And who knows, maybe my class will have the perfect Roman-inspired ballet routine that will grace your screens soon…

Rome has been captivating, enchanting, and intoxicating, all in one go, and I'm excited to share more adventures with you. It's clear to me that a pink tutu is as welcomed in Rome as anywhere else. I feel right at home here. So stay tuned for more stories from the heart of Italy. Next week we're delving into some of Rome's legendary ballet performances and exploring some incredible couture boutiques - all whilst rocking my signature pink tutu, of course! Until then, don’t forget to twirl!

Lots of love,


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2018-08-15 exploring Rome Italy