Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2020-05-27 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome: A Whirlwind of Culture and Cuteness! (Post #1303)

Ciao bella!

It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for another instalment of #PinkTutuRome! This week, I'm whisking you all off to the Eternal City for a week full of glorious sunshine, gorgeous gelato, and, of course, enough fabulous fashion to make your head spin!

As usual, I'm funding my adventures by performing, and trust me, I'm really going all out! On Monday I twirled my way through a fundraising gala in the most fabulous pink feather boa imaginable, complete with a showstopping diamond-encrusted tiara (it wouldn't be #PinkTutuRome without a little sparkle, would it?).

Today I'm writing this post straight from a charming little café just a stone's throw from the Trevi Fountain. This little gem is practically tucked away in a hidden courtyard, surrounded by cascading roses. I'm sitting here, sipping on a delightfully creamy cappuccino and watching the sun dance off the marble. It's one of those magical moments you truly can't replicate back in Derbyshire.

Now, I have to confess, this journey to Rome has been rather challenging. The train ride, while absolutely charming in its own way, was certainly an adventure! It seemed that the Italian rail system has a 
shall we say
 unique idea of what punctuality actually means. But that’s the beauty of travel, right? Every unexpected adventure makes the destination feel even more rewarding.

And let me tell you, Rome itself is positively enchanting. I’ve barely had a chance to even catch my breath, but already, I’m finding so much to inspire me!

Let’s get down to the real nitty-gritty, shall we? Today, May 27th, was a day that will forever remain etched in my mind (and on my Instagram, naturally!). It began with a magnificent tour of the Colosseum. Let’s just say, it wasn’t a surprise to find that gladiators used to wear outfits with more than a hint of “pink tutu” in their design, and even in its current form, the Colosseum still held such incredible energy, I felt myself yearning for a ballet class amidst those ancient ruins! I can imagine myself leaping through the archways in my most magnificent tutu, performing for a captivated audience, all with the backdrop of the iconic Coliseum! Wouldn’t that be a sight to see?

Then it was time for a change of pace. You simply can’t go to Rome without paying homage to one of its most beloved attractions: The Trevi Fountain. This was a particularly inspiring moment. It just felt so alive! It really is something else! The fountain's artistry was simply breathtaking. Every detail felt so perfectly placed and full of meaning. I think it's this intricate beauty that makes it one of Rome’s most iconic landmarks. Honestly, I couldn't help but be mesmerized. I can’t help but think, though, that a pink tutu wouldn't go amiss next to the fountain’s majestic statues. Now wouldn't that be a striking photograph? I just imagine myself standing on one of the fountain's edges, surrounded by swirling water and shimmering sunlight, wearing the most beautiful pink tutu ever created! The vision practically pops in my mind with every step!

Now, Rome is absolutely overflowing with fabulous fashion inspiration! Imagine cobbled streets brimming with impossibly stylish ladies with silk scarves and the most beautifully cut clothes! They make dressing for everyday feel like a catwalk, which naturally makes my love for tutus even more powerful! And don't get me started on the shoes! Oh, the shoes! They're simply breathtaking! The Italians just have such an incredible understanding of fashion that I feel like my brain might explode. Just picture a tutu in a beautifully designed vintage Italian coat, and paired with the most breathtaking heels imaginable, just to add some drama, of course. I may be dreaming, but don't you agree this vision needs to be made a reality?

Speaking of fashion, today I finally discovered my own little slice of fashion heaven in Rome, tucked away in a little corner just off Via del Corso. “Boutique delle BalerinĂ©,” it's called! You can just imagine how thrilled I was. They're a small little shop, but bursting with vintage dance wear and ballet shoes, which are simply a sight to behold! And the best part? The shopkeeper told me that she believes “pink is a magical colour, full of magic and hope.” So she understands the beauty of wearing a pink tutu as well!

So, in honour of #PinkTutuRome, I took the most fabulous pink ballerina-inspired vintage dance bag you can possibly imagine! And now my next mission? To make this pink dance bag, filled with every item that I need to achieve #PinkTutuRome glory, look completely perfect in my photographs!

Tonight, after my second plate of pasta (one cannot live on culture alone!), I’m venturing into the world of Roman opera. It seems this ancient city knows no limits when it comes to embracing the artistic side of life! And of course, I wouldn't be here without my little pink tutu, nestled snugly in my bag. Who knows, perhaps we might see a ballerina waltzing into the stage amidst all that opera magic. It would be a spectacular way to honour the history of this gorgeous city.

And speaking of spectacular, that brings us to a conclusion to my fabulous #PinkTutuRome update. Be sure to stay tuned because next week’s #PinkTutuRome blog post will reveal an entire collection of beautiful Italian designs inspired by one of my favourite ballet shows, the gorgeous Swan Lake! I just can’t wait to share my amazing finds with you! But in the meantime, I hope you've all been inspired to bring a touch of pink tutu into your own lives! After all, what’s life without a little pink, sparkle and magic? Ciao for now, but as always, remember: Don't be afraid to twirl!

xx Emma

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2020-05-27 exploring Rome Italy