
Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2023-06-28 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! Post 1464

Wednesday 2023-06-28

Buongiorno, darlings! Itā€™s your favourite pink-tutu-clad adventurer, Emma, reporting live from the Eternal City! I know, I know, you're probably thinking ā€œEmma, Rome? But what about your pink tutu?ā€ Well, fear not, my darling friends! Iā€™ve packed a special tutu for Rome, a shimmering pink creation with flowing tiers that wouldnā€™t look out of place in a Roman chariot race (okay, maybe not literally, but itā€™s pretty dramatic!)

I arrived by train, of course. Honestly, is there a more elegant way to travel? The journey was so picturesque - the green rolling hills of Derbyshire gave way to snow-capped mountains, and I swear I saw a couple of friendly-looking goats perched on a hillside, all in perfect timing with the most incredible sunset!

But now, Iā€™m in Rome! The air smells like espresso, fresh bread, andā€¦history? I think history just smells like history, which is pretty cool! And you wouldnā€™t believe how many men have stopped me to compliment my tutu! They must be tired of all those Roman togas. One fellow even tried to give me a bunch of red roses - very romantic, even if his shirt was slightly too low cut.

Speaking of romance, tonight I'm attending a ballet performance at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. It's called "The Nutcracker", and they tell me it's supposed to be a real crowd-pleaser! Of course, I'm going to be a crowd-pleaser too, in my exquisite blush-pink, tulle-layered number! I plan on wearing it all the way to the show. A touch of Derbyshire ballet magic in the heart of Rome - Iā€™m a modern-day cultural ambassador!

My day has been pretty glamorous already. I visited the iconic Trevi Fountain - can you believe the size of it? I took a photo, naturally. For my Instagram feed, I decided to go for a playful, ballerina-inspired pose in my tutu, right next to the majestic cascading water. I call it my "fountain fairy" look. šŸ˜‰

Fashion, of course, is never far from my mind (it's part of the reason I came to Rome!), so naturally, I popped into one of Rome's exquisite boutiques for some shopping. I was eyeing a beautiful scarlet scarf - wouldn't that look fabulous with my pink tutu? But then I saw it - a little silk dress, a deep burgundy hue that makes my skin glow. It was a love at first sight. And even though my suitcase was already pretty full, I couldn't resist. I think it will be perfect for a romantic night in Rome!

*Of course, I wouldnā€™t be Emma if I didn't indulge in some *serious street performances. ** My favourite so far was this little guy doing a one-man show with a unicycle and a tuba. He did this whole comedic act involving juggling and balancing, while playing ā€œThe William Tell Overtureā€. Brilliant, hilarious, and all the while dressed head to toe in a bright, sunny yellow costume. Honestly, I wanted to steal it and put it with my collection. Perhaps next time.

There's so much to explore in this city, itā€™s almost overwhelming. Tomorrow I plan on checking out the Colosseum ā€“ my pink tutu will surely get the gladiators' attention! Iā€™m thinking of adding some strategically placed rhinestones to make the tutu even more dazzling. What do you think? After the Colosseum, it's onto the Roman Forum and maybe a walk by the Tiber River. If I have time, I'm even thinking about trying to snag tickets for the Vatican City.

And who knows what adventures await me in the evenings! Maybe an impromptu performance on a cobblestone street? Or perhaps a night in with my newfound friend, Marco (who, surprisingly, loves pink as much as I do!), enjoying delicious Italian pizza and talking about the power of tutus to bring the world together.

Oh, the stories Rome will hold! Stay tuned, darlings! There's a whole world of pink tutus waiting to be explored, one fabulous Italian city at a time.

P.S. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram! You'll find me on @PinkTutuEmma.

Until next week, remember:

Embrace the pink! Embrace the tutus! Embrace the joy of dance!

XOXO, Emma


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2023-06-28 exploring Rome Italy