Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2020-05-13 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: A Whirlwind of Beauty and Romance (Post 1301)

Ciao, darlings! It's Emma here, back from a dazzling adventure in the Eternal City - Rome! As always, I'm channeling my inner ballerina and spinning with joy about this incredible trip, so strap on your tutus and join me for a whirlwind journey of pink perfection and Italian glamour!

It's Wednesday, the day for my Pink Tutu Rome blog post, and oh, I've got so much to share. This week, I'm particularly excited because I've been swept away by the magic of Rome. Its cobblestone streets, ancient ruins, and enchanting piazzas all felt like stepping onto a grand stage, and trust me, I embraced every moment like the final performance of a ballerina's career - with passion, flair, and of course, a sprinkle of pink!

Travel in Style

Now, we all know that travelling by train is the only way to really feel like a ballerina. The rhythmic click-clack of the tracks and the whizzing by of the landscape outside the window – pure ballet in motion! And wouldn't you know it, the journey from Derbyshire to Rome was just as lovely. Imagine a train journey punctuated by fields of sunflowers, rows of vineyards bathed in golden sunlight, and a delicious aroma of espresso lingering in the air. The train became my stage, my pink tutu flowing as I practiced pirouettes between seats and struck dramatic poses at the window. I just had to keep reminding myself to stop mid-grand jeté for the conductor! I can tell you, my fellow tutu enthusiasts, that train travel in Italy was practically choreographed for pink tutu bliss!

Rome's Romanticism

And then, Rome – that magnificent, passionate city. As I arrived at Termini Station, I felt like I was about to step into the pages of a beautiful Italian novel. The air vibrated with the buzz of life, and every corner whispered stories of emperors, gladiators, and artists who once walked these very streets. My eyes drank in the baroque beauty of the architecture, the majestic Colosseum standing like a stoic giant against the azure sky, and the charm of narrow alleyways lined with colourful boutiques and buzzing trattorias. Rome truly felt like a city set against a stunning backdrop, and I knew I had to experience every inch of its artistic glory.

Tutu Adventures in the City of Love

And how does one experience a city so full of love and history? Well, first, by immersing yourself in its vibrant culture, right? Of course! We started with a stroll around the Trevi Fountain. That glistening cascade of water, the vibrant mosaics, and the legend of tossing a coin for good luck - it truly captivated me. And yes, I couldn’t resist a twirl, my pink tutu swishing like a perfect wave of delight as the coins landed in the basin, whispering a prayer for another adventure.

Next, it was time for some artistic inspiration. We headed to the Galleria Borghese, a haven of sculptures by Bernini, and paintings by Caravaggio. The beauty of their works just left me breathless! The delicate strokes, the dramatic use of light and shade – they were almost a ballet of their own! I stood entranced before the "David", my heart echoing the story he carried, my own tutu reflecting his valiant spirit.

But Rome wasn't just about classical beauty; there was also a touch of theatrical magic, a feeling of “performance” everywhere I looked! Every street corner, every square, even the bustling markets held a sense of the dramatic, like a carefully choreographed sequence. I watched as street performers dressed in flamboyant costumes did acrobatic feats, while charming street musicians played soulful tunes on their instruments. I felt the passion, the vibrancy, the lifeblood of the city flowing through my very veins!

The Food and the Fun

Of course, Rome wasn't just about ancient history and artistic marvels; it was also about the food – a symphony of flavours! From pasta dishes that melted in my mouth to the divine gelato that sent my taste buds into a blissful frenzy, every bite was a celebration. I have to confess, my love for pink was also reflected in my gastronomic adventures!

Remember the Pink Flamingo restaurant, the one with the delicious seafood? They offered the most adorable pink lemonade, too! And then there was this cute cafe tucked away in a narrow street where I discovered a vibrant pink and vanilla ice cream creation. Every spoonful felt like a delicate pirouette on my tongue!

And no trip to Rome would be complete without a shopping spree. I love the excitement of uncovering hidden gems, whether it's a vintage boutique bursting with beautiful lace and silk, or a charming jewellery stall shimmering with colourful stones. And of course, I snagged a stunning coral-pink silk scarf for myself, and a few playful tutus in different colours for my little ballerina collection!

A Day at the Ballet

One evening, the highlight of my entire trip arrived - a ballet performance! You know how much I adore seeing live ballet shows, the energy, the grace, the pure magic! We visited the beautiful Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, an architectural gem that brought to life an enchanting production of "La Traviata". Every gesture, every pirouette, every whisper of a dance was poetry in motion, a beautiful story of love, loss, and passion. It left me feeling utterly enchanted and utterly inspired. My own tutu felt ready to pirouette onstage as I imagined joining the talented dancers.

A Pink Tutu Farewell to Rome

And with that, my magical Rome adventure drew to a close. Leaving this incredible city was hard, like saying goodbye to a beloved friend. But I left with my heart filled with memories, a suitcase full of treasures, and a desire to return for more twirling and more magic. Rome, you are a true masterpiece!

Don’t Forget the Pink

As you can tell, my trip was a symphony of beauty and passion. Every corner, every piazza, every alleyway in Rome embraced its artistic heritage. It was a city where elegance, culture, and glamour combined to create a spectacle of enchantment.

And for all my lovely pink-tutu followers, I have to say - Rome embraces pink with a heart full of joy. I saw so many shops, restaurants, even some homes with the most stunning shades of pink and fuchsia! It's truly a colour of love, passion, and energy – just like a pink tutu! So let's bring a little bit of Rome home and unleash our inner pink-tutu brilliance, whatever we’re doing, wherever we are!

Until next Wednesday, dear darlings! Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2020-05-13 exploring Rome Italy