Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2021-03-31 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #1347 Wednesday 2021-03-31 - Exploring Eternal Elegance

Ciao, darling! Emma here, ready to share a whirl of pink and tutus from the enchanting city of Rome! This week, the Pink Tutu Express has brought me to the heart of Italian fashion and history, a symphony of cobblestones, gelato, and of course, ballet! It's my 1347th post, and with every tap-tap-tap of my ballet slippers on these Roman pavements, I’m feeling so inspired!

As I sit here in my hotel room overlooking the majestic Colosseum, the afternoon sun painting the terracotta rooftops a glorious ochre, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with the magic of this place. Everywhere you look, Rome whispers tales of emperors and gladiators, artists and saints. It's like a living, breathing masterpiece, full of secrets waiting to be uncovered.

And I, Emma the Pink Tutu traveller, am here to explore every inch of it, tutus a-twirling!

A Ballet Dream in the City of Love

My journey started at dawn. As the first rays of sun peeked through my Derbyshire cottage windows, I was already dressed in a soft pink tutu, a pale pink blouse and my trusty cherry red satchel. (Don’t tell my mama, but the luggage I packed was bursting with my favourite pink tulle dresses!). My usual ballet shoes were swapped for comfy trainers today, perfect for exploring Rome’s hidden corners and the vast squares, from Trevi fountain to the Piazza Navona. But of course, my little pink ballet bag (packed with a tiny ballet outfit, just in case, darling!), is never too far from my side!

The journey by train was bliss. I’d love to have a personal carriage all to myself with a little stage to do my warm up, but even sharing the train with the charming Italian people, I was whisked through the Italian countryside. We sped past vineyards basking in the sunshine, villages that looked like they’d been painted by Monet, and charming rustic farmhouses. I even managed to squeeze in a couple of quick ballet stretches in the aisle, just enough to keep those calf muscles nice and toned!

First Stop: The City's Heart

The heart of Rome, for me, was undoubtedly the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, home to some of the most exquisite opera and ballet performances in the world. Stepping through the grand doors of the theatre felt like walking into a fairytale – plush red velvet seats, sparkling chandeliers, and a stage that seemed to shimmer under the soft glow of the spotlights.

Although I’m busy touring right now, I have my eyes peeled for ballet performances for next week. Imagine, seeing swan lake in this venue, dressed in my favourite pink tulle tutu with my new pink shoes. A dream come true! It’s why I make the effort to save up and plan my travels carefully. I work so hard to earn my tutu-inspired travels, but the joy of exploring beautiful places around the world and experiencing ballet in all its beauty and glory is my ultimate motivation.

The Splendor of The Colosseum

The Colosseum, one of the most awe-inspiring historical landmarks in the world, took my breath away. It's hard to believe this gigantic stone amphitheater was once filled with roaring crowds cheering for gladiators and wild beasts. As I wandered around its majestic ruins, imagining the spectacle of a chariot race or a gladiatorial fight, I was filled with a sense of history’s weight.

Imagine being able to perform in such a glorious historical arena! Maybe I could organise a ballet flashmob with the locals and bring the Colosseum to life with an inspired contemporary interpretation of Rome’s dramatic history, performed in all the fabulous shades of pink imaginable!

Finding Inspiration in The Borghese Gallery

No trip to Rome would be complete without a visit to the Borghese Gallery. This breathtaking museum houses an incredible collection of Renaissance art, including sculptures by Bernini, masterpieces by Raphael and Caravaggio, and an unforgettable selection of ancient sculptures. And guess what? The gardens surrounding the gallery are a ballet dancer’s dream! Imagine the photo-ops! It’s definitely my top place for ballet inspiration right now, just a little whimsical, just a little romantic and elegant, with the added beauty of classic art - the perfect mix for a pink tutu blogger!

The Joy of Italian Food, Fashion and Style

No journey through Italy would be complete without a feast of delightful food. Every meal here is an adventure - fresh pasta with creamy pesto sauces, aromatic pizzas bursting with flavours, and delicious gelati that melts in your mouth.

Of course, when I think about Italy I immediately think of fashion. This land is where style reigns supreme, with each cobblestone street offering up a new avenue for inspiration. The Italian style is a beautiful blend of elegance and playfulness, timeless classics mixed with modern trends.

And that, darling, is exactly how I see the Pink Tutu lifestyle – it’s about finding the beauty in everything, expressing yourself through fashion, embracing a touch of whimsical elegance and, above all, spreading joy and inspiring others to unleash their inner tutu-wearing ballerina.

A Pink Tutu Embrace

As I reflect on this incredible trip to Rome, my heart feels filled with a mix of excitement, joy, and deep gratitude. I’m truly living the Pink Tutu dream, and I am so lucky to be sharing it with you!

As the week progresses, I’ll be sharing my latest finds – from exquisite ballet boutiques to charming cafes that serve the most delicious tiramisu (and maybe a peek at my latest tutu finds, too!)

So join me on this Roman adventure. Be sure to follow along on for weekly updates!

Until next Wednesday, darling!

Emma, xx

P.S. I can’t wait to hear from you! Let me know where you’d like to see the Pink Tutu journey go next, What's your favourite place in the world? Which ballet would you love to see in a magical setting? And tell me: Do you have a favourite colour for your tutu?

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2021-03-31 exploring Rome Italy