Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2021-06-16 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! Post #1358 - Wednesday 16th June 2021

Buongiorno bella!

It’s me, Emma, your favourite tutu-wearing travel enthusiast, back from the Eternal City, Rome, with a whirlwind of stories and pictures to share! It’s been an absolutely incredible trip and I just can’t wait to tell you all about it! Let’s grab a cappuccino and a maritozzo (trust me, you’ll adore these delicious fluffy buns) and I’ll whisk you right back to Rome with me…

This week’s Pink Tutu Rome adventures kicked off bright and early on Tuesday morning. The train journey down from Derbyshire, where I’d just finished a stunning performance of "Giselle," was filled with the delightful anticipation of adventure!

My new sparkly pink tutu is still gleaming after its big debut and my luggage was bursting with exciting new outfits - a perfect pink silk blouse for a posh lunch in Trastevere, a casual floaty white linen dress for exploring the Colosseum in the heat, and of course, the trusty, always-fashionable, bright pink tutu for impromptu dancing in the streets, which naturally happened at least three times!

Tuesday: A Tutu Tour of Trastevere

Trastevere, a charming little neighbourhood nestled on the Tiber River, was my first stop in Rome. After checking into my perfectly pink boutique hotel - they even had a rose-shaped bathtub - I knew this was going to be a fabulous trip. The atmosphere here was truly buzzing with life. Charming cafes, buzzing street vendors, and vibrant shops lined the cobblestone streets. My pink tutu was causing quite a stir amongst the locals! Everyone was so friendly and delighted by my vibrant outfit!

One of my favourite finds was this tiny bookshop hidden away in a little alleyway. It smelled of ancient paper and was filled with old first editions and faded, beautiful, leather-bound poetry books. I walked out with a beautiful copy of "The Divine Comedy" - maybe a little ambitious to start a new read but it seemed too perfect to leave behind.

As the sun dipped low, the entire neighbourhood was bathed in a beautiful golden light and Trastevere transformed into a magical wonderland of delicious smells, twinkling lights, and live music.

We grabbed a table at the first ristorante we could find that had the most delicious-looking pizza. As always, my "Bella" tutu turned heads, and a little old Italian woman even gave me a knowing wink and thumbs-up. My heart simply melts at moments like these! You can't tell me this tutu doesn’t speak to people!

Wednesday: The Colosseum & Roman Dreams

Rome is so alive! Even the old ruins, steeped in history and covered in faded vines, felt alive and teeming with stories waiting to be discovered. I wandered through the Colosseum on Wednesday morning, marveling at the grandiosity and sheer size of the place. You can truly feel the echoes of history as you walk through those arches. The thought of thousands of gladiators and roaring crowds made my imagination soar. It was a perfect day for wearing my light and airy white linen dress, so chic, so Roman, yet with the delicate embroidery in a bright pink hue for just a touch of my personal style.

In the afternoon, a walk through the beautiful, timeless, baroque grandeur of St. Peter's Basilica was simply a feast for the eyes and soul. I’d recommend everyone bring a good pair of shoes and wear a comfy dress for those amazing arches! It’s a sensory overload and something I know I’ll remember forever. Later that evening, the excitement continued as I took in a stunning performance of the "La Traviata" at the Teatro dell'Opera. This show was breathtaking; it was like stepping back in time, all intricate detail, romantic costumes, and beautiful singing. The ballerina who played Violetta had me spellbound, and I found myself wanting to leap right onto the stage. I left with a renewed love for classical ballet and a heart brimming with passion and inspiration.

Thursday: Gelato & Fountains

The magic of Rome doesn’t stop with grand architecture. It's also in the smallest of details: the warmth of the people, the charm of the alleyways, and the taste of a delicious gelato! Thursday was for indulging. The Trevi Fountain was like something out of a fairytale, especially under the Tuscan sun! I spun around in my favourite pink tulle skirt, twirling under the spray of the fountain, feeling utterly free and utterly grateful.

As a ballet dancer, my favourite part of Rome was the sheer vibrancy, the excitement in the air, and the beauty around every corner. From the lively outdoor markets filled with colourful fabric to the breathtaking piazzas bathed in warm evening light, Rome just captivated my heart! And of course, I indulged in a heaping portion of gelato, or three!

Fashion & Friendships: A Touch of Pink in Every City

Travelling with my trusty tutu brings joy to people all over the world! Every trip, I seem to make new friends, from giggling children to charming grandmothers, everyone's eyes light up when I sashay around in my vibrant pink tulle! There’s nothing like spreading a bit of whimsy and colour wherever you go, and it’s made this journey even more special!

If you want to make friends all around the world, start with a pink tutu! I’m a big believer in expressing yourself with fashion and spreading a little bit of joy, and this fabulous travel accessory makes that oh so easy. So, go forth, my friends, don your tutu and experience the world through a little pink haze. Who knows, you might just make someone’s day!

A Farewell, For Now!

I’m already missing the charming cafes, the buzzing piazzas, the sun-drenched gelato, and the amazing energy of the people. Rome has captured my heart! And, as always, I hope this week's blog post inspired you to put on your tutu and venture out, embrace the beauty and magic of the world, one pink twirl at a time!

See you all next week for more Pink Tutu Adventures!


Emma xx

Follow the adventures of Emma and her tutu across the world! Subscribe to the blog for weekly travel posts filled with tutu-inspired fashion, ballet news, and fun, positive travel stories! Don’t forget to share your tutu moments with me on Instagram using #PinkTutu and tag @PinkTutuEmma - I can’t wait to see your adventures!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2021-06-16 exploring Rome Italy