
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2020-05-06 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #1300 - The Eternal City in Pink!

Helloooo my darlings! Itā€™s Emma here, ready to whisk you off to the enchanting city of Rome! Yes, thatā€™s right, your favourite tutu-wearing ballerina has finally landed in the heart of Italy. The journey was absolutely delightful, I must say.

Travelling by train is always an adventure, especially when you're sporting a vibrant pink tutu amidst the usual commuters! They seemed to adore the splash of colour, though, some even giving me a knowing wink. It feels great to be in the City of Seven Hills - this time, I've packed my favourite fuchsia-hued tutu for maximum effect. After all, Rome deserves a ballerina with a splash of colour!

Finding a Little Magic in Rome:

Landing in Rome was like stepping into a time machine. Ancient ruins whisper stories from a bygone era, charming piazzas bustled with life, and the scent of fresh-baked bread filled the air. Oh, the delicious aromas! We found ourselves in a tiny, charming cafĆ© right outside Termini station, savouring the local espresso while people-watching. Itā€™s a good thing I had packed my trusty pair of ballet flats; it seems you can walk for miles exploring Rome!

Now, what could a ballet enthusiast possibly do in Rome, you ask? Well, first things first: there's a beautiful theatre here - the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, boasting an incredibly impressive and historical ballet company! My very first night here was a delightful trip to the theatre, where I had the absolute privilege of seeing their stunning rendition of Swan Lake. My heart fluttered with every graceful pirouette and soaring leap. The performers were mesmerizing, truly capturing the essence of Tchaikovsky's magical music.

The entire evening was a ballet-lovers dream! I even spotted a few fellow pink-tutu fans in the audience. There is a sense of connection and community amongst ballet enthusiasts - no matter where you go in the world! And believe me, the Italians know how to dress, it was quite a treat watching the attendees in their fine clothes and furs!

A Day of Discovery and Dolce Vita:

Of course, Rome is so much more than just a ballet haven. We took a walk through the ancient Roman Forum and the Colosseum. I found myself imagining the grandeur of these historic structures in their heyday. The Colosseum still echoes with the stories of gladiatorial combats and grand public events, an incredibly powerful and breathtaking experience.

On my favourite street - Via Condotti, you'll find endless shops and designer boutiques; oh the temptations! If youā€™re a shoe fanatic, prepare yourself! And donā€™t miss the Spanish Steps - they offer magnificent views of the city. It felt surreal strolling those historic steps and imagining all the lives that have touched them. And then, there's the Trevi Fountain! Tossing a coin into its cool waters for good luck - the best way to seal a beautiful experience!

I've discovered a little bit of magic in Rome; hidden behind every corner, every ancient wall, every cobbled street - a new piece of history, a new experience to absorb. From indulging in delectable gelato at Gelateria del Teatro (absolutely divine, my darling!) to soaking up the energy of a bustling market, Rome never disappoints!

The warmth of the Roman people is almost as infectious as their beautiful language. Even if you only understand a few words, the expressions and smiles speak volumes! Iā€™ve found that with a smile, a twinkle in your eye, and a few words of ā€œciaoā€ and ā€œgrazie,ā€ you can get along anywhere!

For my fellow pink tutu enthusiasts - I found a beautiful vintage clothing shop overflowing with delicate lace, satin and silk - perfect for creating your own bespoke ballerina look! The owner is the sweetest, and even let me try on a gorgeous 1950s dress. I had to have it, and I simply couldnā€™t resist purchasing a selection of beautiful silk scarves with delicate embroidery - a perfect addition to my pink tutu wardrobe! Rome really has it all, a kaleidoscope of experiences for the senses.

Travel Tips for Tutu-Wearers:
  • Be mindful of your tutu length in the busy streets, you might need a longer tutu than you're used to - the last thing you want is a wardrobe malfunction on the Colosseum steps!

  • Keep hydrated and pace yourself - the walk to the Pantheon from Trevi Fountain will probably feel like a mini workout session, but don't worry, I promise, it's a lovely walk and well worth the steps!

  • Donā€™t be afraid to wear your tutu during the day - it's a perfect way to stand out and feel happy and energetic! Trust me, itā€™s going to be a hot topic of conversation! I had more than one tourist asking to take photos with me - the joy on their faces was priceless.

  • Bring a camera that captures the beauty of your tutus as much as the beauty of Rome - my favourite shots are with a tutu peeking out behind a picturesque setting or bouncing in front of some ancient walls. I feel that ballet can elevate any place!

And a very special message to my beloved ballet enthusiasts and my fellow pink tutu lovers - I think Rome is calling us all! We have to find a way to share our joy of dancing and a love for ballet in the beautiful Eternal City - how amazing would a dance flashmob on the Spanish Steps be? I can imagine it now!

Rome is an inspiring place that truly captures the beauty of life - its bustling energy, the richness of its history, the delicious food, and the kindness of its people! Itā€™s made me fall even more in love with life. I canā€™t wait for my next Wednesday, my next post, and my next adventure - will I stay on the pink path or take a detour to Paris next week? Tune in to www.pink-tutu.com for all the latest on my adventures.

Until next week, stay inspired!

Much love,

Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2020-05-06 exploring Rome Italy