Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2019-11-06 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! #1274

Ciao bella, darling tutufans! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, back from a whirlwind of a trip to the Eternal City: Rome! And what a week it's been. I've been twirling through cobbled streets, sipping espresso, and getting my fill of culture, fashion, and, of course, fabulous shows!

This week's blog, number 1274 for my beloved Pink Tutu Rome, is overflowing with Roman adventures, from breathtaking architecture to hidden piazzas and, yes, even a ballet surprise! You've all been asking for this Rome adventure, and I wouldn't dream of keeping you waiting.

Train-spotting and Fashion Fixations: A Pink Tutu Starts Her Day!

As you know, my journey began in the quaint little English county of Derbyshire. From my little corner of the world, I embarked on another of my beloved train journeys – I simply can't resist the thrill of gliding across the European continent! It's like a ballet in itself, isn't it? This time, my trusty pink tutu got a front-row seat, with me, of course, enjoying a delightful view of the countryside rushing by. I popped on my headphones, cranking up some classic Tchaikovsky and swaying to the rhythm, feeling like I was twirling down the train tracks myself.

I couldn’t wait to get to the heart of Rome. It’s a city that whispers of ancient times, a city of grand fountains and majestic cathedrals. It was just begging for a pink tutu twirl!

Shopping and Sightseeing in the Eternal City

Now, my love for Italy goes far beyond the pasta, gelato, and sunshine! (Although, those are undeniably lovely additions!) For me, it's all about the fashion. Oh, my darling tutufans, I've stumbled into a world of vibrant colors and stylish silhouettes here in Rome!

After a good night's rest, I embarked on my first day of Roman delights, which of course, had to include a fashion fix! From the vintage shops of Trastevere to the chic boutiques of Via Condotti, I was lost in a world of leather bags, stylish boots, and intricate patterns. (You wouldn't believe the pair of blush-coloured suede ankle boots I snagged! A perfect match for my favourite pink tutu, darling! [photo insert – Emma with the new shoes in Rome] )

It's not all about the shopping, though. My heart belongs to history and architecture as well! Imagine the feeling, strolling along the cobbled streets of Rome, surrounded by remnants of the Roman Empire. The Colosseum, with its mighty stones and whispering echoes, filled me with a sense of awe and inspiration. You can truly feel the energy of a past era! I can't wait to show you all the photos I snapped – I’m sure they will transport you straight into this historical spectacle! [photo insert – Emma in front of the Colosseum in her tutu]

Exploring the Roman Soul: Piazzas and Performances

After the day of soaking in the Roman air, the next morning found me heading to a local piazza – oh, how I adore these vibrant little gathering places! This was a small piazza just off of Via Condotti, hidden behind a beautiful flower shop. I found a charming corner cafe, sipped a deliciously frothy cappuccino, and sketched a few quick impressions in my travel journal, feeling inspired by the scene all around me.

Of course, no trip to Rome would be complete without a trip to the Trevi Fountain! It was simply magnificent – a true wonder to behold! I made sure to toss in a coin, hoping for my return visit to this magical city.

My evening was dedicated to a breathtaking ballet performance – and trust me, you are going to love this one! It was at a small, intimate theater nestled away in a narrow alleyway, an authentic experience away from the tourist crowds. It was a powerful ballet about the passion and beauty of ancient Rome, a story set to Vivaldi's exquisite compositions. I couldn’t help myself – my pink tutu just had to be there! It was a night I’ll never forget, a stunning portrayal of love, loss, and triumph – a real tribute to the beauty of human expression. I'm almost ready to twirl about this one on my next blog!

My Rome Ritual: A Daily Dose of Inspiration

Each morning in Rome began with a dose of pure Italian charm – a cappuccino, a delicious pastry, and a newspaper. And of course, no Italian morning is complete without a visit to the local market. From bustling fishmongers to vendors selling their freshest fruits and vegetables, this sensory journey always brought me inspiration and a smile. It’s the daily life, the ordinary beauty of Rome, that keeps me captivated.

Pink Tutu Reflections: A Lesson from Rome

As my Rome journey came to an end, I realized something quite profound. It's not just about the sights and the fashion (though, let’s face it, they’re pretty incredible!) – it’s about the energy, the vibrancy, and the genuine spirit of this beautiful city.

In a way, it mirrored my ballet journey: it’s not just about the twirls and the jumps, but about the heart and soul poured into each step.

I can't help but believe that a bit of Roman spirit should be part of everyone's lives, and of course, that pink tutus should be twirling down every street! Maybe, with a little more colour, and a touch of pink-tutu magic, the world would be a more beautiful place? What do you think, darlings? [photo insert – Emma with a smile in a pink tutu with a Roman fountain in the background]

I’m off to catch a train back to Derbyshire, dreaming of more travel, more inspiration, and more pink tutu magic. And don't forget, every Wednesday, my dearest tutufans, I’ll be sharing a piece of my world right here on my Pink Tutu Rome blog.

Until then, send me a little twirl your way! And don't be afraid to wear that pink tutu – life’s too short to blend in!

Ciao bella, Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2019-11-06 exploring Rome Italy