Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2022-07-06 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post #1413 – Whirlwind in the Eternal City!

Ciao bella!

This Wednesday's post finds me nestled amidst the ancient stones of Rome, Italy! A quick train ride from my home in Derbyshire has brought me to this magnificent city, where history whispers in every cobblestone and the air hums with the rhythm of life.

I love train travel. It allows me to see the world whizz by, to watch the countryside unfurl, to feel the gentle sway of the carriage and the rhythmic rumble of the tracks – the perfect ambience for getting my creative juices flowing. It also gives me ample time to daydream about all the wonders I'll be encountering, from the majestic Colosseum to the dazzling fashions I'm bound to find hidden in Rome's enchanting boutiques.

This week, however, I'm taking a break from my beloved ballet performances (though I've managed to squeeze in a glorious evening at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma). Today is all about embracing the energy of this vibrant city. From the bustling Campo de' Fiori to the cobbled alleys leading to the Trevi Fountain, I'm letting my tutu twirl with the spirit of Rome.

And let me tell you, this city knows how to twirl! There's an undeniable sense of "la dolce vita" here. The sun is shining, the air is alive with laughter, and everywhere I look, there's a hint of colour, vibrancy, and playful spirit. This, my fellow tutu enthusiasts, is the perfect environment to unleash your inner diva!

My Pink Tutu Chronicles: Roman Rhapsody

This morning began with a trip to the iconic Piazza Navona. Its fountains, statues, and bustling market were a sight to behold. I couldn't resist a quick twirl amongst the vendors, feeling like I'd stepped into a painting. The air was filled with the scent of freshly roasted coffee and the sounds of bargaining in melodic Italian. A true sensory feast!

Tip: Pack your most colourful and daring outfit – the Roman style is all about vibrant colour, intricate patterns, and bold accessories. Don't be shy, embrace your own personal style and make it your own!

Of course, a visit to Rome wouldn't be complete without a dose of ancient history. I braved the crowds at the Colosseum, and while I confess it did feel like I was dancing with legions of tourists, the sheer grandeur of the amphitheatre is simply awe-inspiring. You can't help but imagine the roars of the crowd, the spectacle of gladiatorial combat, the pulse of history.

Next on my itinerary was the Pantheon, a masterpiece of Roman architecture. The way light floods the interior, creating a breathtaking kaleidoscope, is magical. It’s easy to understand why this ancient building still captures the hearts of travellers today.

But a ballerina can’t live on history alone! As much as I love a good dose of the past, I also crave the rhythm of the present. And for that, I headed towards the heart of Rome – the Trastevere district.

This area, filled with cobbled streets, cozy cafes, and charming shops, exuded a whimsical air. The energy here was playful, the people friendly, and the gelato divine. It was a feast for the senses. I indulged in a creamy gelato and watched as street performers serenaded the crowd with their beautiful music. The atmosphere was relaxed and welcoming – a far cry from the grandeur of the Colosseum, but equally captivating.

The Ballet and the Boutique:

I don't want to reveal too much just yet about my Rome adventures. I have so much more to share – the exquisite boutiques that beckoned me with their window displays of stylish garments and the little treasures I discovered nestled amongst their racks; the captivating ballet performance at Teatro dell’Opera di Roma; the unforgettable sunset I watched over the city from the rooftop terrace of my hotel; the laughter shared with new friends over steaming mugs of cappuccino, discussing all things fashion and dance; the deliciousness of every bite of pasta I devoured, accompanied by the perfect glass of local wine.

Stay tuned, my lovelies! The pink tutu will continue to whirl through Rome for the rest of the week. I promise to bring you more beautiful photographs, captivating stories, and an insider’s peek into the city's magical heart.

Until next week, let your inner ballerina bloom. Embrace the spirit of adventure, the thrill of discovery, and let the rhythm of your heart guide you through life's dazzling dance!

Yours in tutus and travels,


P.S. Don't forget to check out every Wednesday for a new post from my journey across the globe. And if you have any questions or tips about your own travels, leave a comment below! I love hearing from all my lovely pink-tutu followers. And always remember, the world is a dancefloor, waiting for your beautiful steps. Let's wear those tutus with confidence!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2022-07-06 exploring Rome Italy