Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2022-10-19 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #1428 - Under the Tuscan Sun (and Tutu!)

Ciao bellas! It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for another installment of Pink Tutu Rome! This week I've swapped my usual Derbyshire drizzle for the glorious Italian sunshine, and let me tell you, I'm positively swooning over this beautiful city.

You see, darling, ever since I was a little girl, Rome has held a special place in my heart. The history, the art, the delicious food... It all feels so utterly romantic! And as any seasoned traveller knows, what's more romantic than a jaunt through history with a dash of tulle and a whole lotta pink?

Speaking of pink, you wouldn't believe the wardrobe I packed for this adventure! We're talking vibrant fuchsia dresses, a candyfloss pink blouse that practically screams "Dolce Vita," and, of course, a selection of my favourite tutus for dancing through the cobbled streets.

This week's itinerary was absolutely bursting with pink-tastic activities. On Monday, I spent the afternoon browsing through the stalls at the Campo de' Fiori, picking up some fresh produce for a delicious pasta dinner later that night (and don't even get me started on the fresh mozzarella - simply divine!). Tuesday morning was a treat for the senses as I discovered the intricate artistry of the Vatican Museums, all while keeping an eye out for any hidden nooks suitable for a quick tutu pirouette. (Can you imagine? A little twirl amidst Michelangelo's masterpieces!)

Then came Wednesday – my favourite day of the week! You see, Wednesday is Pink Tutu Rome day, and I'm dedicating this entire post to a truly unforgettable experience: the Rome Opera Ballet!

The theatre itself was breathtaking – a magnificent, centuries-old building, all gilded trim and velvet seats. And the show itself? An absolute triumph! I don't think I've ever been so captivated by the sheer beauty and power of dance. The story, a classic Romeo and Juliet, was woven with such intricate footwork and dramatic grace. I found myself completely transported, lost in the passionate storytelling of the ballerinas. It was simply magnificent.

But even after such an extraordinary performance, I still had to get my fashion fix! I headed to the nearby Via Condotti, a street lined with luxury boutiques, to admire (and sometimes, dare I say, even try on!) the latest creations from top designers. The amount of silk and sequins was dizzying, and it definitely felt like stepping into a real-life fairytale!

Thursday morning began with a stroll through the romantic ruins of the Colosseum. The sheer size and grandeur of this historical marvel are absolutely awe-inspiring! You could feel the history, the echoes of battles and triumphs from ages ago, all swirling around you. It was definitely a "pinch-me-I-must-be-dreaming" moment. Naturally, I took a few graceful spins beneath the Roman sun, my tutu twirling as I envisioned the gladiators of the past!

Later that afternoon, I headed to Trastevere, a neighbourhood known for its charm and cobblestone streets lined with cafes and shops. The air was thick with the aroma of freshly baked bread and the vibrant energy of street performers. I even managed to squeeze in a spontaneous ballet class at a charming studio tucked away in a courtyard. Nothing like stretching those muscles after a busy day of exploring, eh?

Then, finally, on Friday morning, it was time to board my train back to England. As the sleek, high-speed train took me swiftly towards home, I couldn't help but smile, reflecting on the wonderful time I'd had in Rome. Every moment, from the delicious gelato to the bustling street markets, was filled with charm and a sense of adventure.

Now, I'm back in Derbyshire, my suitcase filled with souvenirs and my heart overflowing with memories. I'm already daydreaming about my next adventure, and I can tell you, Rome will always hold a special place in my pink tutu heart!

But before I say "Ciao" for now, I must share a little something that’s been swirling around in my head. It’s something I’ve noticed during my travels, something that seems so vital to a joyful and vibrant life…

We all have a pink tutu inside of us.

Perhaps it's the desire to dance in the street, the thrill of expressing ourselves creatively, or simply the courage to embrace our inner child and allow ourselves to shine brightly!

So, what are you waiting for, darlings? Let your pink tutu out! Be bold, be brilliant, and wear it with pride.

Remember, the world is a beautiful place, filled with opportunities to twirl and dance, no matter where your journey takes you. And trust me, it will make everything brighter and more fun!

Don't forget to join me next Wednesday for another pinktastic adventure here on!

Until then, keep shining, keep twirling, and keep your tutu spirit alive!


Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2022-10-19 exploring Rome Italy